Source code for qnet.convert.to_sympy_matrix

"""Conversion of QNET expressions to sympy matrices. For small Hilbert spaces,
this facilitates some analytic treatments, such as decomposition into a basis.
import sympy
from sympy.physics.quantum import TensorProduct as tensor
from ..algebra.core.abstract_algebra import Operation
from ..algebra.core.operator_algebra import (
    IdentityOperator, ZeroOperator, LocalOperator, LocalSigma, Operator,
    OperatorPlus, OperatorTimes, ScalarTimesOperator,
    Adjoint, PseudoInverse, NullSpaceProjector)
from ..algebra.library.spin_algebra import Jz, Jplus, Jminus
from ..algebra.library.fock_operators import (
    Destroy, Create, Phase, Displace, Squeeze)

__all__ = ['convert_to_sympy_matrix']
__private__ = ['SympyCreate', 'basis_state']

[docs]def basis_state(i, n): """``n x 1`` `sympy.Matrix` representing the `i`'th eigenstate of an `n`-dimensional Hilbert space (`i` >= 0)""" v = sympy.zeros(n, 1) v[i] = 1 return v
[docs]def SympyCreate(n): """Creation operator for a Hilbert space of dimension `n`, as an instance of `sympy.Matrix`""" a = sympy.zeros(n) for i in range(1, n): a += sympy.sqrt(i) * basis_state(i, n) * basis_state(i-1, n).H return a
[docs]def convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, full_space=None): """Convert a QNET expression to an explicit ``n x n`` instance of `sympy.Matrix`, where ``n`` is the dimension of `full_space`. The entries of the matrix may contain symbols. Parameters: expr: a QNET expression full_space (qnet.algebra.hilbert_space_algebra.HilbertSpace): The Hilbert space in which `expr` is defined. If not given, ```` is used. The Hilbert space must have a well-defined basis. Raises: qnet.algebra.hilbert_space_algebra.BasisNotSetError: if `full_space` does not have a defined basis ValueError: if `expr` is not in `full_space`, or if `expr` cannot be converted. """ if full_space is None: full_space = if not raise ValueError("expr must be in full_space") if expr is IdentityOperator: return sympy.eye(full_space.dimension) elif expr is ZeroOperator: return 0 elif isinstance(expr, LocalOperator): n = full_space.dimension if full_space != all_spaces = full_space.local_factors own_space_index = all_spaces.index( factors = [sympy.eye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[:own_space_index]] factors.append(convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, factors.extend([sympy.eye(s.dimension) for s in all_spaces[own_space_index + 1:]]) return tensor(*factors) if isinstance(expr, (Create, Jz, Jplus)): return SympyCreate(n) elif isinstance(expr, (Destroy, Jminus)): return SympyCreate(n).H elif isinstance(expr, Phase): phi = expr.phase result = sympy.zeros(n) for i in range(n): result[i, i] = sympy.exp(sympy.I * i * phi) return result elif isinstance(expr, Displace): alpha = expr.operands[1] a = SympyCreate(n) return (alpha * a - alpha.conjugate() * a.H).exp() elif isinstance(expr, Squeeze): eta = expr.operands[1] a = SympyCreate(n) return ((eta/2) * a**2 - (eta.conjugate()/2) * (a.H)**2).exp() elif isinstance(expr, LocalSigma): ket = basis_state(expr.index_j, n) bra = basis_state(expr.index_k, n).H return ket * bra else: raise ValueError("Cannot convert '%s' of type %s" % (str(expr), type(expr))) elif (isinstance(expr, Operator) and isinstance(expr, Operation)): if isinstance(expr, OperatorPlus): s = convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr.operands[0], full_space) for op in expr.operands[1:]: s += convert_to_sympy_matrix(op, full_space) return s elif isinstance(expr, OperatorTimes): # if any factor acts non-locally, we need to expand distributively. if any(len( > 1 for op in expr.operands): se = expr.expand() if se == expr: raise ValueError("Cannot represent as sympy matrix: %s" % expr) return convert_to_sympy_matrix(se, full_space) all_spaces = full_space.local_factors by_space = [] ck = 0 for ls in all_spaces: # group factors by associated local space ls_ops = [convert_to_sympy_matrix(o, for o in expr.operands if == ls] if len(ls_ops): # compute factor associated with local space by_space.append(ls_ops[0]) for ls_op in ls_ops[1:]: by_space[-1] *= ls_op ck += len(ls_ops) else: # if trivial action, take identity matrix by_space.append(sympy.eye(ls.dimension)) assert ck == len(expr.operands) # combine local factors in tensor product if len(by_space) == 1: return by_space[0] else: return tensor(*by_space) elif isinstance(expr, Adjoint): return convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr.operand, full_space).H elif isinstance(expr, PseudoInverse): raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot convert PseudoInverse to sympy matrix') elif isinstance(expr, NullSpaceProjector): raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot convert NullSpaceProjector to sympy') elif isinstance(expr, ScalarTimesOperator): return expr.coeff * convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr.term, full_space) else: raise ValueError( "Cannot convert '%s' of type %s" % (str(expr), type(expr))) else: raise ValueError( "Cannot convert '%s' of type %s" % (str(expr), type(expr)))