Source code for qnet.utils.testing

"""Collection of routines needed for testing. This includes proto-fixtures,
i.e. routines that should be imported and then turned into a fixture with the
pytest.fixture decorator.

See <>
import os
from distutils import dir_util

from qnet.printing.asciiprinter import QnetAsciiPrinter

__all__ = []
__private__ = ['QnetAsciiTestPrinter', 'datadir', 'check_idempotent_create']

[docs]class QnetAsciiTestPrinter(QnetAsciiPrinter): """A Printer subclass for testing""" _default_settings = { 'show_hs_label': True, # alternatively: False, 'subscript' 'sig_as_ketbra': True, }
[docs]def datadir(tmpdir, request): '''Proto-fixture responsible for searching a folder with the same name of test module and, if available, moving all contents to a temporary directory so tests can use them freely. In any test, import the datadir routine and turn it into a fixture:: >>> import pytest >>> import qnet.utils.testing >>> datadir = pytest.fixture(qnet.utils.testing.datadir) ''' # filename = request.module.__file__ test_dir, _ = os.path.splitext(filename) if os.path.isdir(test_dir): dir_util.copy_tree(test_dir, str(tmpdir)) return str(tmpdir)
[docs]def check_idempotent_create(expr): """Check that an expression is 'idempotent'""" from qnet.algebra.core.abstract_algebra import Expression print("*** CHECKING IDEMPOTENCY of %s" % expr) if isinstance(expr, Expression): new_expr = expr.create(*expr.args, **expr.kwargs) if new_expr != expr: # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer Tracer()() print(expr) print(new_expr) print("*** IDEMPOTENCY OK")