Source code for qnet.algebra.permutations

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# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Nikolas Tezak

[docs]class BadPermutationError(ValueError): """ Can be raised to signal that a permutation does not pass the :py:func:check_permutation test. """ pass
[docs]def check_permutation(permutation): """ Verify that a tuple of permutation image points ``(sigma(1), sigma(2), ..., sigma(n))`` is a valid permutation, i.e. each number from 0 and n-1 occurs exactly once. I.e. the following **set**-equality must hold: ``{sigma(1), sigma(2), ..., sigma(n)} == {0, 1, 2, ... n-1}`` :param permutation: Tuple of permutation image points :type permutation: tuple :rtype: bool """ return list(sorted(permutation)) == list(range(len(permutation)))
[docs]def invert_permutation(permutation): """ Compute the image tuple of the inverse permutation. :param permutation: A valid (cf. :py:func:check_permutation) permutation. :return: The inverse permutation tuple :rtype: tuple """ return tuple([permutation.index(p) for p in range(len(permutation))])
[docs]def permutation_to_disjoint_cycles(permutation): """ Any permutation sigma can be represented as a product of cycles. A cycle (c_1, .. c_n) is a closed sequence of indices such that sigma(c_1) == c_2, sigma(c_2) == sigma^2(c_1)== c_3, ..., sigma(c_(n-1)) == c_n, sigma(c_n) == c_1 Any single length-n cycle admits n equivalent representations in correspondence with which element one defines as c_1. (0,1,2) == (1,2,0) == (2,0,1) A decomposition into *disjoint* cycles can be made unique, by requiring that the cycles are sorted by their smallest element, which is also the left-most element of each cycle. Note that permutations generated by disjoint cycles commute. E.g., (1, 0, 3, 2) == ((1,0),(3,2)) --> ((0,1),(2,3)) normal form :param permutation: A valid permutation image tuple :type permutation: tuple :return: A list of disjoint cycles, that when comb :rtype: list :raise: BadPermutationError """ if not check_permutation(permutation): raise BadPermutationError('Malformed permutation %r' % permutation) p_index = 0 current_cycle = [0] # keep track of all remaining/unvisited indices permutation_nums = list(range(1,len(permutation))) cycles = [] while True: # find next image point in cycle p_index = permutation[p_index] # if back at start of cycle if p_index == current_cycle[0]: # store cycle cycles.append(current_cycle) try: # retrieve the next lowest un-used image point p_index = permutation_nums.pop(0) current_cycle = [p_index] except IndexError: break else: permutation_nums.remove(p_index) current_cycle.append(p_index) return cycles
[docs]def permutation_from_disjoint_cycles(cycles, offset = 0): """ Reconstruct a permutation image tuple from a list of disjoint cycles :param cycles: sequence of disjoint cycles :type cycles: list or tuple :param offset: Offset to subtract from the resulting permutation image points :type offset: int :return: permutation image tuple :rtype: tuple """ perm_length = sum(map(len, cycles)) res_perm = list(range(perm_length)) for c in cycles: p1 = c[0] - offset for p2 in c[1:]: p2 = p2 - offset res_perm[p1] = p2 p1 = p2 res_perm[p1] = c[0] - offset #close cycle assert sorted(res_perm) == list(range(perm_length)) return tuple(res_perm)
[docs]def permutation_to_block_permutations(permutation): """ If possible, decompose a permutation into a sequence of permutations each acting on individual ranges of the full range of indices. E.g. ``(1,2,0,3,5,4) --> (1,2,0) [+] (0,2,1)`` :param permutation: A valid permutation image tuple ``s = (s_0,...s_n)`` with ``n > 0`` :type permutation: tuple :return: A list of permutation tuples ``[t = (t_0,...,t_n1), u = (u_0,...,u_n2),..., z = (z_0,...,z_nm)]`` such that ``s = t [+] u [+] ... [+] z`` :rtype: list of tuples :raise: ValueError """ if len(permutation) == 0 or not check_permutation(permutation): raise BadPermutationError() cycles = permutation_to_disjoint_cycles(permutation) if len(cycles) == 1: return (permutation,) current_block_start = cycles[0][0] current_block_end = max(cycles[0]) current_block_cycles = [cycles[0]] res_permutations = [] for c in cycles[1:]: if c[0] > current_block_end: res_permutations.append(permutation_from_disjoint_cycles(current_block_cycles, current_block_start)) assert sum(map(len, current_block_cycles)) == current_block_end - current_block_start + 1 current_block_start = c[0] current_block_end = max(c) current_block_cycles = [c] else: current_block_cycles.append(c) if max(c) > current_block_end: current_block_end = max(c) res_permutations.append(permutation_from_disjoint_cycles(current_block_cycles, current_block_start)) assert sum(map(len, current_block_cycles)) == current_block_end - current_block_start + 1 assert sum(map(len, res_permutations)) == len(permutation) return res_permutations
[docs]def permutation_from_block_permutations(permutations): """ Reverse operation to :py:func:`permutation_to_block_permutations` Compute the concatenation of permutations ``(1,2,0) [+] (0,2,1) --> (1,2,0,3,5,4)`` :param permutations: A list of permutation tuples ``[t = (t_0,...,t_n1), u = (u_0,...,u_n2),..., z = (z_0,...,z_nm)]`` :type permutations: list of tuples :return: permutation image tuple ``s = t [+] u [+] ... [+] z`` :rtype: tuple """ offset = 0 new_perm = [] for p in permutations: new_perm[offset: offset +len(p)] = [p_i + offset for p_i in p] offset += len(p) return tuple(new_perm)
[docs]def compose_permutations(alpha, beta): r""" Find the composite permutation .. math:: \sigma := \alpha \cdot \beta \\ \Leftrightarrow \sigma(j) = \alpha\left(\beta(j)\right) \\ :param a: first permutation image tuple :type alpha: tuple :param beta: second permutation image tuple :type beta: tuple :return: permutation image tuple of the composition. :rtype: tuple """ return permute(alpha, beta)
#TODO remove redundant function concatenate_permutations
[docs]def concatenate_permutations(a, b): """ Concatenate two permutations: s = a [+] b :param a: first permutation image tuple :type a: tuple :param b: second permutation image tuple :type b: tuple :return: permutation image tuple of the concatenation. :rtype: tuple """ return permutation_from_block_permutations([a, b])
[docs]def permute(sequence, permutation): """ Apply a permutation sigma({j}) to an arbitrary sequence. :param sequence: Any finite length sequence ``[l_1,l_2,...l_n]``. If it is a list, tuple or str, the return type will be the same. :param permutation: permutation image tuple :type permutation: tuple :return: The permuted sequence ``[l_sigma(1), l_sigma(2), ..., l_sigma(n)]`` :raise: BadPermutationError or ValueError """ if len(sequence) != len(permutation): raise ValueError((sequence, permutation)) if not check_permutation(permutation): raise BadPermutationError(str(permutation)) if type(sequence) in (list, tuple, str): constructor = type(sequence) else: constructor = list return constructor((sequence[p] for p in permutation))
[docs]def full_block_perm(block_permutation, block_structure): """ Extend a permutation of blocks to a permutation for the internal signals of all blocks. E.g., say we have two blocks of sizes ('block structure') ``(2, 3)``, then a block permutation that switches the blocks would be given by the image tuple ``(1,0)``. However, to get a permutation of all 2+3 = 5 channels that realizes that block permutation we would need ``(2, 3, 4, 0, 1)`` :param block_permutation: permutation image tuple of block indices :type block_permutation: tuple :param block_structure: The block channel dimensions, block structure :type block_structure: tuple :return: A single permutation for all channels of all blocks. :rtype: tuple """ fblockp = [] bp_inv = invert_permutation(block_permutation) for k, block_length in enumerate(block_structure): p_k = block_permutation[k] offset = sum([block_structure[bp_inv[j]] for j in range(p_k)]) fblockp += range(offset, offset + block_length) assert sorted(fblockp) == list(range(sum(block_structure))) return tuple(fblockp)
[docs]def block_perm_and_perms_within_blocks(permutation, block_structure): """ Decompose a permutation into a block permutation and into permutations acting within each block. :param permutation: The overall permutation to be factored. :type permutation: tuple :param block_structure: The channel dimensions of the blocks :type block_structure: tuple :return: ``(block_permutation, permutations_within_blocks)`` Where ``block_permutations`` is an image tuple for a permutation of the block indices and ``permutations_within_blocks`` is a list of image tuples for the permutations of the channels within each block :rtype: tuple """ nblocks = len(block_structure) cdim = sum(block_structure) offsets = [sum(block_structure[:k]) for k in range(nblocks)] images = [permutation[offset: offset + length] for (offset, length) in zip(offsets, block_structure)] images_mins = list(map(min, images)) key_block_perm_inv = lambda block_index: images_mins[block_index] block_perm_inv = tuple(sorted(range(nblocks), key = key_block_perm_inv)) # print(images_mins) # print(permutation, block_structure, "-->", block_perm, invert_permutation(block_perm)) block_perm = invert_permutation(block_perm_inv) assert images_mins[block_perm_inv[0]] == min(images_mins) assert images_mins[block_perm_inv[-1]] == max(images_mins) # block_perm = tuple(invert_permutation(block_perm_inv)) perms_within_blocks = [] for (offset, length, image) in zip(offsets, block_structure, images): block_key = lambda elt_index: image[elt_index] within_inv = sorted(range(length), key = block_key) within = invert_permutation(tuple(within_inv)) assert permutation[within_inv[0] + offset] == min(image) assert permutation[within_inv[-1] + offset] == max(image) perms_within_blocks.append(within) return block_perm, perms_within_blocks
## TODO Add test code