Source code for qnet.algebra.core.matrix_algebra

"""Matrices of Operators"""

from numpy import (
    array as np_array, conjugate as np_conjugate, diag as np_diag,
    hstack as np_hstack, ndarray, ones as np_ones, vstack as np_vstack,
    zeros as np_zeros, )
import sympy
from sympy import I, sympify, Symbol

from .abstract_algebra import Expression, substitute
from .abstract_quantum_algebra import QuantumExpression
from .exceptions import NonSquareMatrix, NoConjugateMatrix
from .hilbert_space_algebra import ProductSpace, TrivialSpace
from .operator_algebra import adjoint
from .scalar_algebra import is_scalar
from ...utils.permutations import check_permutation

__all__ = [
    'Matrix', 'block_matrix', 'diagm', 'hstackm',
    'identity_matrix', 'vstackm', 'zerosm']

__private__ = [  # anything not in __all__ must be in __private__

[docs]class Matrix(Expression): """Matrix of Expressions Matrices of :class:`Operator` expressions are required for the SLH formalism. """ matrix = None _hash = None def __init__(self, m): if isinstance(m, ndarray): self.matrix = m elif isinstance(m, Matrix): self.matrix = np_array(m.matrix) else: self.matrix = np_array(m) if len(self.matrix.shape) < 2: self.matrix = self.matrix.reshape((self.matrix.shape[0], 1)) if len(self.matrix.shape) > 2: raise ValueError() super().__init__(self.matrix) @property def shape(self): """The shape of the matrix ``(nrows, ncols)``""" return self.matrix.shape @property def block_structure(self): """For square matrices this gives the block (-diagonal) structure of the matrix as a tuple of integers that sum up to the full dimension. :rtype: tuple """ n, m = self.shape if n != m: raise AttributeError("block_structure only defined for square " "matrices") for k in range(1, n): if ((self.matrix[:k, k:] == 0).all() and (self.matrix[k:, :k] == 0).all()): return (k,) + self[k:, k:].block_structure return n, def _get_blocks(self, block_structure): n, m = self.shape if n == m: if not sum(block_structure) == n: raise ValueError() if not len(block_structure): return () j = block_structure[0] if ((self.matrix[:j, j:] == 0).all() and (self.matrix[j:, :j] == 0).all()): return ((self[:j, :j],) + self[j:, j:]._get_blocks(block_structure[1:])) else: raise ValueError() elif m == 1: if not len(block_structure): return () else: return ((self[:block_structure[0], :],) + self[:block_structure[0], :] ._get_blocks(block_structure[1:])) else: raise ValueError() @property def args(self): return (self.matrix, ) @property def is_zero(self): """Are all elements of the matrix zero?""" for o in self.matrix.ravel(): try: if not o.is_zero: return False except AttributeError: if not o == 0: return False return True @classmethod def _get_instance_key(cls, args, kwargs): matrix = args[0] return (cls, tuple(matrix.ravel()), tuple(matrix.shape)) def __hash__(self): if not self._hash: self._hash = hash((tuple(self.matrix.ravel()), self.matrix.shape, Matrix)) return self._hash def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, Matrix) and self.shape == other.shape and (self.matrix == other.matrix).all()) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Matrix): return Matrix(self.matrix + other.matrix) else: return Matrix(self.matrix + other) def __radd__(self, other): return Matrix(other + self.matrix) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Matrix): return Matrix( else: return Matrix(self.matrix * other) def __rmul__(self, other): return Matrix(other * self.matrix) def __sub__(self, other): return self + (-1) * other def __rsub__(self, other): return (-1) * self + other def __neg__(self): return (-1) * self def __truediv__(self, other): if is_scalar(other): return self * (sympify(1) / other) raise NotImplementedError("Can't divide matrix %s by %s" % (self, other)) # def __pow__(self, power): # return OperatorMatrix(self.matrix.__pow__(power))
[docs] def transpose(self): """The transpose matrix""" return Matrix(self.matrix.T)
[docs] def conjugate(self): """The element-wise conjugate matrix This is defined only if all the entries in the matrix have a defined conjugate (i.e., they have a `conjugate` method). This is *not* the case for a matrix of operators. In such a case, only an :meth:`elementwise` :func:`adjoint` would be applicable, but this is mathematically different from a complex conjugate. Raises: NoConjugateMatrix: if any entries have no `conjugate` method """ try: return Matrix(np_conjugate(self.matrix)) except AttributeError: raise NoConjugateMatrix( "Matrix %s contains entries that have no defined " "conjugate" % str(self))
@property def real(self): """Element-wise real part Raises: NoConjugateMatrix: if entries have no `conjugate` method and no other way to determine the real part Note: A mathematically equivalent way to obtain a real matrix from a complex matrix ``M`` is:: (M.conjugate() + M) / 2 However, the result may not be identical to ``M.real``, as the latter tries to convert elements of the matrix to real values directly, if possible, and only uses the conjugate as a fall-back """ def re(val): if hasattr(val, 'real'): return val.real elif hasattr(val, 'as_real_imag'): return val.as_real_imag()[0] elif hasattr(val, 'conjugate'): return (val.conjugate() + val) / 2 else: raise NoConjugateMatrix( "Matrix entry %s contains has no defined " "conjugate" % str(val)) # Note: Do NOT use self.matrix.real! This will give wrong results, as # numpy thinks of objects (Operators) as real, even if they have no # defined real part return self.element_wise(re) @property def imag(self): """Element-wise imaginary part Raises: NoConjugateMatrix: if entries have no `conjugate` method and no other way to determine the imaginary part Note: A mathematically equivalent way to obtain an imaginary matrix from a complex matrix ``M`` is:: (M.conjugate() - M) / (I * 2) with same same caveats as :attr:`real`. """ def im(val): if hasattr(val, 'imag'): return val.imag elif hasattr(val, 'as_real_imag'): return val.as_real_imag()[1] elif hasattr(val, 'conjugate'): return (val.conjugate() - val) / (2 * I) else: raise NoConjugateMatrix( "Matrix entry %s contains has no defined " "conjugate" % str(val)) # Note: Do NOT use self.matrix.real! This will give wrong results, as # numpy thinks of objects (Operators) as real, even if they have no # defined real part return self.element_wise(im) @property def T(self): """Alias for :meth:`transpose`""" return self.transpose()
[docs] def adjoint(self): """Adjoint of the matrix This is the transpose and the Hermitian adjoint of all elements.""" return self.T.element_wise(adjoint)
dag = adjoint
[docs] def trace(self): if self.shape[0] == self.shape[1]: return sum(self.matrix[k, k] for k in range(self.shape[0])) raise NonSquareMatrix(repr(self))
@property def H(self): """Alias for :meth:`adjoint`""" return self.adjoint() def __getitem__(self, item_id): item = self.matrix.__getitem__(item_id) if isinstance(item, ndarray): return Matrix(item) return item
[docs] def element_wise(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Apply a function to each matrix element and return the result in a new operator matrix of the same shape. Args: func (FunctionType): A function to be applied to each element. It must take the element as its first argument. args: Additional positional arguments to be passed to `func` kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to `func` Returns: Matrix: Matrix with results of `func`, applied element-wise. """ s = self.shape emat = [func(o, *args, **kwargs) for o in self.matrix.ravel()] return Matrix(np_array(emat).reshape(s))
[docs] def series_expand(self, param: Symbol, about, order: int): """Expand the matrix expression as a truncated power series in a scalar parameter. Args: param: Expansion parameter. about (.Scalar): Point about which to expand. order: Maximum order of expansion >= 0 Returns: tuple of length (order+1), where the entries are the expansion coefficients. """ s = self.shape emats = zip(*[o.series_expand(param, about, order) for o in self.matrix.ravel()]) return tuple((Matrix(np_array(em).reshape(s)) for em in emats))
[docs] def expand(self): """Expand each matrix element distributively. Returns: Matrix: Expanded matrix. """ return self.element_wise( lambda o: o.expand() if isinstance(o, QuantumExpression) else o)
def _substitute(self, var_map): if self in var_map: return var_map[self] else: return self.element_wise(lambda o: substitute(o, var_map)) @property def free_symbols(self): ret = set() for o in self.matrix.ravel(): try: ret = ret | o.free_symbols except AttributeError: pass return ret @property def space(self): """Combined Hilbert space of all matrix elements.""" arg_spaces = [ for o in self.matrix.ravel() if hasattr(o, 'space')] if len(arg_spaces) == 0: return TrivialSpace else: return ProductSpace.create(*arg_spaces)
[docs] def simplify_scalar(self, func=sympy.simplify): """Simplify all scalar expressions appearing in the Matrix.""" def element_simplify(v): if isinstance(v, sympy.Basic): return func(v) elif isinstance(v, QuantumExpression): return v.simplify_scalar(func=func) else: return v return self.element_wise(element_simplify)
[docs]def hstackm(matrices): """Generalizes `numpy.hstack` to :class:`Matrix` objects.""" return Matrix(np_hstack(tuple(m.matrix for m in matrices)))
[docs]def vstackm(matrices): """Generalizes `numpy.vstack` to :class:`Matrix` objects.""" arr = np_vstack(tuple(m.matrix for m in matrices)) # print(tuple(m.matrix.dtype for m in matrices)) # print(arr.dtype) return Matrix(arr)
[docs]def diagm(v, k=0): """Generalizes the diagonal matrix creation capabilities of `numpy.diag` to :class:`Matrix` objects.""" return Matrix(np_diag(v, k))
[docs]def block_matrix(A, B, C, D): r"""Generate the operator matrix with quadrants .. math:: \begin{pmatrix} A B \\ C D \end{pmatrix} Args: A (Matrix): Matrix of shape ``(n, m)`` B (Matrix): Matrix of shape ``(n, k)`` C (Matrix): Matrix of shape ``(l, m)`` D (Matrix): Matrix of shape ``(l, k)`` Returns: Matrix: The combined block matrix ``[[A, B], [C, D]]``. """ return vstackm((hstackm((A, B)), hstackm((C, D))))
[docs]def identity_matrix(N): """Generate the N-dimensional identity matrix. Args: N (int): Dimension Returns: Matrix: Identity matrix in N dimensions """ return diagm(np_ones(N, dtype=int))
[docs]def zerosm(shape, *args, **kwargs): """Generalizes ``numpy.zeros`` to :py:class:`Matrix` objects.""" return Matrix(np_zeros(shape, *args, **kwargs))
[docs]def permutation_matrix(permutation): r"""Return orthogonal permutation matrix for permutation tuple Return an orthogonal permutation matrix :math:`M_\sigma` for a permutation :math:`\sigma` defined by the image tuple :math:`(\sigma(1), \sigma(2),\dots \sigma(n))`, such that .. math:: M_\sigma \vec{e}_i = \vec{e}_{\sigma(i)} where :math:`\vec{e}_k` is the k-th standard basis vector. This definition ensures a composition law: .. math:: M_{\sigma \cdot \tau} = M_\sigma M_\tau. The column form of :math:`M_\sigma` is thus given by .. math:: M = ( \vec{e}_{\sigma(1)}, \vec{e}_{\sigma(2)}, \dots \vec{e}_{\sigma(n)}). Args: permutation (tuple): A permutation image tuple (zero-based indices!) """ assert check_permutation(permutation) n = len(permutation) op_matrix = np_zeros((n, n), dtype=int) for i, j in enumerate(permutation): op_matrix[j, i] = 1 return Matrix(op_matrix)