Source code for qnet.convert.to_qutip

"""Conversion of QNET expressions to qutip objects.
import re
from functools import reduce
from sympy import symbols
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from numpy import (
    diag as np_diag, arange, cos as np_cos, sin as np_sin)
from ..algebra.core.scalar_algebra import ScalarValue, is_scalar
from ..algebra.core.exceptions import AlgebraError
from ..algebra.core.circuit_algebra import SLH, move_drive_to_H
from ..algebra.core.abstract_algebra import Operation
from ..algebra.core.operator_algebra import (
    Operator, IdentityOperator, ZeroOperator, LocalOperator, LocalSigma,
    OperatorPlus, OperatorTimes, ScalarTimesOperator,
    Adjoint, PseudoInverse, OperatorTrace, NullSpaceProjector)
from ..algebra.library.spin_algebra import Jz, Jplus, Jminus
from ..algebra.library.fock_operators import (
    Destroy, Create, Phase, Displace, Squeeze)
from ..algebra.core.state_algebra import (
    State, BraKet, KetBra, BasisKet, CoherentStateKet, KetPlus, TensorKet,
    ScalarTimesKet, OperatorTimesKet)
from ..algebra.core.hilbert_space_algebra import TrivialSpace
from ..algebra.core.super_operator_algebra import (
    SuperOperator, IdentitySuperOperator, SuperOperatorPlus,
    SuperOperatorTimes, ScalarTimesSuperOperator, SPre, SPost,
    SuperOperatorTimesOperator, ZeroSuperOperator)

    import qutip
except ImportError:
    # we want qnet to be importable even if qutip is not installed. In this
    # case, and exception will occur when any of the qutip conversion routines
    # are called


__all__ = ['convert_to_qutip', 'SLH_to_qutip']

[docs]def convert_to_qutip(expr, full_space=None, mapping=None): """Convert a QNET expression to a qutip object Args: expr: a QNET expression full_space (HilbertSpace): The Hilbert space in which `expr` is defined. If not given, ```` is used. The Hilbert space must have a well-defined basis. mapping (dict): A mapping of any (sub-)expression to either a `quip.Qobj` directly, or to a callable that will convert the expression into a `qutip.Qobj`. Useful for e.g. supplying objects for symbols Raises: ValueError: if `expr` is not in `full_space`, or if `expr` cannot be converted. """ if full_space is None: full_space = if not raise ValueError( "expr '%s' must be in full_space %s" % (expr, full_space)) if full_space == TrivialSpace: raise AlgebraError( "Cannot convert object in TrivialSpace to qutip. " "You may pass a non-trivial `full_space`") if mapping is not None: if expr in mapping: ret = mapping[expr] if isinstance(ret, qutip.Qobj): return ret else: assert callable(ret) return ret(expr) if expr is IdentityOperator: local_spaces = full_space.local_factors if len(local_spaces) == 0: raise ValueError("full_space %s does not have local factors" % full_space) else: return qutip.tensor(*[qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in local_spaces]) elif expr is ZeroOperator: return qutip.tensor( *[qutip.Qobj(csr_matrix((s.dimension, s.dimension))) for s in full_space.local_factors] ) elif isinstance(expr, LocalOperator): return _convert_local_operator_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping) elif (isinstance(expr, Operator) and isinstance(expr, Operation)): return _convert_operator_operation_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping) elif isinstance(expr, OperatorTrace): raise NotImplementedError('Cannot convert OperatorTrace to ' 'qutip') # actually, this is perfectly doable in principle, but requires a bit # of work elif isinstance(expr, State): return _convert_ket_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping) elif isinstance(expr, SuperOperator): return _convert_superoperator_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping) elif isinstance(expr, Operation): # This is assumed to be an Operation on states, as we have handled all # other Operations above. Eventually, a StateOperation should be # defined as a common superclass for the Operations in the state # algebra return _convert_state_operation_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping) elif isinstance(expr, SLH): # SLH object cannot be converted to a single qutip object, only to a # nested list of qutip object. That's why a separate routine # SLH_to_qutip exists raise ValueError("SLH objects can only be converted using " "SLH_to_qutip routine") else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert '%s' of type %s" % (str(expr), type(expr)))
[docs]def SLH_to_qutip(slh, full_space=None, time_symbol=None, convert_as='pyfunc'): """Generate and return QuTiP representation matrices for the Hamiltonian and the collapse operators. Any inhomogeneities in the Lindblad operators (resulting from coherent drives) will be moved into the Hamiltonian, cf. :func:`~qnet.algebra.circuit_algebra.move_drive_to_H`. Args: slh (SLH): The SLH object from which to generate the qutip data full_space (HilbertSpace or None): The Hilbert space in which to represent the operators. If None, the space of `shl` will be used time_symbol (:class:`sympy.Symbol` or None): The symbol (if any) expressing time dependence (usually 't') convert_as (str): How to express time dependencies to qutip. Must be 'pyfunc' or 'str' Returns: tuple ``(H, [L1, L2, ...])`` as numerical `qutip.Qobj` representations, where ``H`` and each ``L`` may be a nested list to express time dependence, e.g. ``H = [H0, [H1, eps_t]]``, where ``H0`` and ``H1`` are of type `qutip.Qobj`, and ``eps_t`` is either a string (``convert_as='str'``) or a function (``convert_as='pyfunc'``) Raises: AlgebraError: If the Hilbert space (`` or `full_space`) is invalid for numerical conversion """ if full_space: if not full_space >= raise AlgebraError("full_space="+str(full_space)+" needs to " "at least include = "+str( else: full_space = if full_space == TrivialSpace: raise AlgebraError( "Cannot convert SLH object in TrivialSpace. " "You may pass a non-trivial `full_space`") slh = move_drive_to_H(slh) if time_symbol is None: H = convert_to_qutip(slh.H, full_space=full_space) Ls = [] for L in slh.Ls: if is_scalar(L): L = L * IdentityOperator L_qutip = convert_to_qutip(L, full_space=full_space) if L_qutip.norm('max') > 0: Ls.append(L_qutip) else: H = _time_dependent_to_qutip(slh.H, full_space, time_symbol, convert_as) Ls = [] for L in slh.Ls: if is_scalar(L): L = L * IdentityOperator L_qutip = _time_dependent_to_qutip(L, full_space, time_symbol, convert_as) Ls.append(L_qutip) return H, Ls
def _convert_local_operator_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping): """Convert a LocalOperator instance to qutip""" n = full_space.dimension if full_space != all_spaces = full_space.local_factors own_space_index = all_spaces.index( return qutip.tensor( *([qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[:own_space_index]] + [convert_to_qutip(expr,, mapping=mapping), ] + [qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[own_space_index + 1:]]) ) if isinstance(expr, Create): return qutip.create(n) elif isinstance(expr, Jz): return qutip.jmat((, "z") elif isinstance(expr, Jplus): return qutip.jmat((, "+") elif isinstance(expr, Jminus): return qutip.jmat((, "-") elif isinstance(expr, Destroy): return qutip.destroy(n) elif isinstance(expr, Phase): arg = complex(expr.operands[1]) * arange(n) d = np_cos(arg) + 1j * np_sin(arg) return qutip.Qobj(np_diag(d)) elif isinstance(expr, Displace): alpha = expr.operands[1] return qutip.displace(n, alpha) elif isinstance(expr, Squeeze): eta = expr.operands[1] return qutip.displace(n, eta) elif isinstance(expr, LocalSigma): j = expr.j k = expr.k if isinstance(j, str): j = if isinstance(k, str): k = ket = qutip.basis(n, j) bra = qutip.basis(n, k).dag() return ket * bra else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert '%s' of type %s" % (str(expr), type(expr))) def _convert_operator_operation_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping): if isinstance(expr, OperatorPlus): return sum((convert_to_qutip(op, full_space, mapping=mapping) for op in expr.operands), 0) elif isinstance(expr, OperatorTimes): # if any factor acts non-locally, we need to expand distributively. if any(len( > 1 for op in expr.operands): se = expr.expand() if se == expr: raise ValueError("Cannot represent as QuTiP object: {!s}" .format(expr)) return convert_to_qutip(se, full_space, mapping=mapping) all_spaces = full_space.local_factors by_space = [] ck = 0 for ls in all_spaces: # group factors by associated local space ls_ops = [convert_to_qutip(o,, mapping=mapping) for o in expr.operands if == ls] if len(ls_ops): # compute factor associated with local space by_space.append(reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, ls_ops, 1)) ck += len(ls_ops) else: # if trivial action, take identity matrix by_space.append(qutip.qeye(ls.dimension)) assert ck == len(expr.operands) # combine local factors in tensor product return qutip.tensor(*by_space) elif isinstance(expr, Adjoint): return convert_to_qutip(qutip.dag(expr.operands[0]), full_space, mapping=mapping) elif isinstance(expr, ScalarTimesOperator): try: coeff = complex(expr.coeff) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Scalar coefficient '%s' is not numerical" % expr.coeff) return coeff * convert_to_qutip(expr.term, full_space=full_space, mapping=mapping) elif isinstance(expr, PseudoInverse): mo = convert_to_qutip(expr.operand, full_space=full_space, mapping=mapping) if full_space.dimension <= DENSE_DIMENSION_LIMIT: arr = from scipy.linalg import pinv piarr = pinv(arr) pimo = qutip.Qobj(piarr) pimo.dims = mo.dims pimo.isherm = mo.isherm pimo.type = 'oper' return pimo raise NotImplementedError("Only implemented for smaller state " "spaces") elif isinstance(expr, NullSpaceProjector): mo = convert_to_qutip(expr.operand, full_space=full_space, mapping=mapping) if full_space.dimension <= DENSE_DIMENSION_LIMIT: arr = from scipy.linalg import svd # compute Singular Value Decomposition U, s, Vh = svd(arr) tol = 1e-8 * s[0] zero_svs = s < tol Vhzero = Vh[zero_svs, :] PKarr = Vhzero.conjugate().transpose().dot(Vhzero) PKmo = qutip.Qobj(PKarr) PKmo.dims = mo.dims PKmo.isherm = True PKmo.type = 'oper' return PKmo raise NotImplementedError("Only implemented for smaller state " "spaces") else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert '%s' of type %s" % (str(expr), type(expr))) def _convert_state_operation_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping): if full_space != all_spaces = full_space.local_factors own_space_index = all_spaces.index( return qutip.tensor( *([qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[:own_space_index]] + convert_to_qutip(expr,, mapping=mapping) + [qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[own_space_index + 1:]]) ) if isinstance(expr, BraKet): bq = convert_to_qutip(expr.bra, full_space, mapping=mapping) kq = convert_to_qutip(expr.ket, full_space, mapping=mapping) return bq * kq elif isinstance(expr, KetBra): bq = convert_to_qutip(expr.bra, full_space, mapping=mapping) kq = convert_to_qutip(expr.ket, full_space, mapping=mapping) return kq * bq else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert '%s' of type %s" % (str(expr), type(expr))) def _convert_ket_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping): n = full_space.dimension if full_space != all_spaces = full_space.local_factors own_space_index = all_spaces.index( factors = ( [qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[:own_space_index]] + [convert_to_qutip(expr,, mapping=mapping), ] + [qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[own_space_index + 1:]] ) return qutip.tensor(*factors) if isinstance(expr, BasisKet): return qutip.basis(n, expr.index) elif isinstance(expr, CoherentStateKet): return qutip.coherent(n, complex(expr.operands[1])) elif isinstance(expr, KetPlus): return sum((convert_to_qutip(op, full_space, mapping=mapping) for op in expr.operands), 0) elif isinstance(expr, TensorKet): if any(len( > 1 for op in expr.operands): se = expr.expand() if se == expr: raise ValueError("Cannot represent as QuTiP " "object: {!s}".format(expr)) return convert_to_qutip(se, full_space, mapping=mapping) factors = [convert_to_qutip(o,, mapping=mapping) for o in expr.operands] return qutip.tensor(*factors) elif isinstance(expr, ScalarTimesKet): return complex(expr.coeff) * convert_to_qutip(expr.term, full_space, mapping=mapping) elif isinstance(expr, OperatorTimesKet): return convert_to_qutip(expr.coeff, full_space, mapping=mapping) * \ convert_to_qutip(expr.term, full_space, mapping=mapping) else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert '%s' of type %s" % (str(expr), type(expr))) def _convert_superoperator_to_qutip(expr, full_space, mapping): if full_space != all_spaces = full_space.local_factors own_space_index = all_spaces.index( return qutip.tensor( *([qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[:own_space_index]] + convert_to_qutip(expr,, mapping=mapping) + [qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[own_space_index + 1:]]) ) if isinstance(expr, IdentitySuperOperator): return qutip.spre(qutip.tensor(*[qutip.qeye(s.dimension) for s in full_space.local_factors])) elif isinstance(expr, SuperOperatorPlus): return sum((convert_to_qutip(op, full_space, mapping=mapping) for op in expr.operands), 0) elif isinstance(expr, SuperOperatorTimes): ops_qutip = [convert_to_qutip(o, full_space, mapping=mapping) for o in expr.operands] return reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, ops_qutip, 1) elif isinstance(expr, ScalarTimesSuperOperator): return complex(expr.coeff) * \ convert_to_qutip(expr.term, full_space, mapping=mapping) elif isinstance(expr, SPre): return qutip.spre(convert_to_qutip( expr.operands[0], full_space, mapping)) elif isinstance(expr, SPost): return qutip.spost(convert_to_qutip( expr.operands[0], full_space, mapping)) elif isinstance(expr, SuperOperatorTimesOperator): sop, op = expr.operands return (convert_to_qutip(sop, full_space, mapping=mapping) * convert_to_qutip(op, full_space, mapping=mapping)) elif isinstance(expr, ZeroSuperOperator): return qutip.spre(convert_to_qutip(ZeroOperator, full_space, mapping=mapping)) else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert '%s' of type %s" % (str(expr), type(expr))) def _time_dependent_to_qutip( op, full_space=None, time_symbol=symbols("t", real=True), convert_as='pyfunc'): """Convert a possiblty time-dependent operator into the nested-list structure required by QuTiP""" if full_space is None: full_space = if time_symbol in op.free_symbols: op = op.expand() if isinstance(op, OperatorPlus): result = [] for o in op.operands: if time_symbol not in o.free_symbols: if len(result) == 0: result.append(convert_to_qutip(o, full_space=full_space)) else: result[0] += convert_to_qutip(o, full_space=full_space) for o in op.operands: if time_symbol in o.free_symbols: result.append(_time_dependent_to_qutip(o, full_space, time_symbol, convert_as)) return result elif ( isinstance(op, ScalarTimesOperator) and isinstance(op.coeff, ScalarValue)): if convert_as == 'pyfunc': func_no_args = lambdify(time_symbol, op.coeff.val) if {time_symbol, } == op.coeff.free_symbols: def func(t, args): # args are ignored for increased efficiency, since we # know there are no free symbols except t return func_no_args(t) else: def func(t, args): return func_no_args(t).subs(args) coeff = func elif convert_as == 'str': # a bit of a hack to replace imaginary unit # TODO: we can probably use one of the sympy code generation # routines, or lambdify with 'numexpr' to implement this in a # more robust way coeff = re.sub("I", "(1.0j)", str(op.coeff.val)) else: raise ValueError(("Invalid value '%s' for `convert_as`, must " "be one of 'str', 'pyfunc'") % convert_as) return [convert_to_qutip(op.term, full_space), coeff] else: raise ValueError("op cannot be expressed in qutip. It must have " "the structure op = sum_i f_i(t) * op_i") else: return convert_to_qutip(op, full_space=full_space)