Source code for qnet.algebra.core.operator_algebra

This module features classes and functions to define and manipulate symbolic
Operator expressions.  For more details see :ref:`operator_algebra`.

For a list of all properties and methods of an operator object, see the
documentation for the basic :class:`Operator` class.
import re
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from itertools import product as cartesian_product

from sympy import sympify

from qnet.utils.properties_for_args import properties_for_args
from .abstract_quantum_algebra import (
    ScalarTimesQuantumExpression, QuantumExpression, QuantumSymbol,
    QuantumOperation, QuantumPlus, QuantumTimes, SingleQuantumOperation,
    QuantumAdjoint, QuantumIndexedSum, QuantumDerivative, ensure_local_space)
from .algebraic_properties import (
    assoc, assoc_indexed, commutator_order, delegate_to_method,
    disjunct_hs_zero, filter_neutral, implied_local_space, match_replace,
    match_replace_binary, orderby, scalars_to_op, indexed_sum_over_const,
    indexed_sum_over_kronecker, collect_summands)
from .exceptions import CannotSimplify
from .hilbert_space_algebra import (
    HilbertSpace, LocalSpace, ProductSpace, TrivialSpace, )
from .scalar_algebra import Scalar, ScalarValue, is_scalar
from ..pattern_matching import pattern, pattern_head, wc
from ...utils.indices import (
    SymbolicLabelBase, IdxSym, IndexOverFockSpace, FockIndex)
from ...utils.ordering import FullCommutativeHSOrder
from ...utils.singleton import Singleton, singleton_object

sympyOne = sympify(1)

# for hilbert space dimensions less than or equal to this,
# compute numerically PseudoInverse and NullSpaceProjector representations

__all__ = [
    'Adjoint', 'LocalOperator', 'LocalSigma', 'NullSpaceProjector', 'Operator',
    'OperatorPlus', 'OperatorPlusMinusCC', 'OperatorSymbol', 'OperatorTimes',
    'OperatorTrace', 'PseudoInverse', 'ScalarTimesOperator',
    'LocalProjector', 'adjoint', 'rewrite_with_operator_pm_cc',
    'decompose_space', 'factor_coeff', 'factor_for_trace', 'get_coeffs', 'II',
    'IdentityOperator', 'ZeroOperator', 'OperatorDerivative', 'Commutator',
    'OperatorIndexedSum', 'tr']

__private__ = []
# anything not in __all__ must be in __private__

# Abstract base classes

[docs]class Operator(QuantumExpression, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for all quantum operators."""
[docs] def pseudo_inverse(self): """Pseudo-inverse $\Op{X}^+$ of the operator $\Op{X}$ It is defined via the relationship .. math:: \Op{X} \Op{X}^+ \Op{X} = \Op{X} \\ \Op{X}^+ \Op{X} \Op{X}^+ = \Op{X}^+ \\ (\Op{X}^+ \Op{X})^\dagger = \Op{X}^+ \Op{X} \\ (\Op{X} \Op{X}^+)^\dagger = \Op{X} \Op{X}^+ """ return self._pseudo_inverse()
@abstractmethod def _pseudo_inverse(self): raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def expand_in_basis(self, basis_states=None, hermitian=False): """Write the operator as an expansion into all :class:`KetBras <.KetBra>` spanned by `basis_states`. Args: basis_states (list or None): List of basis states (:class:`.State` instances) into which to expand the operator. If None, use the operator's `space.basis_states` hermitian (bool): If True, assume that the operator is Hermitian and represent all elements in the lower triangle of the expansion via :class:`OperatorPlusMinusCC`. This is meant to enhance readability Raises: .BasisNotSetError: If `basis_states` is None and the operator's Hilbert space has no well-defined basis Example: >>> hs = LocalSpace(1, basis=('g', 'e')) >>> op = LocalSigma('g', 'e', hs=hs) + LocalSigma('e', 'g', hs=hs) >>> print(ascii(op, sig_as_ketbra=False)) sigma_e,g^(1) + sigma_g,e^(1) >>> print(ascii(op.expand_in_basis())) |e><g|^(1) + |g><e|^(1) >>> print(ascii(op.expand_in_basis(hermitian=True))) |g><e|^(1) + c.c. """ from qnet.algebra.core.state_algebra import KetBra # KetBra is imported locally to avoid circular imports if basis_states is None: basis_states = list( else: basis_states = list(basis_states) diag_terms = [] terms = [] for i, ket_i in enumerate(basis_states): for j, ket_j in enumerate(basis_states): if i > j and hermitian: continue op_ij = (ket_i.dag() * self * ket_j).expand() ketbra = KetBra(ket_i, ket_j) term = op_ij * ketbra if term is not ZeroOperator: if i == j: diag_terms.append(op_ij * ketbra) else: terms.append(op_ij * ketbra) if hermitian: res = OperatorPlus.create(*diag_terms) if len(terms) > 0: res = res + OperatorPlusMinusCC(OperatorPlus.create(*terms)) return res else: return ( OperatorPlus.create(*diag_terms) + OperatorPlus.create(*terms))
[docs]class LocalOperator(Operator, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for "known" operators on a :class:`LocalSpace` All :class:`LocalOperator` instances have known algebraic properties and a fixed associated identifier (symbol) that is used when printing that operator. A custom identifier can be used through the associated :class:`.LocalSpace`'s `local_identifiers` parameter. For example:: >>> hs1_custom = LocalSpace(1, local_identifiers={'Destroy': 'b'}) >>> b = Destroy(hs=hs1_custom) >>> ascii(b) 'b^(1)' Note: It is recommended that subclasses use the :func:`.properties_for_args` class decorator if they define any position arguments (via the :attr:`_arg_names` class attribute) """ simplifications = [implied_local_space(keys=['hs', ]), ] _identifier = None # must be overridden by subclasses! _dagger = False # do representations include a dagger? _arg_names = () # names of args that can be passed to __init__ _scalar_args = True # convert args to Scalar? _hs_cls = LocalSpace # allowed type of `hs` _rx_identifier = re.compile('^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*(_[A-Za-z0-9().+-]+)?$') def __init__(self, *args, hs): if len(args) != len(self._arg_names): raise ValueError("expected %d arguments, gotten %d" % (len(self._arg_names), len(args))) if self._scalar_args: args = [ScalarValue.create(arg) for arg in args] for i, arg_name in enumerate(self._arg_names): self.__dict__['_%s' % arg_name] = args[i] hs = ensure_local_space(hs, cls=self._hs_cls) self._hs = hs if self._identifier is None: raise TypeError( r"Can't instantiate abstract class %s with undefined " r"_identifier" % self.__class__.__name__) self._args = args super().__init__(*args, hs=hs) @property def space(self): """Hilbert space of the operator (:class:`.LocalSpace` instance)""" return self._hs @property def args(self): """The positional arguments used for instantiating the operator""" return tuple(self._args) @property def kwargs(self): """The keyword arguments used for instantiating the operator""" return OrderedDict([('hs', self._hs)]) @property def identifier(self): """The identifier (symbol) that is used when printing the operator. A custom identifier can be used through the associated :class:`.LocalSpace`'s `local_identifiers` parameter. For example:: >>> a = Destroy(hs=1) >>> a.identifier 'a' >>> hs1_custom = LocalSpace(1, local_identifiers={'Destroy': 'b'}) >>> b = Destroy(hs=hs1_custom) >>> b.identifier 'b' >>> ascii(b) 'b^(1)' """ identifier = self._hs._local_identifiers.get( self.__class__.__name__, self._identifier) if not self._rx_identifier.match(identifier): raise ValueError( "identifier '%s' does not match pattern '%s'" % (identifier, self._rx_identifier.pattern)) return identifier def _diff(self, sym): return OperatorDerivative(self, derivs={sym: 1}) def _simplify_scalar(self, func): if self._scalar_args: args = [arg.simplify_scalar(func=func) for arg in self.args] return self.create(*args, else: return super()._simplify_scalar(func=func)
############################################################################### # Operator algebra elements ###############################################################################
[docs]class OperatorSymbol(QuantumSymbol, Operator): """Symbolic operator See :class:`.QuantumSymbol`. """ def _pseudo_inverse(self): return PseudoInverse(self)
[docs]@singleton_object class IdentityOperator(Operator, metaclass=Singleton): """``IdentityOperator`` constant (singleton) object.""" _order_index = 2 @property def space(self): """:class:`.TrivialSpace`""" return TrivialSpace @property def args(self): return tuple() def _diff(self, sym): return ZeroOperator def _adjoint(self): return self def _pseudo_inverse(self): return self
II = IdentityOperator
[docs]@singleton_object class ZeroOperator(Operator, metaclass=Singleton): """``ZeroOperator`` constant (singleton) object.""" _order_index = 2 @property def space(self): """:class:`.TrivialSpace`""" return TrivialSpace @property def args(self): return tuple() def _diff(self, sym): return self def _adjoint(self): return self def _pseudo_inverse(self): return self
[docs]@properties_for_args class LocalSigma(LocalOperator): r'''Level flip operator between two levels of a :class:`.LocalSpace` .. math:: \Op{\sigma}_{jk}^{\rm hs} = \left| j\right\rangle_{\rm hs} \left \langle k \right |_{\rm hs} For $j=k$ this becomes a projector $\Op{P}_k$ onto the eigenstate $\ket{k}$; see :class:`LocalProjector`. Args: j (int or str): The label or index identifying $\ket{j}$ k (int or str): The label or index identifying $\ket{k}$ hs (LocalSpace or int or str): The Hilbert space on which the operator acts. If an :class:`int` or a :class:`str`, an implicit Hilbert space will be constructed as a subclass of :class:`LocalSpace`, as configured by :func:`init_algebra`. Note: The parameters `j` or `k` may be an integer or a string. A string refers to the label of an eigenstate in the basis of `hs`, which needs to be set. An integer refers to the (zero-based) index of eigenstate of the Hilbert space. This works if `hs` has an unknown dimension. Assuming the Hilbert space has a defined basis, using integer or string labels is equivalent:: >>> hs = LocalSpace('tls', basis=('g', 'e')) >>> LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=hs) == LocalSigma('g', 'e', hs=hs) True Raises: ValueError: If `j` or `k` are invalid value for the given `hs` Printers should represent this operator either in braket notation, or using the operator identifier >>> LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=0).identifier 'sigma' For ``j == k``, an alternative (fixed) identifier may be used >>> LocalSigma(0, 0, hs=0)._identifier_projector 'Pi' ''' _identifier = "sigma" _identifier_projector = "Pi" _rx_identifier = re.compile('^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$') _arg_names = ('j', 'k') _scalar_args = False # args are labels, not scalar coefficients _rules = OrderedDict() simplifications = [implied_local_space(keys=['hs', ]), match_replace] def __init__(self, j, k, *, hs): if isinstance(hs, (str, int)): hs = self._default_hs_cls(hs) hs._unpack_basis_label_or_index(j) # for applying checks only ... hs._unpack_basis_label_or_index(k) # ... (disregard returned tuple) if hs.has_basis: # normalize integer i/j to str label, if possible if isinstance(j, int): j = hs.basis_labels[j] if isinstance(k, int): k = hs.basis_labels[k] super().__init__(j, k, hs=hs) @property def args(self): """The two eigenstate labels `j` and `k` that the operator connects""" return self.j, self.k @property def index_j(self): """Index `j` or (zero-based) index of the label `j` in the basis""" if isinstance(self.j, (int, SymbolicLabelBase)): return self.j else: try: return except ValueError: raise ValueError( "%r is not one of the basis labels %r" % (self.j, @property def index_k(self): """Index `k` or (zero-based) index of the label `k` in the basis""" if isinstance(self.k, (int, SymbolicLabelBase)): return self.k else: try: return except ValueError: raise ValueError( "%r is not one of the basis labels %r" % (self.k,
[docs] def raise_jk(self, j_incr=0, k_incr=0): r'''Return a new :class:`LocalSigma` instance with incremented `j`, `k`, on the same Hilbert space: .. math:: \Op{\sigma}_{jk}^{\rm hs} \rightarrow \Op{\sigma}_{j'k'}^{\rm hs} This is the result of multiplying $\Op{\sigma}_{jk}^{\rm hs}$ with any raising or lowering operators. If $j'$ or $k'$ are outside the Hilbert space ${\rm hs}$, the result is the :obj:`ZeroOperator` . Args: j_incr (int): The increment between labels $j$ and $j'$ k_incr (int): The increment between labels $k$ and $k'$. Both increments may be negative. ''' try: if isinstance(self.j, int): new_j = self.j + j_incr else: # str new_j =, j_incr) if isinstance(self.k, int): new_k = self.k + k_incr else: # str or SymbolicLabelBase new_k =, k_incr) return LocalSigma.create(new_j, new_k, except (IndexError, ValueError): return ZeroOperator
def _adjoint(self): return LocalSigma(j=self.k, k=self.j, def _pseudo_inverse(self): return self._adjoint()
[docs]def LocalProjector(j, *, hs): """A projector onto a specific level of a :class:`.LocalSpace` Args: j (int or str): The label or index identifying the state onto which is projected hs (HilbertSpace): The Hilbert space on which the operator acts """ return LocalSigma(j, j, hs=hs)
############################################################################### # Algebra Operations ###############################################################################
[docs]class OperatorPlus(QuantumPlus, Operator): """Sum of Operators""" _neutral_element = ZeroOperator _binary_rules = OrderedDict() simplifications = [ assoc, scalars_to_op, orderby, collect_summands, match_replace_binary] def _pseudo_inverse(self): return PseudoInverse(self)
[docs]class OperatorTimes(QuantumTimes, Operator): """Product of operators This serves both as a product within a Hilbert space as well as a tensor product.""" _neutral_element = IdentityOperator _binary_rules = OrderedDict() simplifications = [assoc, orderby, filter_neutral, match_replace_binary] def _pseudo_inverse(self): return self.__class__.create( *[o._pseudo_inverse() for o in reversed(self.operands)])
[docs]class ScalarTimesOperator(Operator, ScalarTimesQuantumExpression): """Product of a :class:`.Scalar` coefficient and an :class:`Operator`""" _rules = OrderedDict() simplifications = [match_replace, ]
[docs] @staticmethod def has_minus_prefactor(c): """ For a scalar object c, determine whether it is prepended by a "-" sign. """ # TODO: check if this is necessary; if yes, move cs = str(c).strip() return cs[0] == "-"
def _pseudo_inverse(self): c, t = self.operands return t.pseudo_inverse() / c def __eq__(self, other): # TODO: review, and add this to ScalarTimesQuantumExpression if self.term is IdentityOperator and is_scalar(other): return self.coeff == other return super().__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): # TODO: review, and add this to ScalarTimesQuantumExpression return super().__hash__() def _adjoint(self): return ScalarTimesOperator(self.coeff.conjugate(), self.term.adjoint())
[docs]class OperatorDerivative(QuantumDerivative, Operator): """Symbolic partial derivative of an operator See :class:`.QuantumDerivative`. """ def _pseudo_inverse(self): return PseudoInverse(self)
[docs]class Commutator(QuantumOperation, Operator): r'''Commutator of two operators .. math:: [\Op{A}, \Op{B}] = \Op{A}\Op{B} - \Op{A}\Op{B} ''' _rules = OrderedDict() simplifications = [ scalars_to_op, disjunct_hs_zero, commutator_order, match_replace] # TODO: doit method order_key = FullCommutativeHSOrder # commutator_order makes FullCommutativeHSOrder anti-commutative def __init__(self, A, B): self._hs = * super().__init__(A, B) @property def A(self): """Left side of the commutator""" return self.operands[0] @property def B(self): """Left side of the commutator""" return self.operands[1]
[docs] def doit(self, classes=None, recursive=True, **kwargs): """Write out commutator Write out the commutator according to its definition $[\Op{A}, \Op{B}] = \Op{A}\Op{B} - \Op{A}\Op{B}$. See :meth:`.Expression.doit`. """ return super().doit(classes, recursive, **kwargs)
def _doit(self, **kwargs): return self.A * self.B - self.B * self.A def _expand(self): A = self.A.expand() B = self.B.expand() if isinstance(A, OperatorPlus): A_summands = A.operands else: A_summands = (A,) if isinstance(B, OperatorPlus): B_summands = B.operands else: B_summands = (B,) summands = [] for combo in cartesian_product(A_summands, B_summands): summands.append(Commutator.create(*combo)) return OperatorPlus.create(*summands) def _series_expand(self, param, about, order): A_series = self.A.series_expand(param, about, order) B_series = self.B.series_expand(param, about, order) res = [] for n in range(order + 1): summands = [self.create(A_series[k], B_series[n - k]) for k in range(n + 1)] res.append(OperatorPlus.create(*summands)) return tuple(res) def _diff(self, sym): return (self.__class__(self.A.diff(sym), self.B) + self.__class__(self.A, self.B.diff(sym))) def _adjoint(self): return Commutator(self.B.adjoint(), self.A.adjoint()) def _pseudo_inverse(self): return PseudoInverse(self)
[docs]class OperatorTrace(SingleQuantumOperation, Operator): r'''(Partial) trace of an operator Trace of an operator `op` ($\Op{O}) over the degrees of freedom of a Hilbert space `over_space` ($\mathcal{H}$): .. math:: {\rm Tr}_{\mathcal{H}} \Op{O} Args: over_space (.HilbertSpace): The degrees of freedom to trace over op (Operator): The operator to take the trace of. ''' _rules = OrderedDict() simplifications = [ scalars_to_op, implied_local_space(keys=['over_space', ]), match_replace, ] def __init__(self, op, *, over_space): if isinstance(over_space, (int, str)): over_space = self._default_hs_cls(over_space) assert isinstance(over_space, HilbertSpace) self._over_space = over_space super().__init__(op, over_space=over_space) self._space = None @property def kwargs(self): return {'over_space': self._over_space} @property def operand(self): return self.operands[0] @property def space(self): if self._space is None: return self.operands[0].space / self._over_space return self._space def _expand(self): s = self._over_space o = self.operand return OperatorTrace.create(o.expand(), over_space=s) def _series_expand(self, param, about, order): ope = self.operand.series_expand(param, about, order) return tuple(OperatorTrace.create(opet, over_space=self._over_space) for opet in ope) def _diff(self, sym): s = self._over_space o = self.operand return OperatorTrace.create(o._diff(sym), over_space=s) def _adjoint(self): # there is a rule Tr[A^\dagger] -> Tr[A]^\dagger, which we don't want # to counteract here with an inverse rule return Adjoint(self) def _pseudo_inverse(self): return PseudoInverse(self)
[docs]class Adjoint(QuantumAdjoint, Operator): """Symbolic Adjoint of an operator""" simplifications = [ scalars_to_op, delegate_to_method('_adjoint')] # The reason that Adjoint does not have have `match_replace` in # `simplifications`, respectively a `_rules` class attribute is that the # `_adjoint` property that we delegate to is mandatory. Thus, if we had # rules on top of that, it would create the confusing situation of the rule # contradicting the `_adjoint` property. def _pseudo_inverse(self): return self.operand.pseudo_inverse().adjoint()
[docs]class OperatorPlusMinusCC(SingleQuantumOperation, Operator): """An operator plus or minus its complex conjugate""" def __init__(self, op, *, sign=+1): self._sign = sign super().__init__(op, sign=sign) @property def kwargs(self): if self._sign > 0: return {'sign': +1, } else: return {'sign': -1, } @property def minimal_kwargs(self): if self._sign == +1: return {} else: return self.kwargs def _expand(self): return self def _diff(self, sym): return OperatorPlusMinusCC( self.operands._diff(sym), sign=self._sign) def _adjoint(self): return OperatorPlusMinusCC(self.operand.adjoint(), sign=self._sign) def _pseudo_inverse(self): return PseudoInverse(self.doit())
[docs] def doit(self, classes=None, recursive=True, **kwargs): """Write out the complex conjugate summand See :meth:`.Expression.doit`. """ return super().doit(classes, recursive, **kwargs)
def _doit(self, **kwargs): if self._sign > 0: return self.operand + self.operand.adjoint() else: return self.operand - self.operand.adjoint()
[docs]class PseudoInverse(SingleQuantumOperation, Operator): r"""Unevaluated pseudo-inverse $\Op{X}^+$ of an operator $\Op{X}$ It is defined via the relationship .. math:: \Op{X} \Op{X}^+ \Op{X} = \Op{X} \\ \Op{X}^+ \Op{X} \Op{X}^+ = \Op{X}^+ \\ (\Op{X}^+ \Op{X})^\dagger = \Op{X}^+ \Op{X} \\ (\Op{X} \Op{X}^+)^\dagger = \Op{X} \Op{X}^+ """ simplifications = [ scalars_to_op, delegate_to_method('_pseudo_inverse')] # `PseudoInverse` does not use rules because it delegates to # `_pseudo_inverse`, cf. `Adjoint` def _expand(self): return self def _pseudo_inverse(self): return self.operand def _adjoint(self): return Adjoint(self)
[docs]class NullSpaceProjector(SingleQuantumOperation, Operator): r"""Projection operator onto the nullspace of its operand Returns the operator :math:`\mathcal{P}_{{\rm Ker} X}` with .. math:: X \mathcal{P}_{{\rm Ker} X} = 0 \Leftrightarrow X (1 - \mathcal{P}_{{\rm Ker} X}) = X \\ \mathcal{P}_{{\rm Ker} X}^\dagger = \mathcal{P}_{{\rm Ker} X} = \mathcal{P}_{{\rm Ker} X}^2 """ _rules = OrderedDict() simplifications = [scalars_to_op, match_replace, ] def _expand(self): return self def _adjoint(self): return Adjoint(self) def _pseudo_inverse(self): return PseudoInverse(self)
[docs]class OperatorIndexedSum(QuantumIndexedSum, Operator): """Indexed sum over operators""" _rules = OrderedDict() simplifications = [ assoc_indexed, scalars_to_op, indexed_sum_over_kronecker, indexed_sum_over_const, match_replace, ] def _pseudo_inverse(self): return PseudoInverse(self)
############################################################################### # Constructor Routines ############################################################################### tr = OperatorTrace.create ############################################################################### # Auxilliary routines ###############################################################################
[docs]def factor_for_trace(ls: HilbertSpace, op: Operator) -> Operator: r'''Given a :class:`.LocalSpace` `ls` to take the partial trace over and an operator `op`, factor the trace such that operators acting on disjoint degrees of freedom are pulled out of the trace. If the operator acts trivially on ls the trace yields only a pre-factor equal to the dimension of ls. If there are :class:`LocalSigma` operators among a product, the trace's cyclical property is used to move to sandwich the full product by :class:`LocalSigma` operators: .. math:: {\rm Tr} A \sigma_{jk} B = {\rm Tr} \sigma_{jk} B A \sigma_{jj} Args: ls: Degree of Freedom to trace over op: Operator to take the trace of Returns: The (partial) trace over the operator's spc-degrees of freedom ''' if == ls: if isinstance(op, OperatorTimes): pull_out = [o for o in op.operands if is TrivialSpace] rest = [o for o in op.operands if is not TrivialSpace] if pull_out: return (OperatorTimes.create(*pull_out) * OperatorTrace.create(OperatorTimes.create(*rest), over_space=ls)) raise CannotSimplify() if ls & == TrivialSpace: return ls.dimension * op if ls < and isinstance(op, OperatorTimes): pull_out = [o for o in op.operands if ( & ls) == TrivialSpace] rest = [o for o in op.operands if ( & ls) != TrivialSpace] if (not isinstance(rest[0], LocalSigma) or not isinstance(rest[-1], LocalSigma)): for j, r in enumerate(rest): if isinstance(r, LocalSigma): m = r.j rest = ( rest[j:] + rest[:j] + [LocalSigma.create(m, m, hs=ls), ]) break if not rest: rest = [IdentityOperator] if len(pull_out): return (OperatorTimes.create(*pull_out) * OperatorTrace.create(OperatorTimes.create(*rest), over_space=ls)) raise CannotSimplify()
[docs]def decompose_space(H, A): """Simplifies OperatorTrace expressions over tensor-product spaces by turning it into iterated partial traces. Args: H (ProductSpace): The full space. A (Operator): Returns: Operator: Iterative partial trace expression """ return OperatorTrace.create( OperatorTrace.create(A, over_space=H.operands[-1]), over_space=ProductSpace.create(*H.operands[:-1]))
[docs]def get_coeffs(expr, expand=False, epsilon=0.): """Create a dictionary with all Operator terms of the expression (understood as a sum) as keys and their coefficients as values. The returned object is a defaultdict that return 0. if a term/key doesn't exist. Args: expr: The operator expression to get all coefficients from. expand: Whether to expand the expression distributively. epsilon: If non-zero, drop all Operators with coefficients that have absolute value less than epsilon. Returns: dict: A dictionary ``{op1: coeff1, op2: coeff2, ...}`` """ if expand: expr = expr.expand() ret = defaultdict(int) operands = expr.operands if isinstance(expr, OperatorPlus) else [expr] for e in operands: c, t = _coeff_term(e) try: if abs(complex(c)) < epsilon: continue except TypeError: pass ret[t] += c return ret
def _coeff_term(op): # TODO: remove if isinstance(op, ScalarTimesOperator): return op.coeff, op.term elif is_scalar(op): if op == 0: return 0, ZeroOperator else: return op, IdentityOperator else: return 1, op
[docs]def factor_coeff(cls, ops, kwargs): """Factor out coefficients of all factors.""" coeffs, nops = zip(*map(_coeff_term, ops)) coeff = 1 for c in coeffs: coeff *= c if coeff == 1: return nops, coeffs else: return coeff * cls.create(*nops, **kwargs)
[docs]def adjoint(obj): """Return the adjoint of an obj.""" try: return obj.adjoint() except AttributeError: return obj.conjugate()
############################################################################### # Extra ("manual") simplifications ###############################################################################
[docs]def rewrite_with_operator_pm_cc(expr): """Try to rewrite expr using :class:`OperatorPlusMinusCC` Example: >>> A = OperatorSymbol('A', hs=1) >>> sum = A + A.dag() >>> sum2 = rewrite_with_operator_pm_cc(sum) >>> print(ascii(sum2)) A^(1) + c.c. """ # TODO: move this to the toolbox from qnet.algebra.toolbox.core import temporary_rules def _combine_operator_p_cc(A, B): if B.adjoint() == A: return OperatorPlusMinusCC(A, sign=+1) else: raise CannotSimplify def _combine_operator_m_cc(A, B): if B.adjoint() == A: return OperatorPlusMinusCC(A, sign=-1) else: raise CannotSimplify def _scal_combine_operator_pm_cc(c, A, d, B): if B.adjoint() == A: if c == d: return c * OperatorPlusMinusCC(A, sign=+1) elif c == -d: return c * OperatorPlusMinusCC(A, sign=-1) raise CannotSimplify A = wc("A", head=Operator) B = wc("B", head=Operator) c = wc("c", head=Scalar) d = wc("d", head=Scalar) with temporary_rules(OperatorPlus, clear=True): OperatorPlus.add_rule( 'PM1', pattern_head(A, B), _combine_operator_p_cc) OperatorPlus.add_rule( 'PM2', pattern_head(pattern(ScalarTimesOperator, -1, B), A), _combine_operator_m_cc) OperatorPlus.add_rule( 'PM3', pattern_head( pattern(ScalarTimesOperator, c, A), pattern(ScalarTimesOperator, d, B)), _scal_combine_operator_pm_cc) return expr.rebuild()
Operator._zero = ZeroOperator Operator._one = IdentityOperator Operator._base_cls = Operator Operator._scalar_times_expr_cls = ScalarTimesOperator Operator._plus_cls = OperatorPlus Operator._times_cls = OperatorTimes Operator._adjoint_cls = Adjoint Operator._indexed_sum_cls = OperatorIndexedSum Operator._derivative_cls = OperatorDerivative