Source code for qnet.algebra.abstract_algebra

# coding=utf-8
# This file is part of QNET.
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# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Nikolas Tezak

Abstract Algebra

The abstract algebra package provides a basic interface
    for defining custom Algebras.

See :ref:`abstract_algebra` for more details.

from __future__ import division

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from functools import reduce
from types import MethodType

import six

if six.PY3:
    basestring = str
    long = int

def _trace(fn):
    Function decorator to receive debugging information about function calls and return values.

    :param fn: Function whose calls to _trace
    :type fn: FunctionType
    :return: Decorated function
    :rtype: FunctionType

    ### uncomment for debugging
    # def _tfn(*args, **kwargs):
    #     print("[", "-" * 40)
    #     ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)
    #     print("{}({},{}) called".format(fn.__name__, ", ".join(repr(a) for a in args),
    #                                     ", ".join(str(k) + "=" + repr(v) for k, v in kwargs.items())))
    #     print("-->", repr(ret))
    #     print("-" * 40, "]")
    #     return ret
    # return _tfn

    return fn

# define our own exceptions/errors
[docs]class AlgebraException(Exception): """ Base class for all errors concerning the mathematical definitions and rules of an algebra. """ pass
[docs]class AlgebraError(AlgebraException): """ Base class for all errors concerning the mathematical definitions and rules of an algebra. """ pass
[docs]class CannotSimplify(AlgebraException): """ Raised when an expression cannot be further simplified """ pass
[docs]class WrongSignatureError(AlgebraError): """ Raise when an operation is instantiated with operands of the wrong signature. """ pass
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class Expression(object): """ Basic class defining the basic methods any Expression object should implement. """
[docs] def substitute(self, var_map): """ Substitute all_symbols for other expressions. :param var_map: Dictionary with entries of the form ``{symbol: substitution}`` :type var_map: dict """ return self._substitute(var_map)
def _substitute(self, var_map): if self in var_map: return var_map[self] return self
[docs] def tex(self): """ Return a string containing a TeX-representation of self. Note that this needs to be wrapped by '$' characters for 'inline' LaTeX use. """ return self._tex()
@abstractmethod def _tex(self): return str(self) def _repr_latex_(self): """ For compatibility with the IPython notebook, generate TeX expression and surround it with $'s. """ return "${}$".format(self.tex())
[docs] def all_symbols(self): """ :return: The set of all_symbols contained within the expression. :rtype: set """ return self._all_symbols()
@abstractmethod def _all_symbols(self): raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__) @abstractmethod def __hash__(self): """ Provide a hashing mechanism for self. """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__) def __eq__(self, other): """ Implements a very strict definition of ``self == other``. This should be overloaded where appropriate. """ if self is other: return True return False def __ne__(self, other): """ If it is well-defined (i.e. boolean), simply return the negation of ``self.__eq__(other)`` Otherwise return NotImplemented. """ eq = self.__eq__(other) if type(eq) is bool: return not eq return NotImplemented
[docs]def substitute(expr, var_map): """ (Safe) substitute, substitute objects for all symbols. :param expr: The expression in which to perform the substitution :param var_map: The substitution dictionary. See :py:meth:`qnet.algebra.abstract_algebra.substitute` documentation :type var_map: dict """ try: return expr.substitute(var_map) except AttributeError: if expr in var_map: return var_map[expr] return expr
[docs]def tex(obj): """ :param obj: Object to represent in LaTeX. :return: Return a LaTeX string-representation of obj. :rtype: str """ try: return obj.tex() except AttributeError: return r"{{\rm {!s}}}".format(obj)
# #def mathematica(obj): # """ # Return a Mathematica string-representation of obj # """ # if isinstance(obj, str): # return identifier_to_mathematica(obj) # if is_number(obj): # return format_number_for_mathematica(obj) # if isinstance(obj, SympyBasic): # return capitalize_sympy_functions_for_mathematica( # re.compile(r'([A-Za-z0-9]+)\(([^\)]+)\)').sub( # r"\1[\2]", identifier_to_mathematica(str(obj)).replace("**","^"))) # try: # return obj.mathematica() # except AttributeError: # return str(obj) # #def capitalize_sympy_functions_for_mathematica(string): # words = ("cos", "sin", "exp", "sqrt", "conjugate", "cosh", "sinh") # return creduce(lambda a, b: a.replace(b, b[0].upper() + b[1:]), words, string) # # #def free_of(expr, *all_symbols): # """ # Safe free_of # """ # try: # return expr.free_of(*all_symbols) # except AttributeError: # return True # #def all_symbols(expr): # """ # Safe all_symbols # """ # try: # return expr.all_symbols() # except AttributeError: # try: # return expr.atoms() # except AttributeError: # return set(()) #def format_number_for_tex(num): # if num == 0: #also True for 0., 0j # return "0" # if isinstance(num, complex): # if num.real == 0: # if num.imag == 1: # return "i" # if num.imag == -1: # return "(-i)" # if num.imag < 0: # return "(-%si)" % format_number_for_tex(-num.imag) # return "%si" % format_number_for_tex(num.imag) # if num.imag == 0: # return format_number_for_tex(num.real) # return "(%s + %si)" % (format_number_for_tex(num.real), format_number_for_tex(num.imag)) # if num < 0: # return "(%g)" % num # return "%g" % num # #def format_number_for_mathematica(num): # if num == 0: #also True for 0., 0j # return "0" # if isinstance(num, complex): # if num.imag == 0: # return format_number_for_tex(num.real) # return "Complex[%g,%g]" % (num.real, num.imag) # # return "%g" % num # # # # #greek_letter_strings = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon", "varepsilon", \ # "zeta", "eta", "theta", "vartheta", "iota", "kappa", \ # "lambda", "mu", "nu", "xi", "pi", "varpi", "rho", \ # "varrho", "sigma", "varsigma", "tau", "upsilon", "phi", \ # "varphi", "chi", "psi", "omega", \ # "Gamma", "Delta", "Theta", "Lambda", "Xi", \ # "Pi", "Sigma", "Upsilon", "Phi", "Psi", "Omega"] #greekToLatex = {"alpha":"Alpha", "beta":"Beta", "gamma":"Gamma", "delta":"Delta", "epsilon":"Epsilon", "varepsilon":"Epsilon", \ # "zeta":"Zeta", "eta":"Eta", "theta":"Theta", "vartheta":"Theta", "iota":"Iota", "kappa":"Kappa", \ # "lambda":"Lambda", "mu":"Mu", "nu":"Nu", "xi":"Xi", "pi":"Pi", "varpi":"Pi", "rho":"Rho", \ # "varrho":"Rho", "sigma":"Sigma", "varsigma":"Sigma", "tau":"Tau", "upsilon":"Upsilon", "phi": "Phi", \ # "varphi":"Phi", "chi":"Chi", "psi":"Psi", "omega":"Omega", \ # "Gamma":"CapitalGamma", "Delta":"CapitalDelta", "Theta":"CapitalTheta", "Lambda":"CapitalLambda", "Xi":"CapitalXi", \ # "Pi":"CapitalPi", "Sigma":"CapitalSigma", "Upsilon":"CapitalUpsilon", "Phi":"CapitalPhi", "Psi":"CapitalPsi", "Omega":"CapitalOmega" # } # #import re #def identifier_to_tex(identifier): # """ # If an identifier contains a greek symbol name as a separate word, # (e.g. 'my_alpha_1' contains 'alpha' as a separate word, but 'alphaman' doesn't) # add a backslash in front. # """ # identifier = creduce(lambda a,b: "{%s_%s}" % (b, a), ["{%s}" % part for part in reversed(identifier.split("__"))]) # p = re.compile(r'([^\\A-Za-z]?)(%s)\b' % "|".join(greek_letter_strings)) # return p.sub(r'\1{\\\2}', identifier) # # # # # #def identifier_to_mathematica(identifier): # """ # If an identifier contains a greek symbol name as a separate word, # (e.g. 'my_alpha_1' contains 'alpha' as a separate word, but 'alphaman' doesn't) # add a backslash in front. # """ # identifier = creduce(lambda a,b: "Subscript[%s,%s]" % (b, a), reversed(identifier.split("__"))) # p = re.compile(r'\b(%s)\b' % "|".join(greek_letter_strings)) # repl = lambda m: r"\[" + greekToLatex[] + "]" # return p.sub(repl, identifier)
[docs]class KeyTuple(tuple): def __lt__(self, other): # print("<", self, other) if isinstance(other, (long, basestring)): return False if isinstance(other, KeyTuple): return super(KeyTuple, self).__lt__(other) raise AlgebraException("Cannot compare: {}".format(other)) def __gt__(self, other): # print(">", self, other) if isinstance(other, (long, basestring)): return True if isinstance(other, KeyTuple): return super(KeyTuple, self).__gt__(other) raise AlgebraException("Cannot compare: {}".format(other))
[docs]def set_union(*sets): """ Similar to ``sum()``, but for sets. Generate the union of an arbitrary number of set arguments. :param sets: Sets to for the union of. :type sets: set :return: Union set. :rtype: set """ return reduce(lambda a, b: a.union(b), sets, set(()))
[docs]def all_symbols(expr): """ Return all all_symbols featured within an expression. :param expr: The expression to find all_symbols in. :return: A set of all_symbols within expr. :rtype: set """ try: return expr.all_symbols() except AttributeError: return set(())
[docs]class Operation(Expression): """ Abstract base class for all operations, where the operands themselves are also expressions. """ # hash str, is generated on demand (lazily) __hash = None def __init__(self, *operands): """ Create a symbolic operation with the given operands.:: Operation(*operands) :param operands: The operands of the expression. :type operands: object or as defined in the Operation's signature """ self._operands = operands @property def operands(self): """ :return: The operands of the operation. :rtype: tuple """ return self._operands def _all_symbols(self): return set_union(*[all_symbols(op) for op in self.operands]) def _substitute(self, var_map): if self in var_map: return var_map[self] return self.__class__.create(*map(lambda o: substitute(o, var_map), self.operands)) def _tex(self): return r"{{\rm {}}}\left({{}}\right)".format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(tex(o) for o in self.operands)) def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(map(repr, self.operands))) # def mathematica(self): # return "%s[%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(map(mathematica, self.operands))) def __eq__(self, other): # print(type(self), type(other), type(self) == type(other)) return type(self) == type(other) and self.operands == other.operands def __hash__(self): if not self.__hash: self.__hash = hash((self.__class__, self.operands)) return self.__hash
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, *operands): """ Instead of directly instantiating an instance of any subclass of Operation, it is advised to call the ``create()`` classmethod instead. This method takes the same arguments as the constructor, but can preprocess them and even return an object of a different type based on the operands. :param operands: The operands for the operation. """ return cls(*operands)
[docs] @classmethod def order_key(cls, obj): """ Provide a default ordering mechanism for achieving canonical ordering of expressions sequences. :param obj: The object to create a key for. """ try: return obj._order_key() except AttributeError: return str(obj)
def _order_key(self): return KeyTuple((self.__class__.__name__,) + tuple(map(Operation.order_key, self.operands)))
mathematica = lambda s: s ######################################################################################################################## ########################### WILDCARDS AND PATTERN MATCHING FUNCTIONS ################################################### ######################################################################################################################## inf = float('inf')
[docs]@_trace def match_range(pattern): """ Compute how many objects/operands a given pattern can minimally and maximally match. :param pattern: The pattern object :return: min_number, max_number :rtype: tuple :raise: ValueError, if unknown pattern mode for Wildcard object """ if isinstance(pattern, Wildcard): if pattern.mode == Wildcard.single: return 1, 1 if pattern.mode == Wildcard.one_or_more: return 1, inf if pattern.mode == Wildcard.zero_or_more: return 0, inf raise ValueError() if isinstance(pattern, PatternTuple): if len(pattern): a0, b0 = match_range(pattern[0]) a1, b1 = match_range(pattern[1:]) # a1, b1 = match_range(PatternTuple(pattern[1:])) return a0 + a1, b0 + b1 return 0, 0 return 1, 1
[docs]class OperandsTuple(tuple): """ Specialized tuple to store expression operands for the purpose of matching them to patterns. """ def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): #noinspection PyTypeChecker return OperandsTuple(super(OperandsTuple, self).__getitem__(item)) return super(OperandsTuple, self).__getitem__(item) def __getslice__(self, i, j): return OperandsTuple(super(OperandsTuple, self).__getslice__(i, j))
[docs]class PatternTuple(tuple): """ Specialized tuple to store expression pattern operands. """ def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): #noinspection PyTypeChecker return PatternTuple(super(PatternTuple, self).__getitem__(item)) return super(PatternTuple, self).__getitem__(item) def __getslice__(self, i, j): return PatternTuple(super(PatternTuple, self).__getslice__(i, j))
[docs]class NamedPattern(Operation): """ Create a named (sub-)pattern for later use in processing elements of a matched expression.:: NamedPattern(name, pattern) :param name: Pattern identifier :type name: str :param pattern: Pattern expression :type pattern: Expression, PatternTuple """ def __init__(self, name, pattern): super(NamedPattern, self).__init__(name, pattern)
def _flatten(seq): """ Helper method to _flatten out PatternTuple and OperandTuple elements within a sequence. :param seq: Sequence of objects, some of which may be PatternTuple or OperandTuple objects. :type seq: sequence :return: A flattened list. :rtype: list """ sres = [] for s in seq: if isinstance(s, (PatternTuple, OperandsTuple)): sres += list(s) else: sres.append(s) return sres
[docs]@_trace def update_pattern(expr, match_obj): """ Replace all wildcards in the pattern expression with their matched values as specified in a Match object. :param expr: Pattern expression :type expr: Expression or PatternTuple :param match_obj: Match object :type match_obj: Match :return: Expression with replaced wildcards :rtype: Expression or PatternTuple """ if isinstance(expr, Wildcard): if in match_obj: return match_obj[] elif isinstance(expr, (PatternTuple, OperandsTuple)): return expr.__class__(_flatten([update_pattern(o, match_obj) for o in expr])) elif isinstance(expr, Operation): return expr.__class__(*_flatten([update_pattern(o, match_obj) for o in expr.operands])) return expr
[docs]@_trace def match(pattern, expr): """ Match a pattern against an expression and return a Match object if successful or False, if not. Works recursively. :param pattern: Pattern expression :type pattern: Expression or PatternTuple :param expr: Expression to match against the pattern. :type expr: Expression or OperandsTuple :return: Match object or False :rtype: Match or False """ if pattern is expr: return Match() a, b = match_range(pattern) if isinstance(expr, OperandsTuple): l = len(expr) else: l = 1 if not a <= l <= b: return False if isinstance(pattern, PatternTuple): if not len(pattern): assert l == 0 return Match() p0 = pattern[0] prest = pattern[1:] if isinstance(expr, OperandsTuple): if isinstance(p0, Wildcard): if p0.mode != Wildcard.single: a0, b0 = match_range(p0) for k in range(a0, min(l, b0) + 1): o0 = expr[:k] orest = expr[k:] m0 = match(p0, o0) if m0: if len(m0): mrest = match(update_pattern(prest, m0), orest) else: mrest = match(prest, orest) if mrest: return m0 + mrest return False else: m0 = match(p0, expr[0]) if m0: orest = expr[1:] if len(m0): mrest = match(update_pattern(prest, m0), orest) else: mrest = match(prest, orest) # print(m0, update_pattern(prest, m0), mrest) if mrest: return m0 + mrest return False else: # noinspection PyTypeChecker m0 = match(p0, expr[0]) if m0: orest = expr[1:] if len(m0): mrest = match(update_pattern(prest, m0), orest) else: mrest = match(prest, orest) # print(m0, update_pattern(prest, m0), mrest) if mrest: return m0 + mrest return False elif isinstance(pattern, Wildcard): if pattern.mode == Wildcard.single: if isinstance(expr, OperandsTuple): assert len(expr) == 1 #noinspection PyRedeclaration expr = expr[0] if pattern.head and not isinstance(expr, pattern.head): return False if pattern.condition and not pattern.condition(expr): return False if return Match({ expr}) return Match() else: if not isinstance(expr, OperandsTuple): expr = OperandsTuple((expr,)) if pattern.head and not all(isinstance(e, pattern.head) for e in expr): return False if pattern.condition and not all(pattern.condition(e) for e in expr): return False if return Match({ expr}) return Match() elif isinstance(pattern, NamedPattern): name, p = pattern.operands m = match(p, expr) if m: return m + Match({name: expr}) return False elif isinstance(pattern, Operation): if isinstance(expr, Operation) and type(pattern) is type(expr): return match(PatternTuple(pattern.operands), OperandsTuple(expr.operands)) else: return Match() if pattern == expr else False
[docs]class Wildcard(Expression): """ Basic wildcard expression that can match a single expression or in the context of matching the operands of an Operation object one may match one_or_more or zero_or_more operands with the same wildcards. If the wildcard has a name, a successful match leads to a Match object in which the object that matched the wildcard is stored under that name. One can also restrict the type of the matched Expression by providing a head argument and the condition argument allows for passing a function that performs additional tests on a potential match. """ single = 1 """Value of :py:attr:`Wildcard.mode` for matching single operands/objects""" one_or_more = 2 """Value of :py:attr:`Wildcard.mode` for matching one or more operands/objects""" zero_or_more = 3 """Value of :py:attr:`Wildcard.mode` for matching zero or more operands/objects""" name = "" """name/identifier of the wildcard (default = "").""" mode = single """mode of the wildcard, i.e. how many operands it can match (default = ``single``).""" head = None """head/type of the matched object (default = ``None``, corresponding to no restriction).""" condition = None """extra condition for a successful match (default = ``None``, corresponding to no restriction).""" _hash = None #noinspection PyRedeclaration def __init__(self, name="", mode=single, head=None, condition=None): """ :param name: Wildcard name, (default = "") :type name: str :param mode: The matching mode, i.e. how many objects/operands can the wildcard match. :type mode: One of :py:attr:`Wildcard.single`, :py:attr:`Wildcard.one_or_more`, :py:attr:`Wildcard.zero_or_more` :param head: Restriction of the type of the matched expression :type head: tuple or type or None :param condition: An additional function that returns True if match should be accepted. :type condition: FunctionType or None """ = name self.mode = mode self.head = head self.condition = condition def __str__(self): if isinstance(self.head, tuple): head_string = "({})".format("|".join(h.__name__ for h in self.head)) elif self.head is not None: head_string = self.head.__name__ else: head_string = "" return "{}{}{}{}".format(, "_" * self.mode, head_string, self.condition.__name__ if self.condition else "") def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self.head, tuple): head_string = "({})".format(", ".join(h.__name__ for h in self.head)) elif self.head is not None: head_string = self.head.__name__ else: head_string = "None" return "Wildcard({}, {}, {}, {})".format(repr(, "_" * self.mode, head_string, self.condition.__name__ if self.condition else "None") def __eq__(self, other): return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and == and self.head == other.head and self.mode == other.mode and self.condition == other.condition) def __hash__(self): if not self._hash: self._hash = hash((, self.mode, self.head, self.condition)) return self._hash def _tex(self): return r"{\rm " + + ("\_" * self.mode) + self.head.__name__ + ( "?{}".format(self.condition.__name__) if hasattr(self.condition, "__name__") else "") + "}" def _all_symbols(self): return set(())
[docs]class Match(dict): """ Subclass of dict that overloads the + operator to create a new dictionary combining the entries. It fails when there are duplicate keys. """ def __add__(self, other): if not len(self): return other if not len(other): return self # make sure the sets of keys are disjoint overlap = set(self.keys()) & set(other.keys()) if not len(overlap) == 0: raise ValueError() ret = Match(self) ret.update(other) return ret # def __repr__(self): # return "Match({})".format(dict.__repr__(self)) # # def __str__(self): # return "Match({})".format(dict.__str__(self)) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def __bool__(self): return True __nonzero__ = __bool__
import re name_mode_pattern = re.compile(r"^([A-Za-z]?[A-Za-z0-9]*)(_{0,3})$")
[docs]def wc(name_mode="_", head=None, condition=None): """ Helper function to create a Wildcard object. :param name_mode: Combined name and mode (cf :py:class:`Wildcard`) argument. * ``"A"`` -> ``name="A", mode = Wildcard.single`` * ``"A_"`` -> ``name="A", mode = Wildcard.single`` * ``"B__"`` -> ``name="B", mode = Wildcard.one_or_more`` * ``"B___"`` -> ``name="C", mode = Wildcard.zero_or_more`` :type name_mode: str :param head: See Wildcard doc :type head: tuple or ClassType or None :param condition: See Wildcard doc :type condition: FunctionType or None :return: A Wildcard object :rtype: Wildcard """ m = name_mode_pattern.match(name_mode) if not m: raise ValueError() name, modelength = m.groups() mode = len(modelength) or Wildcard.single if not 1 <= mode <= 3: raise ValueError() return Wildcard(name, mode=mode, head=head, condition=condition)
######################################################################################################################## ########################### CLASS DECORATORS TO ACHIEVE OPERAND PREPROCESSING ########################################## ########################################################################################################################
[docs]def make_classmethod(method, cls): """ Make a bound classmethod from an unbound method taking an additional first argument ``cls`` :param method: The unbound method :type method: FunctionType :param cls: The class to bind it to :type cls: type :return: Bound class method :rtype: MethodType """ return MethodType(method, cls, type(cls))
[docs]def preprocess_create_with(method): """ This factory method allows for adding argument pre-processing decorators to a class's ``create`` classmethod. :param method: A decorating create classmethod ``f()`` with signature: ``f(decorated_class, decorated_method, cls, *args)`` :type method: FunctionType :return: A class decorator function that decorates the 'create' classmethod of the decorated class. :rtype: FunctionType """ # noinspection PyDocstring def decorator(dcls): if six.PY2: clsmtd = getattr(dcls, "create").im_func else: clsmtd = getattr(dcls, "create").__func__ # noinspection PyDocstring def dclsmtd(cls, *args): return method(dcls, clsmtd, cls, *args) dclsmtd.method = method dclsmtd.decorated = clsmtd dclsmtd.dcls = dcls dclsmtd.__doc__ = (str(clsmtd.__doc__) + "\n-- {}.create() preprocessed by {} --\n".format(dcls.__name__, method.__name__) + str(method.__doc__)) # store a list of all applied decorators as an attribute of the new create method's im_func. dclsmtd.decorators = (method,) + getattr(clsmtd, "decorators", ()) dclsmtd.__name__ = "create" # noinspection PyTypeChecker # nmtd = make_classmethod(dclsmtd, dcls) nmtd = classmethod(dclsmtd) setattr(dcls, "create", nmtd) return dcls # Copy docstring from method to class decorator decorator.__doc__ = """ {} Automatically generated class decorator based on the method ``qnet.algebra.abstract_algebra.{}()`` using :py:func:`preprocess_create_with`. """.format(method.__doc__, method.__name__) return decorator
#noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyDocstring def _assoc(dcls, clsmtd, cls, *ops): """ Associatively expand out nested arguments of the flat class. >>> @assoc >>> class Plus(Operation): >>> pass >>> Plus.create(1,Plus(2,3)) Plus(1,2,3) """ nops = sum(((o,) if not isinstance(o, cls) else o.operands for o in ops), ()) return clsmtd(cls, *nops) # noinspection PyTypeChecker assoc = preprocess_create_with(_assoc) #noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyDocstring def _idem(dcls, clsmtd, cls, *ops): """ Remove duplicate arguments and order them via the cls's order_key key object/function. E.g. >>> @idem >>> class Set(Operation): >>> pass >>> Set.create(1,2,3,1,3) Set(1,2,3) """ return clsmtd(cls, *sorted(set(ops), key=cls.order_key)) # noinspection PyTypeChecker idem = preprocess_create_with(_idem) #noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyDocstring def _orderby(dcls, clsmtd, cls, *ops): """ Re-order arguments via the class's ``order_key`` key object/function. Use this for commutative operations: E.g. >>> @orderby >>> class Times(Operation): >>> pass >>> Times.create(2,1) Times(1,2) """ try: return clsmtd(cls, *sorted(ops, key=cls.order_key)) except TypeError as te: print(list(map(cls.order_key,ops))) raise te # noinspection PyTypeChecker orderby = preprocess_create_with(_orderby) unequals = lambda x: (lambda y: x != y) #noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyDocstring def _filter_neutral(dcls, clsmtd, cls, *ops): """ Remove occurrences of a neutral element from the argument/operand list, if that list has at least two elements. To use this, one must also specify a neutral element, which can be anything that allows for an equality check with each argument. E.g. >>> @filter_neutral >>> class X(Operation): >>> neutral_element = 1 >>> X.create(2,1,3,1) X(2,3) """ c_n = cls.neutral_element if not len(ops): return c_n fops = tuple(filter(unequals(c_n), ops)) if len(fops) > 1: return clsmtd(cls, *fops) elif len(fops) == 1: # the remaining operand is the single non-trivial one return fops[0] else: # the original list of operands consists only of neutral elements return ops[0] # noinspection PyTypeChecker filter_neutral = preprocess_create_with(_filter_neutral) CLS = object() DCLS = object()
[docs]def extended_isinstance(obj, class_info, dcls, cls): """ Like isinstance but with two extra arguments to allow for placeholder objects ``(DCLS, CLS)`` to stand for the class objects passed as extra arguments ``dcls``, ``cls``. This allows one to specify a self-referential `signature` class attribute to allow for recursive Operation signatures. E.g. >>> @check_signature >>> class X(Operation): >>> signature = str, X will yield an exception, because X within the class body refers to a class object that has not been defined yet. Instead, one can do >>> @check_signature >>> class X(Operation): >>> signature = str, CLS to refer to the class of the object being instantiated (could be a subclass of ``X``), or >>> @check_signature >>> class X(Operation): >>> signature = str, DCLS to always refer to ``X`` itself and not a subclass. :param obj: The instance :type obj: object :param class_info: A type, ``DCLS``, ``CLS``, or a tuple of these :type class_info: type or tuple of type-objects :param dcls: The (super-)class that the signature is defined for. :type dcls: type :param cls: The concrete (sub-)class whose instance is being initialized. :type cls: type """ if isinstance(class_info, tuple): return any(extended_isinstance(obj, cli, dcls, cls) for cli in class_info) if class_info is CLS: #noinspection PyRedeclaration class_info = cls elif class_info is DCLS: #noinspection PyUnusedLocal class_info = dcls return isinstance(obj, class_info)
#noinspection PyDocstring def _check_signature(dcls, clsmtd, cls, *ops): """ Check that the operands passed to the create classmethod of an Operation type conform to certain types. For each allowed argument/operand, provide a tuple of types (or one of ``CLS, DCLS``, see extended_isinstance docs). E.g. >>> @check_signature >>> class X(Operation): >>> signature = str, (int, str) >>> >>> X.create("1", 2) X("1", 2) >>> X.create("1", "2") X("1", "2") The following all raise :py:class:`WrongSignatureError` exception. >>> X.create("1") >>> X.create(1, "1") >>> X.create("1", 2, 3) """ sgn = cls.signature if not len(ops) == len(sgn): raise WrongSignatureError() if not all(extended_isinstance(o, s, dcls, cls) for o, s in zip(ops, sgn)): raise WrongSignatureError("class: {}, operands: {}".format(str(cls), str(ops))) return clsmtd(cls, *ops) check_signature = preprocess_create_with(_check_signature) #noinspection PyDocstring def _check_signature_assoc(dcls, clsmtd, cls, *ops): """ Like :py:func:`check_signature` but for :py:func:`assoc`-decorated Operations. In this case the signature need only contain a single entry. >>> @assoc >>> @check_signature >>> class X(Operation): >>> signature = str >>> X.create("hello", "you") X("hello", "you") The following then raises a :class:`WrongSignatureError` because the third argument is no string >>> X.create("hello", "you", 2) """ sgn = cls.signature[0] if not all(extended_isinstance(o, sgn, dcls, cls) for o in ops): print(sgn, dcls, cls, ops) raise WrongSignatureError() return clsmtd(cls, *ops) # noinspection PyTypeChecker check_signature_assoc = preprocess_create_with(_check_signature_assoc) # noinspection PyDocstring # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _match_replace(dcls, clsmtd, cls, *ops): """ Match and replace a full operand specification to a function that provides a replacement for the whole expression or raises a :py:class:`CannotSimplify` exception. E.g. First define wildcards: >>> A = wc("A") >>> A_float = wc("A", head = float) Then an operation: >>> @match_replace >>> class Invert(Operation): >>> _rules = [] Then some _rules: >>> Invert._rules += [ >>> ((Invert(A),), lambda A: A), >>> ((A_float,), lambda A: 1./A), >>> ] Check rule application: >>> Invert.create("hallo") # matches no rule Invert("hallo") >>> Invert.create(Invert("hallo")) # matches first rule "hallo" >>> Invert.create(.2) # matches second rule 5. A pattern can also have the same wildcard appear twice: >>> @match_replace >>> class X(Operation): >>> _rules = [ >>> ((A, A), lambda A: A), >>> ] >>> X.create(1,2) X(1,2) >>> X.create(1,1) 1 """ for patterns, replacement in cls._rules: m = match(PatternTuple(patterns), OperandsTuple(ops)) if m: try: return replacement(**m) except CannotSimplify: continue return clsmtd(cls, *ops) # noinspection PyTypeChecker match_replace = preprocess_create_with(_match_replace) #noinspection PyDocstring # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _match_replace_binary(dcls, clsmtd, cls, *ops): """ Similar to :py:func:`match_replace`, but for arbitrary length operations, such that each two pairs of subsequent operands are matched pairwise. >>> A = wc("A") >>> @match_replace_binary >>> class FilterDupes(Operation): >>> _rules = [ >>> ((A,A), lambda A: A), >>> ] >>> FilterDupes.create(1,2,3,4) # No subsequent duplicates present FilterDupes(1,2,3,4) >>> FilterDupes.create(1,2,2,3,4) # Some duplicates FilterDupes(1,2,3,4) Note that this only works for *subsequent* duplicate entries: >>> FilterDupes.create(1,2,3,2,4) # Some duplicates, but not subsequent FilterDupes(1,2,3,2,4) """ _rules = cls._binary_rules # print("entering: ", ops) j = 1 while j < len(ops): first, second = ops[j - 1], ops[j] m = False r = False for patterns, replacement in _rules: m = match(PatternTuple(patterns), OperandsTuple((first, second))) if m: try: r = replacement(**m) break except CannotSimplify: continue if not(r is False): # if Operation is also "assoc", then expand out the operands of a binary-simplified result if _assoc in getattr(cls.create.im_func if six.PY2 else cls.create.__func__, "decorators", ()) and isinstance(r, cls): ops = ops[:j - 1] + r.operands + ops[j + 1:] else: ops = ops[:j - 1] + (r,) + ops[j + 1:] if j > 1: j -= 1 else: j += 1 # print("exiting: ", ops) return clsmtd(cls, *ops) match_replace_binary = preprocess_create_with(_match_replace_binary) # Store all singletons in a dict _singletons = {} def _get_singleton(name): """Retrieve singletons by name.""" return _singletons[name]
[docs]def singleton(cls): """ Singleton class decorator. Turns a class object into a unique instance. :param cls: Class to decorate :type cls: type :return: The singleton instance of that class :rtype: cls """ # noinspection PyDocstring class S(cls): __instance = None def __hash__(self): return hash(cls) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _symbols(self): return set(()) def __repr__(self): return cls.__name__ def __call__(self): return self.__instance def __reduce__(self): """ This magic method ensures that singletons can be pickled. See also """ return (_get_singleton, (cls.__name__,)) S.__name__ = cls.__name__ S.__instance = s = S() _singletons[S.__name__] = s return s
[docs]def prod(sequence, neutral=1): """ Analog of the builtin `sum()` method. :param sequence: Sequence of objects that support being multiplied to each other. :type sequence: Any object that implements __mul__() :param neutral: The initial return value, which is also returned for zero-length sequence arguments. :type neutral: Any object that implements __mul__() :return: The product of the elements of `sequence` """ return reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, sequence, neutral)