Source code for qnet.algebra.core.exceptions

"""Exceptions and Errors raised by QNET"""

__all__ = [
    'AlgebraException', 'AlgebraError', 'InfiniteSumError', 'CannotSimplify',
    'CannotConvertToSLH', 'CannotVisualize', 'WrongCDimError',
    'IncompatibleBlockStructures', 'CannotEliminateAutomatically',
    'BasisNotSetError', 'UnequalSpaces', 'OverlappingSpaces',
    'SpaceTooLargeError', 'CannotSymbolicallyDiagonalize',
    'BadLiouvillianError', 'NonSquareMatrix', 'NoConjugateMatrix']

[docs]class AlgebraException(Exception): """Base class for all algebraic exceptions""" pass
[docs]class AlgebraError(AlgebraException): """Base class for all algebraic errors""" pass
[docs]class InfiniteSumError(AlgebraError): """Raised when expanding a sum into an infinite number of terms""" pass
[docs]class CannotSimplify(AlgebraException): """Raised when a rule cannot further simplify an expression""" pass
[docs]class CannotConvertToSLH(AlgebraException): """Raised when a circuit algebra object cannot be converted to SLH"""
[docs]class CannotVisualize(AlgebraException): """Raised when a circuit cannot be visually represented."""
[docs]class WrongCDimError(AlgebraError): """Raised for mismatched channel number in circuit series"""
[docs]class IncompatibleBlockStructures(AlgebraError): """Raised for invalid block-decomposition This is raised when a circuit decomposition into a block-structure is requested that is icompatible with the actual block structure of the circuit expression."""
[docs]class CannotEliminateAutomatically(AlgebraError): """Raised when attempted automatic adiabatic elimination fails."""
[docs]class BasisNotSetError(AlgebraError): """Raised if the basis or a Hilbert space dimension is unavailable"""
[docs]class UnequalSpaces(AlgebraError): """Raised when objects fail to be in the same Hilbert space. This happens for example when trying to add two states from different Hilbert spaces."""
[docs]class OverlappingSpaces(AlgebraError): """Raised when objects fail to be in separate Hilbert spaces."""
[docs]class SpaceTooLargeError(AlgebraError): """Raised when objects fail to be have overlapping Hilbert spaces."""
[docs]class CannotSymbolicallyDiagonalize(AlgebraException): """Matrix cannot be diagonalized analytically. Signals that a fallback to numerical diagonalization is required. """
[docs]class BadLiouvillianError(AlgebraError): """Raised when a Liouvillian is not of standard Lindblad form.""" pass
[docs]class NonSquareMatrix(AlgebraError): """Raised when a :class:`.Matrix` fails to be square"""
[docs]class NoConjugateMatrix(AlgebraError): """Raised when entries of :class:`.Matrix` have no defined conjugate"""