Source code for qnet.printing

"""Printing system for QNET Expressions and related objects"""

import sys
import logging
import configparser
import importlib
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial

from sympy.interactive.printing import init_printing as sympy_init_printing
from sympy.printing.printer import Printer as SympyPrinter

from .base import QnetBasePrinter
from .asciiprinter import QnetAsciiPrinter
from .unicodeprinter import QnetUnicodePrinter
from .latexprinter import QnetLatexPrinter
from .sreprprinter import QnetSReprPrinter, IndentedSReprPrinter
from .treeprinting import print_tree, tree
from .dot import dotprint

__all__ = ['init_printing', 'configure_printing', 'ascii', 'unicode', 'latex',
           'tex', 'srepr', 'dotprint', 'tree', 'print_tree']
__private__ = []

def _printer_cls(label, class_address, require_base=QnetBasePrinter):
    module_name, class_name = class_address.rsplit(".", 1)
        mod = importlib.import_module(module_name)
        cls = getattr(mod, class_name)
    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
        raise ValueError("%s '%s' does not exist" % (label, class_address))
        if require_base is not None:
            if not issubclass(cls, require_base):
                raise ValueError(
                    "%s '%s' must be a subclass of %s"
                    % (label, class_address, require_base.__name__))
    except TypeError:
            raise ValueError(
                "%s '%s' must be a class" % (label, class_address))
        return cls

[docs]def init_printing(*, reset=False, init_sympy=True, **kwargs): """Initialize the printing system. This determines the behavior of the :func:`ascii`, :func:`unicode`, and :func:`latex` functions, as well as the ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` of any :class:`.Expression`. The routine may be called in one of two forms. First, :: init_printing( str_format=<str_fmt>, repr_format=<repr_fmt>, caching=<use_caching>, **settings) provides a simplified, "manual" setup with the following parameters. Args: str_format (str): Format for ``__str__`` representation of an :class:`.Expression`. One of 'ascii', 'unicode', 'latex', 'srepr', 'indsrepr' ("indented `srepr`"), or 'tree'. The string representation will be affected by the settings for the corresponding print routine, e.g. :func:`unicode` for ``str_format='unicode'`` repr_format (str): Like `str_format`, but for ``__repr__``. This is what gets displayed in an interactive (I)Python session. caching (bool): By default, the printing functions (:func:`ascii`, :func:`unicode`, :func:`latex`) cache their result for any expression and sub-expression. This is both for efficiency and to give the ability to to supply custom strings for subexpression by passing a `cache` parameter to the printing functions. Initializing the printing system with ``caching=False`` disables this possibility. settings: Any setting understood by any of the printing routines. Second, :: init_printing(inifile=<path_to_file>) allows for more detailed settings through a config file, see the :ref:`notes on using an INI file <ini_file_printing>`. If `str_format` or `repr_format` are not given, they will be set to 'unicode' if the current terminal is known to support an UTF8 (accordig to ``sys.stdout.encoding``), and 'ascii' otherwise. Generally, :func:`init_printing` should be called only once at the beginning of a script or notebook. If it is called multiple times, any settings accumulate. To avoid this and to reset the printing system to the defaults, you may pass ``reset=True``. In a Jupyter notebook, expressions are rendered graphically via LaTeX, using the settings as they affect the :func:`latex` printer. The :func:`sympy.init_printing()` routine is called automatically, unless `init_sympy` is given as ``False``. See also: :func:`configure_printing` allows to temporarily change the printing system from what was configured in :func:`init_printing`. """ # return either None (default) or a dict of frozen attributes if # ``_freeze=True`` is given as a keyword argument (internal use in # `configure_printing` only) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if reset: SympyPrinter._global_settings = {} if init_sympy: if kwargs.get('repr_format', '') == 'unicode': sympy_init_printing(use_unicode=True) if kwargs.get('repr_format', '') == 'ascii': sympy_init_printing(use_unicode=False) else: sympy_init_printing() # let sympy decide by itself if 'inifile' in kwargs: invalid_kwargs = False if '_freeze' in kwargs: _freeze = kwargs['_freeze'] if len(kwargs) != 2: invalid_kwargs = True else: _freeze = False if len(kwargs) != 1: invalid_kwargs = True if invalid_kwargs: raise TypeError( "The `inifile` argument cannot be combined with any " "other keyword arguments") logger.debug( "Initializating printing from INI file %s", kwargs['inifile']) return _init_printing_from_file(kwargs['inifile'], _freeze=_freeze) else: logger.debug( "Initializating printing with direct settings: %s", repr(kwargs)) return _init_printing(**kwargs)
def _init_printing( str_format=None, repr_format=None, caching=True, ascii_printer='qnet.printing.asciiprinter.QnetAsciiPrinter', ascii_sympy_printer='qnet.printing.sympy.SympyStrPrinter', ascii_settings=None, unicode_printer='qnet.printing.unicodeprinter.QnetUnicodePrinter', unicode_sympy_printer='qnet.printing.sympy.SympyUnicodePrinter', unicode_settings=None, latex_printer='qnet.printing.latexprinter.QnetLatexPrinter', latex_sympy_printer='qnet.printing.sympy.SympyLatexPrinter', latex_settings=None, _freeze=False, **settings): # Note: the *_printer args are undocumented, it's preferable to use them # through an INI file only logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) freeze = defaultdict(dict) freeze[SympyPrinter]['_global_settings'] \ = SympyPrinter._global_settings.copy() # Putting the settings in the _global_settings dict for SympyPrinter makes # sure that any setting that is acceptable to any Printer that is newly # instantiated is used automatically. Settings in _global_settings that are # not in the _default_settings of a Printer will be silently ignored. SympyPrinter.set_global_settings(**settings) # Note that this is the *only* mechanism by which we handle the settings; # no settings are passed to any specific Printer below -- Printer-specific # settings are possible only when using an INI file. freeze[QnetBasePrinter]['_allow_caching'] = QnetBasePrinter._allow_caching QnetBasePrinter._allow_caching = caching print_map = { # print fct printer cls sympy printer class settings 'ascii': (ascii_printer, ascii_sympy_printer, ascii_settings), 'unicode': (unicode_printer, unicode_sympy_printer, unicode_settings), 'latex': (latex_printer, latex_sympy_printer, latex_settings), } for name in print_map.keys(): print_func = _PRINT_FUNC[name] qnet_printer_address, sympy_printer_address, settings = print_map[name] if settings is None: settings = {} if hasattr(print_func, '_printer_cls'): freeze[print_func]['_printer_cls'] = print_func._printer_cls freeze[print_func._printer_cls]['sympy_printer_cls'] = \ print_func._printer_cls.sympy_printer_cls if hasattr(print_func, 'printer'): freeze[print_func]['printer'] = print_func.printer print_func._printer_cls = _printer_cls( name + '_printer', qnet_printer_address) print_func._printer_cls.sympy_printer_cls = _printer_cls( name + '_sympy_printer', sympy_printer_address, require_base=SympyPrinter) # instantiation of sympy_printer happens in init-routine (which is why # the sympy_printer_cls must be set first!) print_func.printer = print_func._printer_cls(settings=settings) # set up the __str__ and __repr__ printers try: has_unicode = "UTF-8" in sys.stdout.encoding except TypeError: has_unicode = False logger.debug( "Terminal supports unicode: %s (autodetect)", has_unicode) if repr_format == 'unicode': has_unicode = True _PRINT_FUNC['tree'] = partial(tree, unicode=has_unicode) if str_format is None: str_format = 'unicode' if has_unicode else 'ascii' logger.debug("Setting __str__ format to %s", str_format) try: str_func = _PRINT_FUNC[str_format] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "str_format must be one of %s" % ", ".join(_PRINT_FUNC.keys())) if repr_format is None: repr_format = 'unicode' if has_unicode else 'ascii' logger.debug("Setting __repr__ format to %s" % repr_format) try: repr_func = _PRINT_FUNC[repr_format] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "repr_format must be one of %s" % ", ".join(_PRINT_FUNC.keys())) from qnet.algebra.core.abstract_algebra import Expression freeze[Expression]['__str__'] = Expression.__str__ freeze[Expression]['__repr__'] = Expression.__repr__ freeze[Expression]['_repr_latex_'] = Expression._repr_latex_ Expression.__str__ = lambda self: str_func(self) Expression.__repr__ = lambda self: repr_func(self) Expression._repr_latex_ = lambda self: "$" + latex(self) + "$" if _freeze: return freeze def _init_printing_from_file(inifile, _freeze=False): config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None) config.BOOLEAN_STATES = { 'true': True, 'True': True, 'false': False, 'False': False} kwargs = defaultdict(dict) for section in config.sections(): if section == 'DEFAULT': continue allowed_sections = ['global', 'ascii', 'unicode', 'latex'] if section not in allowed_sections: raise ValueError( "Invalid section %s in %s. Allowed sections are %s" % (section, inifile, ", ".join(allowed_sections))) for key, val in config[section].items(): if val in config.BOOLEAN_STATES: val = config.BOOLEAN_STATES[val] if section == 'global': kwargs[key] = val else: if key == 'printer': kwargs["%s_printer" % section] = val elif key == 'sympy_printer': kwargs["%s_sympy_printer" % section] = val else: kwargs["%s_settings" % section][key] = val return _init_printing(_freeze=_freeze, **dict(kwargs))
[docs]@contextmanager def configure_printing(**kwargs): """Context manager for temporarily changing the printing system. This takes the same parameters as :func:`init_printing` Example: >>> A = OperatorSymbol('A', hs=1); B = OperatorSymbol('B', hs=1) >>> with configure_printing(show_hs_label=False): ... print(ascii(A + B)) A + B >>> print(ascii(A + B)) A^(1) + B^(1) """ freeze = init_printing(_freeze=True, **kwargs) try: yield finally: for obj, attr_map in freeze.items(): for attr, val in attr_map.items(): setattr(obj, attr, val)
[docs]def ascii(expr, cache=None, **settings): """Return an ASCII representation of the given object / expression Args: expr: Expression to print cache (dict or None): dictionary to use for caching show_hs_label (bool or str): Whether to a label for the Hilbert space of `expr`. By default (``show_hs_label=True``), the label is shown as a superscript. It can be shown as a subscript with ``show_hs_label='subscript'`` or suppressed entirely (``show_hs_label=False``) sig_as_ketbra (bool): Whether to render instances of :class:`.LocalSigma` as a ket-bra (default), or as an operator symbol Examples: >>> A = OperatorSymbol('A', hs=1); B = OperatorSymbol('B', hs=1) >>> ascii(A + B) 'A^(1) + B^(1)' >>> ascii(A + B, cache={A: 'A', B: 'B'}) 'A + B' >>> ascii(A + B, show_hs_label='subscript') 'A_(1) + B_(1)' >>> ascii(A + B, show_hs_label=False) 'A + B' >>> ascii(LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=1)) '|0><1|^(1)' >>> ascii(LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=1), sig_as_ketbra=False) 'sigma_0,1^(1)' Note that the accepted parameters and their default values may be changed through :func:`init_printing` or :func:`configure_printing` """ try: if cache is None and len(settings) == 0: return ascii.printer.doprint(expr) else: printer = ascii._printer_cls(cache, settings) return printer.doprint(expr) except AttributeError: # init_printing was not called. Setting up defaults ascii._printer_cls = QnetAsciiPrinter ascii.printer = ascii._printer_cls() return ascii(expr, cache, **settings)
[docs]def unicode(expr, cache=None, **settings): """Return a unicode representation of the given object / expression Args: expr: Expression to print cache (dict or None): dictionary to use for caching show_hs_label (bool or str): Whether to a label for the Hilbert space of `expr`. By default (``show_hs_label=True``), the label is shown as a superscript. It can be shown as a subscript with ``show_hs_label='subscript'`` or suppressed entirely (``show_hs_label=False``) sig_as_ketbra (bool): Whether to render instances of :class:`.LocalSigma` as a ket-bra (default), or as an operator symbol unicode_sub_super (bool): Whether to try to use unicode symbols for sub- or superscripts if possible unicode_op_hats (bool): Whether to draw unicode hats on single-letter operator symbols Examples: >>> A = OperatorSymbol('A', hs=1); B = OperatorSymbol('B', hs=1) >>> unicode(A + B) 'Â⁽¹⁾ + B̂⁽¹⁾' >>> unicode(A + B, cache={A: 'A', B: 'B'}) 'A + B' >>> unicode(A + B, show_hs_label='subscript') 'Â₍₁₎ + B̂₍₁₎' >>> unicode(A + B, show_hs_label=False) 'Â + B̂' >>> unicode(LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=1)) '|0⟩⟨1|⁽¹⁾' >>> unicode(LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=1), sig_as_ketbra=False) 'σ̂_0,1^(1)' >>> unicode(A + B, unicode_sub_super=False) 'Â^(1) + B̂^(1)' >>> unicode(A + B, unicode_op_hats=False) 'A⁽¹⁾ + B⁽¹⁾' Note that the accepted parameters and their default values may be changed through :func:`init_printing` or :func:`configure_printing` """ try: if cache is None and len(settings) == 0: return unicode.printer.doprint(expr) else: printer = unicode._printer_cls(cache, settings) return printer.doprint(expr) except AttributeError: # init_printing was not called. Setting up defaults unicode._printer_cls = QnetUnicodePrinter unicode.printer = unicode._printer_cls() return unicode(expr, cache, **settings)
[docs]def latex(expr, cache=None, **settings): r"""Return a LaTeX representation of the given object / expression Args: expr: Expression to print cache (dict or None): dictionary to use for caching show_hs_label (bool or str): Whether to a label for the Hilbert space of `expr`. By default (``show_hs_label=True``), the label is shown as a superscript. It can be shown as a subscript with ``show_hs_label='subscript'`` or suppressed entirely (``show_hs_label=False``) tex_op_macro (str): macro to use for formatting operator symbols. Must accept 'name' as a format key. tex_textop_macro (str): macro to use for formatting multi-letter operator names. tex_sop_macro (str): macro to use for formattign super-operator symbols tex_textsop_macro (str): macro to use for formatting multi-letter super-operator names tex_identity_sym (str): macro for the identity symbol tex_use_braket (bool): If True, use macros from the `braket package <>`_. Note that this will not automatically render in IPython Notebooks, but it is recommended when generating latex for a document. tex_frac_for_spin_labels (bool): Whether to use '\frac' when printing basis state labels for spin Hilbert spaces Examples: >>> A = OperatorSymbol('A', hs=1); B = OperatorSymbol('B', hs=1) >>> latex(A + B) '\\hat{A}^{(1)} + \\hat{B}^{(1)}' >>> latex(A + B, cache={A: 'A', B: 'B'}) 'A + B' >>> latex(A + B, show_hs_label='subscript') '\\hat{A}_{(1)} + \\hat{B}_{(1)}' >>> latex(A + B, show_hs_label=False) '\\hat{A} + \\hat{B}' >>> latex(LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=1)) '\\left\\lvert 0 \\middle\\rangle\\!\\middle\\langle 1 \\right\\rvert^{(1)}' >>> latex(LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=1), sig_as_ketbra=False) '\\hat{\\sigma}_{0,1}^{(1)}' >>> latex(A + B, tex_op_macro=r'\Op{{{name}}}') '\\Op{A}^{(1)} + \\Op{B}^{(1)}' >>> CNOT = OperatorSymbol('CNOT', hs=1) >>> latex(CNOT) '\\text{CNOT}^{(1)}' >>> latex(CNOT, tex_textop_macro=r'\Op{{{name}}}') '\\Op{CNOT}^{(1)}' >>> A = SuperOperatorSymbol('A', hs=1) >>> latex(A) '\\mathrm{A}^{(1)}' >>> latex(A, tex_sop_macro=r'\SOp{{{name}}}') '\\SOp{A}^{(1)}' >>> Lindbladian = SuperOperatorSymbol('Lindbladian', hs=1) >>> latex(Lindbladian) '\\mathrm{Lindbladian}^{(1)}' >>> latex(Lindbladian, tex_textsop_macro=r'\SOp{{{name}}}') '\\SOp{Lindbladian}^{(1)}' >>> latex(IdentityOperator) '\\mathbb{1}' >>> latex(IdentityOperator, tex_identity_sym=r'\identity') '\\identity' >>> latex(LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=1), tex_use_braket=True) '\\Ket{0}\\!\\Bra{1}^{(1)}' >>> spin = SpinSpace('s', spin=(1, 2)) >>> up = SpinBasisKet(1, 2, hs=spin) >>> latex(up) '\\left\\lvert +1/2 \\right\\rangle^{(s)}' >>> latex(up, tex_frac_for_spin_labels=True) '\\left\\lvert +\\frac{1}{2} \\right\\rangle^{(s)}' Note that the accepted parameters and their default values may be changed through :func:`init_printing` or :func:`configure_printing` """ try: if cache is None and len(settings) == 0: return latex.printer.doprint(expr) else: printer = latex._printer_cls(cache, settings) return printer.doprint(expr) except AttributeError: # init_printing was not called. Setting up defaults latex._printer_cls = QnetLatexPrinter latex.printer = latex._printer_cls() return latex(expr, cache, **settings)
[docs]def tex(expr, cache=None, **settings): """Alias for :func:`latex`""" return latex(expr, cache, **settings)
[docs]def srepr(expr, indented=False, cache=None): """Render the given expression into a string that can be evaluated in an appropriate context to re-instantiate an identical expression. If `indented` is False (default), the resulting string is a single line. Otherwise, the result is a multiline string, and each positional and keyword argument of each `Expression` is on a separate line, recursively indented to produce a tree-like output. The `cache` may be used to generate more readable expressions. Example: >>> hs = LocalSpace('1') >>> A = OperatorSymbol('A', hs=hs); B = OperatorSymbol('B', hs=hs) >>> expr = A + B >>> srepr(expr) "OperatorPlus(OperatorSymbol('A', hs=LocalSpace('1')), OperatorSymbol('B', hs=LocalSpace('1')))" >>> eval(srepr(expr)) == expr True >>> srepr(expr, cache={hs:'hs'}) "OperatorPlus(OperatorSymbol('A', hs=hs), OperatorSymbol('B', hs=hs))" >>> eval(srepr(expr, cache={hs:'hs'})) == expr True >>> print(srepr(expr, indented=True)) OperatorPlus( OperatorSymbol( 'A', hs=LocalSpace( '1')), OperatorSymbol( 'B', hs=LocalSpace( '1'))) >>> eval(srepr(expr, indented=True)) == expr True See also: :func:`~qnet.printing.tree.print_tree`, respectively :func:`qnet.printing.tree.tree`, produces an output similar to the indented :func:`srepr`, for interactive use. Their result cannot be evaluated and the exact output depends on :func:`init_printing`. :func:`` provides a way to graphically explore the tree structure of an expression. """ if indented: printer = IndentedSReprPrinter(cache=cache) else: printer = QnetSReprPrinter(cache=cache) return printer.doprint(expr)
# Map acceptable values for `str_format` and `repr`_format in # `init_printing` to a print function _PRINT_FUNC = { 'ascii': ascii, 'unicode': unicode, 'latex': latex, 'tex': latex, 'srepr': srepr, 'indsrepr': partial(srepr, indented=True), 'tree': tree, # init_printing will modify this for unicode support }