Source code for qnet.algebra.toolbox.circuit_manipulation

from collections import defaultdict

from ..core.circuit_algebra import (
    Concatenation, SLH, _cumsum, map_channels, )

__all__ = ["connect", ]

[docs]def connect(components, connections, force_SLH=False, expand_simplify=True): """Connect a list of components according to a list of connections. Args: components (list): List of Circuit instances connections (list): List of pairs ``((c1, port1), (c2, port2))`` where ``c1`` and ``c2`` are elements of `components` (or the index of the element in `components`), and ``port1`` and ``port2`` are the indices (or port names) of the ports of the two components that should be connected force_SLH (bool): If True, convert the result to an SLH object expand_simplify (bool): If the result is an SLH object, expand and simplify the circuit after each feedback connection is added Example: >>> A = CircuitSymbol('A', cdim=2) >>> B = CircuitSymbol('B', cdim=2) >>> BS = Beamsplitter() >>> circuit = connect( ... components=[A, B, BS], ... connections=[ ... ((A, 0), (BS, 'in')), ... ((BS, 'tr'), (B, 0)), ... ((A, 1), (B, 1))]) >>> print(unicode(circuit).replace('cid(1)', '1')) (B ⊞ 1) ◁ Perm(0, 2, 1) ◁ (BS(π/4) ⊞ 1) ◁ Perm(0, 2, 1) ◁ (A ⊞ 1) The above example corresponds to the circuit diagram:: ┌─┐ ┌───────┐ ┌─┐ >┤ ├───>┤ ├───>┤ ├ │A│ │BS(π/4)│ │B│ >┤ ├┐┌─>┤ ├┐┌─>┤ ├ └─┘└│ └───────┘└│ └─┘ │┐ │┐ ─────┘└───────────┘└──── Raises: ValueError: if `connections` includes any invalid entries Note: The list of `components` may contain duplicate entries, but in this case you must use a positional index in `connections` to refer to any duplicate component. Alternatively, use unique components by defining different labels. """ combined = Concatenation.create(*components) cdims = [c.cdim for c in components] offsets = _cumsum([0] + cdims[:-1]) imap = [] omap = [] counts = defaultdict(int) for component in components: counts[component] += 1 for (ic, ((c1, op), (c2, ip))) in enumerate(connections): # check c1; convert to index int if not isinstance(c1, int): if counts[c1] > 1: raise ValueError( "Component %s appears more than once in list of " "components %r. You must reference it by index in the " "connection %r" % (c1, components, connections[ic])) try: c1 = components.index(c1) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "The component %s in connection %r is not in the list of " "components %r" % (c1, connections[ic], components)) else: if c1 < 0 or c1 >= len(components): raise ValueError( "Invalid index %d in connection %r" % (c1, connections[ic])) # check c2; convert to index int if not isinstance(c2, int): if counts[c2] > 1: raise ValueError( "Component %s appears more than once in list of " "components %r. You must reference it by index in the " "connection %r" % (c2, components, connections[ic])) try: c2 = components.index(c2) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "The component %s in connection %r is not in the list of " "components %r" % (c2, connections[ic], components)) else: if c2 < 0 or c2 >= len(components): raise ValueError( "Invalid index %d in connection %r" % (c2, connections[ic])) # check op; convert to index int if not (isinstance(op, int)): try: op = components[c1].PORTSOUT.index(op) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( "The component %s does not define PORTSOUT labels. " "You cannot use the string %r to refer to a port" % (components[c1], op)) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "The connection %r refers to an invalid output " "channel %s for component %r" % (connections[ic], op, components[c1])) else: if op < 0 or op >= components[c1].cdim: raise ValueError( "Invalid output channel %d <0 or >=%d (cdim of %r) in %r" % (op, components[c1].cdim, components[c1], connections[ic])) # check ip; convert to index int if not (isinstance(ip, int)): try: ip = components[c2].PORTSIN.index(ip) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( "The component %s does not define PORTSIN labels. " "You cannot use the string %r to refer to a port" % (components[c2], ip)) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "The connection %r refers to an invalid input channel " "%s for component %r" % (connections[ic], ip, components[c2])) else: if ip < 0 or ip >= components[c2].cdim: raise ValueError( "Invalid input channel %d <0 or >=%d (cdim of %r) in %r" % (ip, components[c2].cdim, components[c2], connections[ic])) op_idx = offsets[c1] + op ip_idx = offsets[c2] + ip imap.append(ip_idx) omap.append(op_idx) n = combined.cdim nfb = len(connections) imapping = map_channels( {k: im for (k, im) in zip(range(n-nfb, n), imap)}, n) omapping = map_channels( {om: k for (k, om) in zip(range(n-nfb, n), omap)}, n) combined = omapping << combined << imapping if force_SLH: combined = combined.toSLH() for k in range(nfb): combined = if isinstance(combined, SLH) and expand_simplify: combined = combined.expand().simplify_scalar() return combined