Source code for qnet.algebra.toolbox.equation

"""Tools for working with equations"""

from sympy.core.sympify import SympifyError

from ...utils.unicode import grapheme_len, ljust, rjust
from ..core.abstract_algebra import substitute

__all__ = ['Eq']

[docs]class Eq(): """Symbolic equation This class keeps track of the `lhs` and `rhs` of an equation across arbitrary manipulations Args: lhs (Expression): the left-hand-side of the equation rhs (Expression): the right-hand-side of the equation tag (None or str): a tag (equation number) to be shown when printing the equation Example: >>> ω, E0 = sympy.symbols('omega, E_0') >>> hbar = sympy.symbols('hbar', positive=True) >>> H_0, H_1 = (OperatorSymbol(s, hs=0) for s in ('H_0', 'H_1')) >>> H = OperatorSymbol('H', hs=0) >>> mu = OperatorSymbol('mu', hs=0) >>> eq0 = Eq(H_0, ω * Create(hs=0) * Destroy(hs=0) + E0, tag='0') >>> print(unicode(eq0, show_hs_label=False)) Ĥ₀ = E₀ + ω â^† â (0) >>> eq1 = Eq(H_1, mu + E0, tag='1') >>> print(unicode(eq1, show_hs_label=False)) Ĥ₁ = E₀ + μ̂ (1) >>> eq = ( ... (eq0 + eq1).set_tag('2') ... .apply_to_rhs(lambda expr: expr - 2*E0, cont=True) ... .apply(lambda expr: expr * hbar, cont=True) ... .apply_mtd_to_lhs( ... 'substitute', var_map={H_0 + H_1: H}, cont=True) ... .apply(lambda expr: expr**2, cont=True) ... .apply_mtd_to_rhs('substitute', var_map={mu: 0}, cont=True) ... .apply_mtd_to_rhs('expand', cont=True, tag='⋆') ... ) >>> print(unicode(eq, show_hs_label=False)) Ĥ₀ + Ĥ₁ = 2 E₀ + μ̂ + ω â^† â (2) = μ̂ + ω â^† â h̅ (Ĥ₀ + Ĥ₁) = h̅ (μ̂ + ω â^† â) h̅ Ĥ = h̅ (μ̂ + ω â^† â) h̅² Ĥ Ĥ = h̅² (μ̂ + ω â^† â) (μ̂ + ω â^† â) = h̅² ω² â^† (𝟙 + â^† â) â = h̅² ω² â^† â^† â â + h̅² ω² â^† â (⋆) >>> (eq ... .apply_mtd_to_lhs('substitute', eq.as_dict) ... .verify().is_zero) True """ def __init__( self, lhs, rhs, tag=None, _prev_lhs=None, _prev_rhs=None, _prev_tags=None): self._lhs = lhs self._prev_lhs = _prev_lhs or [] self._prev_rhs = _prev_rhs or [] self._prev_tags = _prev_tags or [] self._rhs = rhs try: self._tag = int(tag) except (ValueError, TypeError): self._tag = tag @property def lhs(self): """The left-hand-side of the equation""" lhs = self._lhs i = 0 while lhs is None: i -= 1 lhs = self._prev_lhs[i] return lhs @property def rhs(self): """The right-hand-side of the equation""" return self._rhs @property def tag(self): """A tag (equation number) to be shown when printing the equation, or None""" return self._tag
[docs] def set_tag(self, tag): """Return a copy of the equation with a new `tag`""" return Eq( self._lhs, self._rhs, tag=tag, _prev_lhs=self._prev_lhs, _prev_rhs=self._prev_rhs, _prev_tags=self._prev_tags)
@property def as_dict(self): """Mapping of the lhs to the rhs This allows to plug an equation into another expression via :meth:`~.Expression.substitute`. """ return {self.lhs: self.rhs}
[docs] def apply(self, func, *args, cont=False, tag=None, **kwargs): """Apply `func` to both sides of the equation Returns a new equation where the left-hand-side and right-hand side are replaced by the application of `func`:: lhs=func(lhs, *args, **kwargs) rhs=func(rhs, *args, **kwargs) If ``cont=True``, the resulting equation will keep a history of its previous state (resulting in multiple lines of equations when printed, as in the main example above). The resulting equation with have the given `tag`. """ new_lhs = func(self.lhs, *args, **kwargs) if new_lhs == self.lhs and cont: new_lhs = None new_rhs = func(self.rhs, *args, **kwargs) new_tag = tag return self._update(new_lhs, new_rhs, new_tag, cont)
[docs] def apply_to_lhs(self, func, *args, cont=False, tag=None, **kwargs): """Apply `func` to lhs of equation only Like :meth:`apply`, but modifying only the left-hand-side. """ new_lhs = func(self.lhs, *args, **kwargs) new_rhs = self.rhs new_tag = tag return self._update(new_lhs, new_rhs, new_tag, cont)
[docs] def apply_to_rhs(self, func, *args, cont=False, tag=None, **kwargs): """Apply `func` to rhs of equation only Like :meth:`apply`, but modifying only the right-hand-side. """ if cont: new_lhs = None else: new_lhs = self.lhs new_rhs = func(self.rhs, *args, **kwargs) new_tag = tag return self._update(new_lhs, new_rhs, new_tag, cont)
[docs] def apply_mtd(self, mtd, *args, cont=False, tag=None, **kwargs): """Call the method `mtd` on both sides of the equation That is, the left-hand-side and right-hand-side are replaced by:: lhs=lhs.<mtd>(*args, **kwargs) rhs=rhs.<mtd>(*args, **kwargs) The `cont` and `tag` parameters are as in :meth:`apply`. """ new_lhs = getattr(self.lhs, mtd)(*args, **kwargs) if new_lhs == self.lhs and cont: new_lhs = None new_rhs = getattr(self.rhs, mtd)(*args, **kwargs) new_tag = tag return self._update(new_lhs, new_rhs, new_tag, cont)
[docs] def apply_mtd_to_lhs(self, mtd, *args, cont=False, tag=None, **kwargs): """Call the method `mtd` on the lhs of the equation only. Like :meth:`apply_mtd`, but modifying only the left-hand-side. """ new_lhs = getattr(self.lhs, mtd)(*args, **kwargs) new_rhs = self.rhs new_tag = tag return self._update(new_lhs, new_rhs, new_tag, cont)
[docs] def apply_mtd_to_rhs(self, mtd, *args, cont=False, tag=None, **kwargs): """Call the method `mtd` on the rhs of the equation Like :meth:`apply_mtd`, but modifying only the right-hand-side. """ new_lhs = self.lhs if cont: new_lhs = None new_rhs = getattr(self.rhs, mtd)(*args, **kwargs) new_tag = tag return self._update(new_lhs, new_rhs, new_tag, cont)
[docs] def substitute(self, var_map, cont=False, tag=None): """Substitute sub-expressions both on the lhs and rhs Args: var_map (dict): Dictionary with entries of the form ``{expr: substitution}`` """ return self.apply(substitute, var_map=var_map, cont=cont, tag=tag)
def _update(self, new_lhs, new_rhs, new_tag, cont): if not cont: new_prev_lhs = None new_prev_rhs = None new_prev_tags = None else: new_prev_lhs = self._prev_lhs.copy() new_prev_lhs.append(self._lhs) new_prev_rhs = self._prev_rhs.copy() new_prev_rhs.append(self.rhs) new_prev_tags = self._prev_tags.copy() new_prev_tags.append(self.tag) return Eq( new_lhs, new_rhs, tag=new_tag, _prev_lhs=new_prev_lhs, _prev_rhs=new_prev_rhs, _prev_tags=new_prev_tags)
[docs] def verify(self, func=None, *args, **kwargs): """Subtract the rhs from the lhs of the equation Before the substraction, each side is expanded and any scalars are simplified. If given, `func` with the positional arguments `args` and keyword-arguments `kwargs` is applied to the result before returning it. You may complete the verification by checking the :attr:`is_zero` attribute of the returned expression. """ res = ( self.lhs.expand().simplify_scalar() - self.rhs.expand().simplify_scalar()) if func is not None: return func(res, *args, **kwargs) else: return res
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the equation""" return Eq( self._lhs, self._rhs, tag=self._tag, _prev_lhs=self._prev_lhs, _prev_rhs=self._prev_rhs, _prev_tags=self._prev_tags)
@property def free_symbols(self): """Set of free SymPy symbols contained within the equation.""" try: lhs_syms = self.lhs.free_symbols except AttributeError: lhs_syms = set() try: rhs_syms = self.rhs.free_symbols except AttributeError: rhs_syms = set() return lhs_syms | rhs_syms @property def bound_symbols(self): """Set of bound SymPy symbols contained within the equation.""" try: lhs_syms = self.lhs.bound_symbols except AttributeError: lhs_syms = set() try: rhs_syms = self.rhs.bound_symbols except AttributeError: rhs_syms = set() return lhs_syms | rhs_syms @property def all_symbols(self): """Combination of :attr:`free_symbols` and :attr:`bound_symbols`""" return self.free_symbols | self.bound_symbols def __add__(self, other): try: return Eq(lhs=(self.lhs + other.lhs), rhs=(self.rhs + other.rhs)) except AttributeError: return Eq(lhs=(self.lhs + other), rhs=(self.rhs + other)) __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): try: return Eq(lhs=(self.lhs - other.lhs), rhs=(self.rhs - other.rhs)) except AttributeError: return Eq(lhs=(self.lhs - other), rhs=(self.rhs - other)) def __mul__(self, other): return Eq(lhs=(self.lhs * other), rhs=(self.rhs * other)) def __rmul__(self, other): return Eq(lhs=(other * self.lhs), rhs=(other * self.rhs)) def __truediv__(self, other): return Eq(lhs=(self.lhs / other), rhs=(self.rhs / other)) def __eq__(self, other): try: return self.lhs == other.lhs and self.rhs == other.rhs except AttributeError: return self.rhs == other def _render_str(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs): rendered_lhs = [] rendered_rhs = [] rendered_tags = [] for i, rhs in enumerate(self._prev_rhs): lhs = self._prev_lhs[i] tag = self._prev_tags[i] if lhs is None: rendered_lhs.append('') else: rendered_lhs.append(renderer(lhs, *args, **kwargs)) rendered_rhs.append(renderer(rhs, *args, **kwargs)) if tag is None: rendered_tags.append('') else: rendered_tags.append(renderer(tag, *args, **kwargs)) if self._lhs is None: rendered_lhs.append('') else: rendered_lhs.append(renderer(self._lhs, *args, **kwargs)) rendered_rhs.append(renderer(self._rhs, *args, **kwargs)) if self._tag is None: rendered_tags.append('') else: rendered_tags.append(renderer(self._tag, *args, **kwargs)) len_lhs = max([grapheme_len(s) for s in rendered_lhs]) len_rhs = max([grapheme_len(s) for s in rendered_rhs]) len_tag = max([grapheme_len(s) for s in rendered_tags]) + 2 lines = [] for (lhs, rhs, tag) in zip(rendered_lhs, rendered_rhs, rendered_tags): if len(tag) > 0: tag = "(" + tag + ")" lhs = rjust(lhs, len_lhs) rhs = ljust(rhs, len_rhs) tag = ljust(tag, len_tag) lines.append((lhs + ' = ' + rhs + " " + tag).rstrip()) return "\n".join(lines) def __str__(self): return self._render_str(renderer=str) def __repr__(self): return self._render_str(renderer=repr) def _repr_latex_(self): from qnet.printing import latex return latex(self) def _sympy_(self): raise SympifyError("QNET Eq cannot be converted to SymPy")