Source code for qnet.circuit_components.library

#This file is part of QNET.
#    QNET is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
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#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Nikolas Tezak

This module features some helper functions for automatically creating and managing a library of circuit component definition files.
import os
import re

MODULE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)

[docs]def make_namespace_string(namespace, sub_name): """ Make a namespace string by combining a namespace string with a new name. :param namespace: The namespace so far :type namespace: str :param sub_name: The additional name to add/ :type sub_name: str :return: The combined namespace :rtype: str """ if namespace == '': return sub_name return namespace + "." + sub_name
camelcase_to_underscore = lambda st: re.sub('(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))', '_\\1', st).lower().strip('_') """Convert a camelcase entity name into an appropriate underscore name to import its corresponding module"""
[docs]def getCDIM(component_name): """ Get the channel dimension of a referenced subcomponent :param component_name: The entity name of the component :type component_name: str :return: The channel dimension of the component. :rtype: int """ try: component_module = __import__("qnet.circuit_components.%s_cc" % camelcase_to_underscore(component_name), fromlist=['qnet.circuit_components']) except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("Could not retrieve Circuit file: %s" % e) return getattr(component_module, component_name).CDIM
def _make_default_value_string(name, tp, default): if default is not None: return str(default) if tp == 'real': return 'symbols(%r, real = True)' % (name,) return 'symbols(%r)' % (name,)
[docs]def write_component(entity, architectures, local = False): """ Write a new entity definition to a python module file. :param entity: The entity object :type entity: :py:class:`qnet.qhdl.qhdl.Entity` :param architectures: A dictionary of architectures ``dict(name = architecture)`` associated with the entity. :type architectures: dict :param local: Whether or not to store the created module in the current/local directory or install it in :py:module:``qnet.circuit_components``, default = ``False`` :type local: bool :return: The filename of the new module. :rtype: str """ if len(architectures) > 1: print("Warning: using only first architecture") arch = architectures.values().pop(0) arch_circuit, circuit_symbols, instance_assignments = arch.to_circuit() import_component_strings = [] for component_name in arch.components: import_component_strings.append("from qnet.circuit_components.%s_cc import %s" % (camelcase_to_underscore(component_name), component_name)) import_components = "\n".join(import_component_strings) symbol_assignment_strings = [] for instance_name in sorted(circuit_symbols): component, generic_map = instance_assignments[instance_name][0 : 2] generic_assignments = "".join([", {comp_generic} = {entity_generic}".format(comp_generic = cg, entity_generic = "self." + eg if isinstance(eg, str) else str(eg)) for cg, eg in generic_map.items()]) symbol_assignment_strings.append(""" @property def {sname}(self): return {cname}(make_namespace_string(, '{sname}'){generic_assignments}) """.format( sname = instance_name, cname = component.identifier, generic_assignments = generic_assignments)) symbol_assignments = "".join(symbol_assignment_strings) symbol_instantiation = ", ".join(sorted(circuit_symbols.keys())) + " = " + ", ".join("self."+k for k in sorted(circuit_symbols.keys())) symbolic_expression = str(arch_circuit) with open(MODULE_DIR + '/', 'r') as template: file_template = if local: cc_file_path = camelcase_to_underscore(entity.identifier) + "" else: cc_file_path = MODULE_DIR + "/" + camelcase_to_underscore(entity.identifier) + "" # backup existing files # TODO add code to rescue doc-strings if os.path.exists(cc_file_path): j = 0 while(os.path.exists(cc_file_path + ".backup_%d" % j)): j += 1 os.rename(cc_file_path, cc_file_path + ".backup_%d" % j) template_params = { "filename" : os.path.basename(cc_file_path), "entity_name": entity.identifier, "CDIM" : entity.cdim, "param_attributes": "\n ".join(("%s = %s" % (generic_name, _make_default_value_string(generic_name, gtype, default_value)) for (generic_name, (gtype, default_value)) in entity.generics.items())), "param_names": repr(sorted(entity.generics.keys())), "PORTSIN" : entity.in_port_identifiers, "PORTSOUT" : entity.out_port_identifiers, "sub_component_attributes" : symbol_assignments, "sub_component_names" : repr(sorted(circuit_symbols.keys())), "symbol_instantiation": symbol_instantiation, "symbolic_expression": symbolic_expression, "import_components":import_components, } with open(cc_file_path, "w") as src_file: src_file.write(file_template.format(**template_params)) return cc_file_path