Source code for qnet.visualization.circuit_pyx

"""Circuit visualization via the pyx package

This requires a working LaTeX installation.

    import pyx
except ImportError as e:
    print("PyX is not installed. Please install PyX for circuit visualization purposes.")
    raise e

import shutil
import qnet.algebra.core.circuit_algebra as ca
from qnet.printing import latex as tex  # TODO tex -> latex
from qnet.algebra.core.circuit_algebra import Component

__all__ = ['draw_circuit_canvas', 'draw_circuit']


HUNIT = +4      # Basic unit for the width of a single Circuit object
                # the positive value corresponds to visualizing the channel
                # 'flow' from left to right

VUNIT = -1.     # Basic unit for the height of a single Circuit object,
                # the negative value makes the effective y-axis point downwards

RHMARGIN = .1   # Relative horizontal margin between gridline and Circuit object
RVMARGIN = .2   # Relative vertical margin between gridline and Circuit object
RPLENGTH = .4   # Relative width of a channel permutation

GS_CANDIDATES = ['gs', 'mgs', 'rungs', 'gswin32c']
for gs in GS_CANDIDATES:
    if shutil.which(gs) is not None:
        GS = gs
    GS = None

# helper function
def _curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, hunit = HUNIT, vunit = VUNIT):
    Return a PyX curved path from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2),
    such that the slope at either end is zero.
    ax1, ax2, axm = x1 * hunit, x2 * hunit, (x1 + x2) * hunit / 2
    ay1, ay2 = y1 * vunit, y2 * vunit
    return pyx.path.curve(ax1, ay1, axm, ay1, axm, ay2, ax2, ay2)

[docs]def draw_circuit_canvas(circuit, hunit = HUNIT, vunit = VUNIT, rhmargin = RHMARGIN, rvmargin = RVMARGIN, rpermutation_length = RPLENGTH, draw_boxes = True, permutation_arrows = False): """ Generate a PyX graphical representation of a circuit expression object. :param circuit: The circuit expression :type circuit: ca.Circuit :param hunit: The horizontal length unit, default = ``HUNIT`` :type hunit: float :param vunit: The vertical length unit, default = ``VUNIT`` :type vunit: float :param rhmargin: relative horizontal margin, default = ``RHMARGIN`` :type rhmargin: float :param rvmargin: relative vertical margin, default = ``RVMARGIN`` :type rvmargin: float :param rpermutation_length: the relative length of a permutation circuit, default = ``RPLENGTH`` :type rpermutation_length: float :param draw_boxes: Whether to draw indicator boxes to denote subexpressions (Concatenation, SeriesProduct, etc.), default = ``True`` :type draw_boxes: bool :param permutation_arrows: Whether to draw arrows within the permutation visualization, default = ``False`` :type permutation_arrows: bool :return: A PyX canvas object that can be further manipulated or printed to an output image. :rtype: pyx.canvas.canvas """ if not isinstance(circuit, ca.Circuit): raise ValueError() nc = circuit.cdim c = pyx.canvas.canvas() if circuit is ca.CIdentity: # simply create a line going through c.stroke(pyx.path.line(0, vunit/2, hunit, vunit/2)) return c, (1, 1), (.5,), (.5,) elif isinstance(circuit, (ca.CircuitSymbol, ca.SeriesInverse, ca.SLH, Component)): # draw box b = pyx.path.rect(rhmargin * hunit, rvmargin * vunit, hunit - 2 * rhmargin * hunit, nc * vunit - 2 * rvmargin * vunit) c.stroke(b) texstr = "${}$".format(tex(circuit) if not isinstance(circuit, ca.SLH) else r"{{\rm SLH}}_{{{}}}".format(tex( # draw symbol name c.text(hunit/2., nc * vunit/2., texstr , [pyx.text.halign.boxcenter, pyx.text.valign.middle]) # draw connectors at half-unit positions connector_positions = tuple((.5 + k) for k in range(nc)) for y in connector_positions: c.stroke(pyx.path.line(0, y * vunit, rhmargin * hunit, y * vunit), [pyx.deco.earrow()]) c.stroke(pyx.path.line(hunit * (1 - rhmargin), y * vunit, hunit, y * vunit)) return c, (1, nc), connector_positions, connector_positions elif isinstance(circuit, ca.CPermutation): permutation = circuit.permutation connector_positions = tuple((k + 0.5) for k in range(nc)) target_positions = [connector_positions[permutation[k]] for k in range(nc)] # draw curves for y1, y2 in zip(connector_positions, target_positions): if permutation_arrows: c.stroke(_curve(0, y1, rpermutation_length, y2, hunit = hunit, vunit = vunit), [pyx.deco.earrow()]) else: c.stroke(_curve(0, y1, rpermutation_length, y2, hunit = hunit, vunit = vunit)) if draw_boxes: b = pyx.path.rect(.5* rhmargin * hunit, .5* rvmargin * vunit, rpermutation_length * hunit - rhmargin * hunit, nc * vunit - rvmargin * vunit) c.stroke(b, [,,]) return c, (rpermutation_length, nc), connector_positions, connector_positions elif isinstance(circuit, ca.SeriesProduct): assert len(circuit.operands) > 1 # generate graphics of operad subsystems sub_graphics = [draw_circuit_canvas(op, hunit = hunit, vunit = vunit, rhmargin = rhmargin, rvmargin = rvmargin, rpermutation_length = rpermutation_length, draw_boxes = draw_boxes, permutation_arrows = permutation_arrows) for op in reversed(circuit.operands)] # set up first one previous_csub, previous_dims, previous_c_in, previous_c_out = sub_graphics[0] hoffset = 0 c.insert(previous_csub) hoffset += previous_dims[0] max_height = previous_dims[1] # this will later become the full series in-port coordinate tuple first_c_in = previous_c_in # now add all other operand subsystems for csub, dims, c_in, c_out in sub_graphics[1:]: assert dims[1] >= 0 max_height = max(dims[1], max_height) if previous_c_out != c_in: # vertical port locations don't agree, map signals correspondingly x1 = hoffset x2 = hoffset + rpermutation_length # draw connection curves for y1, y2 in zip(previous_c_out, c_in): c.stroke(_curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, hunit = hunit, vunit = vunit)) hoffset += rpermutation_length previous_c_in, previous_c_out = c_in, c_out # now insert current system c.insert(csub, [pyx.trafo.translate(hunit * hoffset, 0)]) hoffset += dims[0] if draw_boxes: b = pyx.path.rect(.5 * rhmargin * hunit, .5 * rvmargin * vunit, hoffset * hunit - 1. * rhmargin * hunit, max_height * vunit + rvmargin * vunit) c.stroke(b, [,,]) return c, (hoffset, max_height), first_c_in, c_out elif isinstance(circuit, ca.Concatenation): voffset = 0 total_cin, total_cout = (), () widths = [] # stores the component width for each channel(!) # generate all operand subsystem graphics and stack them vertically for op in circuit.operands: csub, dims, c_in, c_out = draw_circuit_canvas(op, hunit = hunit, vunit = vunit, rhmargin = rhmargin, rvmargin = rvmargin, rpermutation_length = rpermutation_length, draw_boxes = draw_boxes, permutation_arrows = permutation_arrows) # add appropriatly offsets to vertical port coordinates total_cin += tuple(y + voffset for y in c_in) total_cout += tuple(y + voffset for y in c_out) c.insert(csub, [pyx.trafo.translate(0, vunit * voffset)]) # keep track of width in all channel for this subsystem widths += [dims[0]] * op.cdim voffset += dims[1] max_width = max(widths) if max_width > min(widths): # components differ in width => we must extend the narrow component output lines for x,y in zip(widths, total_cout): if x == max_width: continue ax, ax_to = x * hunit, max_width * hunit ay = y * vunit c.stroke(pyx.path.line(ax, ay, ax_to, ay)) if draw_boxes: b = pyx.path.rect(.5 * rhmargin * hunit, .5 * rvmargin * vunit, max_width * hunit - 1. * rhmargin * hunit, voffset * vunit - rvmargin * vunit) c.stroke(b, [,,]) return c, (max_width, voffset), total_cin, total_cout elif isinstance(circuit, ca.Feedback): # generate and insert graphics of subsystem csub, dims, c_in, c_out = draw_circuit_canvas(circuit.operand, hunit = hunit, vunit = vunit, rhmargin = rhmargin, rvmargin = rvmargin, rpermutation_length = rpermutation_length, draw_boxes = draw_boxes, permutation_arrows = permutation_arrows) c.insert(csub, [pyx.trafo.translate(hunit * .5 * rhmargin, 0)]) width, height = dims # create feedback loop fb_out, fb_in = circuit.out_in_pair out_coords = (width + .5 * rhmargin) * hunit, c_out[fb_out] * vunit in_coords = .5 * rhmargin * hunit, c_in[fb_in] * vunit upper_y = (height) * vunit feedback_line = pyx.path.path(pyx.path.moveto(*out_coords), pyx.path.lineto(out_coords[0], upper_y), pyx.path.lineto(in_coords[0], upper_y), pyx.path.lineto(*in_coords)) c.stroke(feedback_line) # remove feedback port coordinates new_c_in = c_in[:fb_in] + c_in[fb_in + 1 :] new_c_out = c_out[:fb_out] + c_out[fb_out + 1 :] # extend port connectors a little bit outward, # such that the feedback loop is not at the edge anymore for y in new_c_in: c.stroke(pyx.path.line(0, y * vunit, .5 * rhmargin * hunit, y * vunit)) for y in new_c_out: c.stroke(pyx.path.line((width + .5 * rhmargin) * hunit, y * vunit, (width + rhmargin) * hunit, y * vunit)) return c, (width + rhmargin, height + rvmargin), new_c_in, new_c_out raise Exception('Visualization not implemented for type %s' % type(circuit))
[docs]def draw_circuit(circuit, filename, direction = 'lr', hunit = HUNIT, vunit = VUNIT, rhmargin = RHMARGIN, rvmargin = RVMARGIN, rpermutation_length = RPLENGTH, draw_boxes = True, permutation_arrows = False): """ Generate a graphic representation of circuit and store them in a file. The graphics format is determined from the file extension. :param circuit: The circuit expression :type circuit: ca.Circuit :param filename: A filepath to store the output image under. The file name suffix determines the output graphics format :type filename: str :param direction: The horizontal direction of laying out series products. One of ``'lr'`` and ``'rl'``. This option overrides a negative value for ``hunit``, default = ``'lr'`` :param hunit: The horizontal length unit, default = ``HUNIT`` :type hunit: float :param vunit: The vertical length unit, default = ``VUNIT`` :type vunit: float :param rhmargin: relative horizontal margin, default = ``RHMARGIN`` :type rhmargin: float :param rvmargin: relative vertical margin, default = ``RVMARGIN`` :type rvmargin: float :param rpermutation_length: the relative length of a permutation circuit, default = ``RPLENGTH`` :type rpermutation_length: float :param draw_boxes: Whether to draw indicator boxes to denote subexpressions (Concatenation, SeriesProduct, etc.), default = ``True`` :type draw_boxes: bool :param permutation_arrows: Whether to draw arrows within the permutation visualization, default = ``False`` :type permutation_arrows: bool :return: ``True`` if printing was successful, ``False`` if not. :rtype: bool """ if direction == 'lr': hunit = abs(hunit) elif direction == 'rl': hunit = -abs(hunit) try: c, dims, c_in, c_out = draw_circuit_canvas(circuit, hunit = hunit, vunit = vunit, rhmargin = rhmargin, rvmargin = rvmargin, rpermutation_length = rpermutation_length, draw_boxes = draw_boxes, permutation_arrows = permutation_arrows) except ValueError as e: print( ("No graphics returned for circuit {!r}".format(circuit))) return False ps_suffixes = ['.pdf', '.eps', '.ps'] gs_suffixes = ['.png', '.jpg'] if any(filename.endswith(suffix) for suffix in ps_suffixes): c.writetofile(filename) elif any(filename.endswith(suffix) for suffix in gs_suffixes): if GS is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "No Ghostscript executable available. Ghostscript is required for " "rendering to {}.".format(", ".join(gs_suffixes)) ) c.writeGSfile(filename, gs=GS) return True