Source code for qnet.algebra.library.pauli_matrices

"""Constructors for Pauli-Matrix operators on any two levels of a system"""
from sympy import I

from ..core.hilbert_space_algebra import LocalSpace
from ..core.operator_algebra import LocalSigma, LocalProjector

__all__ = ['PauliX', 'PauliY', 'PauliZ']

def _get_pauli_args(local_space, states):
    if isinstance(local_space, (str, int)):
        local_space = LocalSpace(local_space)
    if states is None:
        if local_space.has_basis:
            states = local_space.basis_labels[0:2]
            states = (0, 1)
    return local_space, states

[docs]def PauliX(local_space, states=None): r"""Pauli-type X-operator .. math:: \hat{\sigma}_x = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} on an arbitrary two-level system. Args: local_space (str or int or .LocalSpace): Associated Hilbert space. If :class:`str` or :class:`int`, a :class:`LocalSpace` with a matching label will be created. states (None or tuple[int or str]): The labels for the basis states for the two levels on which the operator acts. If None, the two lowest levels are used. Returns: Operator: Local X-operator as a linear combination of :class:`LocalSigma` """ local_space, states = _get_pauli_args(local_space, states) g, e = states return ( LocalSigma.create(g, e, hs=local_space) + LocalSigma.create(e, g, hs=local_space))
[docs]def PauliY(local_space, states=None): r""" Pauli-type Y-operator .. math:: \hat{\sigma}_x = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{pmatrix} on an arbitrary two-level system. See :func:`PauliX` """ local_space, states = _get_pauli_args(local_space, states) g, e = states return I * (-LocalSigma.create(g, e, hs=local_space) + LocalSigma.create(e, g, hs=local_space))
[docs]def PauliZ(local_space, states=None): r"""Pauli-type Z-operator .. math:: \hat{\sigma}_x = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{pmatrix} on an arbitrary two-level system. See :func:`PauliX` """ local_space, states = _get_pauli_args(local_space, states) g, e = states return ( LocalProjector(g, hs=local_space) - LocalProjector(e, hs=local_space))