Source code for qnet.algebra.core.super_operator_algebra

The specification of a quantum mechanics symbolic super-operator algebra.
See :ref:`super_operator_algebra` for more details.
from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

from numpy import (array as np_array, sqrt as np_sqrt)
from numpy.linalg import eigh
from sympy import (I, Matrix as SympyMatrix, sqrt)

from .abstract_algebra import Operation
from .abstract_quantum_algebra import (
    ScalarTimesQuantumExpression, QuantumExpression, QuantumSymbol,
    QuantumOperation, QuantumPlus, QuantumTimes, QuantumAdjoint,
from .algebraic_properties import (
    assoc, filter_neutral, match_replace, match_replace_binary, orderby,
    delegate_to_method, collect_summands)
from .exceptions import BadLiouvillianError, CannotSymbolicallyDiagonalize
from .hilbert_space_algebra import TrivialSpace
from .matrix_algebra import Matrix
from .operator_algebra import (
    Operator, OperatorPlus, ZeroOperator, sympyOne, Adjoint, PseudoInverse)
from .scalar_algebra import is_scalar, One
from ...utils.ordering import DisjunctCommutativeHSOrder, KeyTuple
from ...utils.singleton import Singleton, singleton_object

__all__ = [
    'SPost', 'SPre', 'ScalarTimesSuperOperator', 'SuperAdjoint',
    'SuperOperator', 'SuperOperatorPlus', 'SuperOperatorSymbol',
    'SuperOperatorTimes', 'SuperOperatorTimesOperator', 'anti_commutator',
    'commutator', 'lindblad', 'liouvillian', 'liouvillian_normal_form',
    'IdentitySuperOperator', 'ZeroSuperOperator', 'SuperOperatorDerivative']

__private__ = ['SuperCommutativeHSOrder']
# anything not in __all__ must be in __private__

# Abstract base classes

[docs]class SuperOperator(QuantumExpression, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for super-operators""" def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Operator): return SuperOperatorTimesOperator.create(self, other) else: return super().__mul__(other)
############################################################################### # Superoperator algebra elements ###############################################################################
[docs]class SuperOperatorSymbol(QuantumSymbol, SuperOperator): """Symbolic super-operator See :class:`.QuantumSymbol`. """ pass
[docs]@singleton_object class IdentitySuperOperator(SuperOperator, metaclass=Singleton): """Neutral element for product of super-operators""" _order_index = 2 @property def space(self): return TrivialSpace @property def args(self): return tuple() def _diff(self, sym): return ZeroSuperOperator def _adjoint(self): return self def _expand(self): return self
[docs]@singleton_object class ZeroSuperOperator(SuperOperator, metaclass=Singleton): """Neutral element for sum of super-operators""" _order_index = 2 @property def space(self): return TrivialSpace @property def args(self): return tuple() def _diff(self, sym): return self def _adjoint(self): return self def _expand(self): return self
############################################################################### # Algebra Operations ###############################################################################
[docs]class SuperOperatorPlus(QuantumPlus, SuperOperator): """A sum of super-operators""" _neutral_element = ZeroSuperOperator _binary_rules = OrderedDict() simplifications = [assoc, orderby, collect_summands, match_replace_binary]
[docs]class SuperCommutativeHSOrder(DisjunctCommutativeHSOrder): """Ordering class that acts like DisjunctCommutativeHSOrder, but also commutes any `SPost` and `SPre`""" def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(self.op, SPre) and isinstance(other.op, SPost): return True elif isinstance(self.op, SPost) and isinstance(other.op, SPre): return False else: return DisjunctCommutativeHSOrder.__lt__(self, other)
[docs]class SuperOperatorTimes(QuantumTimes, SuperOperator): """Product of super-operators""" _neutral_element = IdentitySuperOperator _binary_rules = OrderedDict() # see end of module simplifications = [assoc, orderby, filter_neutral, match_replace_binary] order_key = SuperCommutativeHSOrder
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, *ops): # TODO: Add this functionality to QuantumTimes if any(o == ZeroSuperOperator for o in ops): return ZeroSuperOperator return super().create(*ops)
[docs]class ScalarTimesSuperOperator(SuperOperator, ScalarTimesQuantumExpression): """Product of a :class:`.Scalar` coefficient and a :class:`SuperOperator`""" def _adjoint(self): pass _rules = OrderedDict() # see end of module simplifications = [match_replace, ]
# def _pseudo_inverse(self): # c, t = self.operands # return t.pseudo_inverse() / c
[docs]class SuperAdjoint(QuantumAdjoint, SuperOperator): r"""Adjoint of a super-operator The mathematical notation for this is typically .. math:: {\rm SuperAdjoint}(\mathcal{L}) =: \mathcal{L}^* and for any super operator :math:`\mathcal{L}`, its super-adjoint :math:`\mathcal{L}^*` satisfies for any pair of operators :math:`M,N`: .. math:: {\rm Tr}[M (\mathcal{L}N)] = Tr[(\mathcal{L}^*M) N] """ simplifications = [delegate_to_method('_adjoint')] def __init__(self, operand): super().__init__(operand)
[docs]class SPre(SuperOperator, Operation): """Linear pre-multiplication operator Acting ``SPre(A)`` on an operator ``B`` just yields the product ``A * B`` """ _rules = OrderedDict() # see end of module simplifications = [match_replace, ] _order_name = 'A_SPre' # "SPre" should go before "SPost" @property def space(self): return self.operands[0].space def _expand(self): oe = self.operands[0].expand() if isinstance(oe, OperatorPlus): return sum(SPre.create(oet) for oet in oe.operands) return SPre.create(oe) def _simplify_scalar(self, func): return self.create(self.operands[0].simplify_scalar(func=func)) def _diff(self, sym): return SuperOperatorDerivative(self, {sym: 1}) def _adjoint(self): return SPost(self.operands[0])
[docs]class SPost(SuperOperator, Operation): """Linear post-multiplication operator Acting ``SPost(A)`` on an operator ``B`` just yields the reversed product ``B * A``. """ _order_index = -1 _rules = OrderedDict() # see end of module simplifications = [match_replace, ] _order_name = 'B_SPost' # "SPost" should go before "SPre" @property def space(self): return self.operands[0].space def _expand(self): oe = self.operands[0].expand() if isinstance(oe, OperatorPlus): return sum(SPost.create(oet) for oet in oe.operands) return SPost.create(oe) def _simplify_scalar(self, func): return self.create(self.operands[0].simplify_scalar(func=func)) def _diff(self, sym): return SuperOperatorDerivative(self, {sym: 1}) def _adjoint(self): return SPre(self.operands[0])
[docs]class SuperOperatorTimesOperator(Operator, Operation): """Application of a super-operator to an operator The result of this operation is(result is an :class:`Operator` """ _rules = OrderedDict() # see end of module simplifications = [match_replace, ] def __init__(self, sop, op): assert isinstance(sop, SuperOperator) assert isinstance(op, Operator) super().__init__(sop, op) @property def space(self): return * @property def sop(self): return self.operands[0] @property def op(self): return self.operands[1] def _expand(self): sop, op = self.operands sope, ope = sop.expand(), op.expand() if isinstance(sope, SuperOperatorPlus): sopet = sope.operands else: sopet = (sope, ) if isinstance(ope, OperatorPlus): opet = ope.operands else: opet = (ope, ) return sum(st * ot for st in sopet for ot in opet) def _series_expand(self, param, about, order): sop, op = self.sop, self.op ope = op.series_expand(param, about, order) return tuple(sop * opet for opet in ope) def _simplify_scalar(self, func): sop, op = self.sop, self.op return sop.simplify_scalar(func=func) * op.simplify_scalar(func=func) def _adjoint(self): return Adjoint(self) def _pseudo_inverse(self): return PseudoInverse(self) def _diff(self, sym): return self.sop.diff(sym) * self.op + self.sop * self.op.diff(sym)
[docs]class SuperOperatorDerivative(QuantumDerivative, SuperOperator): """Symbolic partial derivative of a super-operator See :class:`.QuantumDerivative`. """ pass
############################################################################### # Constructor Routines ###############################################################################
[docs]def commutator(A, B=None): """Commutator of `A` and `B` If ``B != None``, return the commutator :math:`[A,B]`, otherwise return the super-operator :math:`[A,\cdot]`. The super-operator :math:`[A,\cdot]` maps any other operator ``B`` to the commutator :math:`[A, B] = A B - B A`. Args: A: The first operator to form the commutator of. B: The second operator to form the commutator of, or None. Returns: SuperOperator: The linear superoperator :math:`[A,\cdot]` """ if B: return A * B - B * A return SPre(A) - SPost(A)
[docs]def anti_commutator(A, B=None): """If ``B != None``, return the anti-commutator :math:`\{A,B\}`, otherwise return the super-operator :math:`\{A,\cdot\}`. The super-operator :math:`\{A,\cdot\}` maps any other operator ``B`` to the anti-commutator :math:`\{A, B\} = A B + B A`. Args: A: The first operator to form all anti-commutators of. B: The second operator to form the anti-commutator of, or None. Returns: SuperOperator: The linear superoperator :math:`[A,\cdot]` """ if B: return A * B + B * A return SPre(A) + SPost(A)
[docs]def lindblad(C): """Return the super-operator Lindblad term of the Lindblad operator `C` Return ``SPre(C) * SPost(C.adjoint()) - (1/2) * santi_commutator(C.adjoint()*C)``. These are the super-operators :math:`\mathcal{D}[C]` that form the collapse terms of a Master-Equation. Applied to an operator :math:`X` they yield .. math:: \mathcal{D}[C] X = C X C^\dagger - {1\over 2} (C^\dagger C X + X C^\dagger C) Args: C (Operator): The associated collapse operator Returns: SuperOperator: The Lindblad collapse generator. """ if is_scalar(C): return ZeroSuperOperator return ( SPre(C) * SPost(C.adjoint()) - (sympyOne/2) * anti_commutator(C.adjoint() * C))
[docs]def liouvillian(H, Ls=None): r"""Return the Liouvillian super-operator associated with `H` and `Ls` The Liouvillian :math:`\mathcal{L}` generates the Markovian-dynamics of a system via the Master equation: .. math:: \dot{\rho} = \mathcal{L}\rho = -i[H,\rho] + \sum_{j=1}^n \mathcal{D}[L_j] \rho Args: H (Operator): The associated Hamilton operator Ls (sequence or Matrix): A sequence of Lindblad operators. Returns: SuperOperator: The Liouvillian super-operator. """ if Ls is None: Ls = [] elif isinstance(Ls, Matrix): Ls = Ls.matrix.ravel().tolist() summands = [-I * commutator(H), ] summands.extend([lindblad(L) for L in Ls]) return SuperOperatorPlus.create(*summands)
############################################################################### # Auxilliary routines ###############################################################################
[docs]def liouvillian_normal_form(L, symbolic = False): r"""Return a Hamilton operator ``H`` and a minimal list of collapse operators ``Ls`` that generate the liouvillian ``L``. A Liouvillian defined by a hermitian Hamilton operator :math:`H` and a vector of collapse operators :math:`\mathbf{L} = (L_1, L_2, \dots L_n)^T` is invariant under the following two operations: .. math:: \left(H, \mathbf{L}\right) & \mapsto \left(H + {1\over 2i}\left(\mathbf{w}^\dagger \mathbf{L} - \mathbf{L}^\dagger \mathbf{w}\right), \mathbf{L} + \mathbf{w} \right) \\ \left(H, \mathbf{L}\right) & \mapsto \left(H, \mathbf{U}\mathbf{L}\right)\\ where :math:`\mathbf{w}` is just a vector of complex numbers and :math:`\mathbf{U}` is a complex unitary matrix. It turns out that for quantum optical circuit models the set of collapse operators is often linearly dependent. This routine tries to find a representation of the Liouvillian in terms of a Hamilton operator ``H`` with as few non-zero collapse operators ``Ls`` as possible. Consider the following example, which results from a two-port linear cavity with a coherent input into the first port: >>> kappa_1, kappa_2 = sympy.symbols('kappa_1, kappa_2', positive = True) >>> Delta = sympy.symbols('Delta', real = True) >>> alpha = sympy.symbols('alpha') >>> H = (Delta * Create(hs=1) * Destroy(hs=1) + ... (sqrt(kappa_1) / (2 * I)) * ... (alpha * Create(hs=1) - alpha.conjugate() * Destroy(hs=1))) >>> Ls = [sqrt(kappa_1) * Destroy(hs=1) + alpha, ... sqrt(kappa_2) * Destroy(hs=1)] >>> LL = liouvillian(H, Ls) >>> Hnf, Lsnf = liouvillian_normal_form(LL) >>> print(ascii(Hnf)) -I*alpha*sqrt(kappa_1) * a^(1)H + I*sqrt(kappa_1)*conjugate(alpha) * a^(1) + Delta * a^(1)H * a^(1) >>> len(Lsnf) 1 >>> print(ascii(Lsnf[0])) sqrt(kappa_1 + kappa_2) * a^(1) In terms of the ensemble dynamics this final system is equivalent. Note that this function will only work for proper Liouvillians. Args: L (SuperOperator): The Liouvillian Returns: tuple: ``(H, Ls)`` Raises: .BadLiouvillianError """ L = L.expand() if isinstance(L, SuperOperatorPlus): spres = [] sposts = [] collapse_form = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for s in L.operands: if isinstance(s, ScalarTimesSuperOperator): coeff, term = s.operands else: coeff, term = One, s if isinstance(term, SPre): spres.append(coeff * term.operands[0]) elif isinstance(term, SPost): sposts.append((coeff * term.operands[0])) else: if (not isinstance(term, SuperOperatorTimes) or not len(term.operands) == 2 or not (isinstance(term.operands[0], SPre) and isinstance(term.operands[1], SPost))): raise BadLiouvillianError( "All terms of the Liouvillian need to be of form " "SPre(X), SPost(X) or SPre(X)*SPost(X): This term " "is in violation {!s}".format(term)) spreL, spostL = term.operands Li, Ljd = spreL.operands[0], spostL.operands[0] try: complex(coeff) except (ValueError, TypeError): symbolic = True coeff = coeff.simplify_scalar() collapse_form[Li][Ljd] = coeff basis = sorted(collapse_form.keys()) warn_msg = ("Warning: the Liouvillian is probably malformed: " "The coefficients of SPre({!s})*SPost({!s}) and " "SPre({!s})*SPost({!s}) should be complex conjugates " "of each other") for ii, Li in enumerate(basis): for Lj in basis[ii:]: cij = collapse_form[Li][Lj.adjoint()] cji = collapse_form[Lj][Li.adjoint()] if cij !=0 or cji !=0: diff = (cij.conjugate() - cji) try: diff = complex(diff) if abs(diff) > 1e-6: print(warn_msg.format(Li, Lj.adjoint(), Lj, Li.adjoint())) except ValueError: symbolic = True if diff.simplify(): print("Warning: the Liouvillian my be malformed, " "convert to numerical representation") final_Lis = [] if symbolic: if len(basis) == 1: l1 = basis[0] kappa1 = collapse_form[l1][l1.adjoint()] final_Lis = [sqrt(kappa1) * l1] sdiff = (l1.adjoint() * l1 * kappa1 / 2) spres.append(sdiff) sposts.append(sdiff) # elif len(basis) == 2: # l1, l2 = basis # kappa_1 = collapse_form[l1][l1.adjoint()] # kappa_2 = collapse_form[l2][l2.adjoint()] # kappa_12 = collapse_form[l1][l2.adjoint()] # kappa_21 = collapse_form[l2][l1.adjoint()] ## assert (kappa_12.conjugate() - kappa_21) == 0 else: M = SympyMatrix(len(basis), len(basis), lambda i,j: collapse_form[basis[i]][basis[j] .adjoint()]) # First check if M is already diagonal (sympy does not handle # this well, for some reason) diag = True for i in range(len(basis)): for j in range(i): if M[i,j].apply_rules() != 0 or M[j, i].apply_rules != 0: diag = False break if not diag: break if diag: for bj in basis: final_Lis.append( bj * sqrt(collapse_form[bj][bj.adjoint()])) sdiff = (bj.adjoint() * bj * collapse_form[bj][bj.adjoint()]/2) spres.append(sdiff) sposts.append(sdiff) # Try sympy algo else: try: data = M.eigenvects() for evalue, multiplicity, ebasis in data: if not evalue: continue for b in ebasis: new_L = (sqrt(evalue) * sum(cj[0] * Lj for (cj, Lj) in zip(b.tolist(), basis))).expand() final_Lis.append(new_L) sdiff = (new_L.adjoint() * new_L / 2).expand() spres.append(sdiff) sposts.append(sdiff) except NotImplementedError: raise CannotSymbolicallyDiagonalize(( "The matrix {} is too hard to diagonalize " "symbolically. Please try converting to fully " "numerical representation.").format(M)) else: M = np_array([[complex(collapse_form[Li][Lj.adjoint()]) for Lj in basis] for Li in basis]) vals, vecs = eigh(M) for sv, vec in zip(np_sqrt(vals), vecs.transpose()): new_L = sum((sv * ci) * Li for (ci, Li) in zip(vec, basis)) final_Lis.append(new_L) sdiff = (.5 * new_L.adjoint()*new_L).expand() spres.append(sdiff) sposts.append(sdiff) miHspre = sum(spres) iHspost = sum(sposts) if ((not (miHspre + iHspost) is ZeroOperator) or not (miHspre.adjoint() + miHspre) is ZeroOperator): print("Warning, potentially malformed Liouvillian {!s}".format(L)) final_H = (I*miHspre).expand() return final_H, final_Lis else: if L is ZeroSuperOperator: return ZeroOperator, [] raise BadLiouvillianError(str(L))
SuperOperator._zero = ZeroSuperOperator SuperOperator._one = IdentitySuperOperator SuperOperator._base_cls = SuperOperator SuperOperator._scalar_times_expr_cls = ScalarTimesSuperOperator SuperOperator._plus_cls = SuperOperatorPlus SuperOperator._times_cls = SuperOperatorTimes SuperOperator._adjoint_cls = SuperAdjoint SuperOperator._indexed_sum_cls = None # TODO SuperOperator._indexed_sum_cls = None # TODO SuperOperator._derivative_cls = SuperOperatorDerivative