The Printing System


As a computer algebra framework, QNET puts great emphasis on the appropriate display of expressions, both in the context of a Jupyter notebook (QNETs main “graphical interface”) and in the terminal. It also provides the possibility for you to completely customize the display.

The printing system is modeled closely after the printing system of SymPy (and directly builds on it). Unlike SymPy, however, the display of an expression will always directly reflect the algebraic structure (summands will not be reordered, for example).

In the context of a Jupyter notebook, expressions will be shown via LaTeX. In an interactive (I)Python terminal, a unicode rendering will be used if the terminal has unicode support, with a fallback to ascii. We can force this manually by:

>>> init_printing(repr_format='unicode')

>>> Create(hs='q_1') * CoherentStateKet(symbols('eta')**2/2, hs='q_1')
â^(q₁)† |α=η²/2⟩^(q₁)

These textual renderings can be obtained manually through the ascii() and unicode() functions.

Unlike SymPy, the unicode rendering will not span multiple lines. Also, QNET will not rationalize the denominators of scalar fractions by default, to match the standard notation in quantum mechanics:

>>> (BasisKet(0, hs=1) + BasisKet(1, hs=1)) / sqrt(2)
1/√2 (|0⟩⁽¹⁾ + |1⟩⁽¹⁾)

Compare this to the default in SymPy:

>>> (symbols('a') + symbols('b')) / sqrt(2)  
√2⋅(a + b)

With the default settings, the LaTeX renderer that produces the output in the Jupyter notebook uses only tex macros that MathJax understands. You can obtain the LaTeX code through the latex() function. When generating code for a paper or report, it is better to customize the output for better readability with a more semantic use of macros, e.g. as:

>>> print(latex((BasisKet(0, hs=1) + BasisKet(1, hs=1)) / sqrt(2), tex_use_braket=True))
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(\Ket{0}^{(1)} + \Ket{1}^{(1)}\right)

In addition to the “mathematical” display of expressions, QNET also has functions to show the exact internal (tree) structure of an expression, either for debugging or for designing algebraic transformations.

The srepr() function returns the most direct representation of the expression: it is a string (possibly with indentation for the tree structure) that if evaluated results in the exact same expression.

An alternative, specifically for interactive use, is the print_tree() function. To generate a graphic representation of the tree structure, the dotprint() function produces a graph in the DOT language.

Basic Customization

At the beginning of an interactive session or notebook, the init_printing() routine should be called. This routine associates specific printing functions, e.g. unicode(), with the __str__ and __repr__ representation of an expression. This is what is returned by str(expr), and by repr(expr) or as the output in an interactive (I)Python session. The initialization also specifies the default settings for each printing function. For example, you could suppress the display of Hilbert space labels:

>>> init_printing(show_hs_label=False, repr_format='unicode')
>>> (BasisKet(0, hs=1) + BasisKet(1, hs=1)) / sqrt(2)
1/√2 (|0⟩ + |1⟩)

Or, in a debugging session, you could switch the default representation to use the indented srepr():

>>> init_printing(repr_format='indsrepr')              
>>> (BasisKet(0, hs=1) + BasisKet(1, hs=1)) / sqrt(2)  
    Mul(Rational(1, 2), Pow(Integer(2), Rational(1, 2))),

The settings can also be changed temporarily via the configure_printing() context manager.

Note that init_printing() should only be called once; or else it should be given the reset parameter:

>>> init_printing(repr_format='unicode', reset=True)

Printer classes

The printing functions ascii(), unicode(), and latex() each delegate to an internal printer object that subclasses qnet.printing.base.QnetBasePrinter. After initialization, the printer class is referenced at e.g. ascii.printer.

For the ultimate control in customizing the printing system, you can implement your own subclasses of QnetBasePrinter, which is in turn a subclass of sympy.printing.printer.Printer. Thus, the overview of SymPy’s printing system applies.

The QNET printers conceptually extend SymPy printers in the following ways:

  • QNET printers have support for caching. One reason for this is efficiency. More importantly, it allows to pass a pre-initialized cache to force certain expressions to be represented by fixed strings, which can make expressions considerably more readable, and aids in generating code from expressions, see the example for srepr() .
  • Every printer contains a sub-printer in the _sympy_printer attribute, instantiated from the sympy_printer_cls class attribute. Actual SymPy objects (e.g., scalar coefficients) are delegated to this sub-printer, while the main printer handles all Expression instances. Not that the default sub-printers use classes from qnet.printing.sympy that implement some custom printing more in line with the conventions of quantum physics.

When init_printing() is called with direct settings as in the previous section, these will be used as global settings, and will affect any printers (including SymPy sub-printers) that are instantiated afterwards.

The settings that are given to any printing function will be used for that specific call of the printing function only. If you define custom classes with different or additional settings and set them up for use with the printing function (see below), the accepted arguments to the printing functions change accordingly.

Customization through an INI file

While init_printing() can simply be called with explicit settings to configure the printing system globally (see above), for a more advanced set up an INI-file can be used. In this case, the path to the file must be the only argument:

init_printing(inifile=<path to file>)

This allows to associate custom printer classes with the printing functions, and also define the settings settings for those particular printers (as opposed to just global settings).

The INI file may have sections ‘global’, ‘ascii’, ‘unicode’, and ‘latex’. Parameters in the ‘global’ section are equivalent to those could be passed to init_printing() as direct settings. That is, they set up the printing function to be used for __str__ and __repr__, and set the global options for all printer classes.

The ‘ascii’, ‘unicode’, and ‘latex’ sections configure the respective printing functions. To link them to custom Printer classes, you may specify printer and sympy_printer as the full path to the Printer class that should be used for the main printer and the sub-printer for SymPy expressions. All other settings in the sections override the settings from ‘global’ for that particular printer.

Consider the following annotated example for an INI file:

# The settings in the 'global' section are for all Printer classes (both
# SymPy and QNET). They are equivalent to passing them to init_printing
# directly

# the printing function to use for str(expr)
str_format = ascii
# the printing function to use for expr(expr)
repr_format = unicode
# direct global settings
show_hs_label = False
sig_as_ketbra = False
# note that boolean values must be specified as "True", or "False"

# The three sections below associate the printing functions with particular
# Printer classes, and override the global settings for those particular
# printers

printer = qnet.printing.asciiprinter.QnetAsciiPrinter
# we use the SymPy StrPrinter here, instead of the default
# qnet.printing.sympy.SympyStrPrinter that is customized to not
# rationalize denominators
sympy_printer = sympy.printing.str.StrPrinter
# we override the the settings from the 'global' section
show_hs_label = True
sig_as_ketbra = True

printer = qnet.printing.unicodeprinter.QnetUnicodePrinter
sympy_printer = qnet.printing.sympy.SympyUnicodePrinter
show_hs_label = subscript
unicode_op_hats = False

printer = qnet.printing.latexprinter.QnetLatexPrinter
sympy_printer = qnet.printing.sympy.SympyLatexPrinter
# string values can be written un-escaped
tex_op_macro = \Op{{{name}}}
tex_use_braket = True
# You can also include options for the sympy_printer
inv_trig_style = full