qnet.algebra.core package

The fundamental object hiearchies that constitute QNET’s various algebras



__all__ Exceptions:

AlgebraError Base class for all algebraic errors
AlgebraException Base class for all algebraic exceptions
BadLiouvillianError Raised when a Liouvillian is not of standard Lindblad form.
BasisNotSetError Raised if the basis or a Hilbert space dimension is unavailable
CannotConvertToSLH Raised when a circuit algebra object cannot be converted to SLH
CannotEliminateAutomatically Raised when attempted automatic adiabatic elimination fails.
CannotSimplify Raised when a rule cannot further simplify an expression
CannotSymbolicallyDiagonalize Matrix cannot be diagonalized analytically.
CannotVisualize Raised when a circuit cannot be visually represented.
IncompatibleBlockStructures Raised for invalid block-decomposition
InfiniteSumError Raised when expanding a sum into an infinite number of terms
NoConjugateMatrix Raised when entries of Matrix have no defined conjugate
NonSquareMatrix Raised when a Matrix fails to be square
OverlappingSpaces Raised when objects fail to be in separate Hilbert spaces.
SpaceTooLargeError Raised when objects fail to be have overlapping Hilbert spaces.
UnequalSpaces Raised when objects fail to be in the same Hilbert space.
WrongCDimError Raised for mismatched channel number in circuit series

__all__ Classes:

Adjoint Symbolic Adjoint of an operator
BasisKet Local basis state, identified by index or label
Bra The associated dual/adjoint state for any ket
BraKet The symbolic inner product between two states
CPermutation Channel permuting circuit
Circuit Base class for the circuit algebra elements
CircuitSymbol Symbolic circuit element
CoherentStateKet Local coherent state, labeled by a complex amplitude
Commutator Commutator of two operators
Component Base class for circuit components
Concatenation Concatenation of circuit elements
Expression Base class for all QNET Expressions
Feedback Feedback on a single channel of a circuit
HilbertSpace Base class for Hilbert spaces
IndexedSum Base class for indexed sums
KetBra Outer product of two states
KetIndexedSum Indexed sum over Kets
KetPlus Sum of states
KetSymbol Symbolic state
LocalKet A state on a LocalSpace
LocalOperator Base class for “known” operators on a LocalSpace
LocalSigma Level flip operator between two levels of a LocalSpace
LocalSpace Hilbert space for a single degree of freedom.
Matrix Matrix of Expressions
NullSpaceProjector Projection operator onto the nullspace of its operand
Operation Base class for “operations”
Operator Base class for all quantum operators.
OperatorDerivative Symbolic partial derivative of an operator
OperatorIndexedSum Indexed sum over operators
OperatorPlus Sum of Operators
OperatorPlusMinusCC An operator plus or minus its complex conjugate
OperatorSymbol Symbolic operator
OperatorTimes Product of operators
OperatorTimesKet Product of an operator and a state.
OperatorTrace (Partial) trace of an operator
ProductSpace Tensor product of local Hilbert spaces
PseudoInverse Unevaluated pseudo-inverse \(\Op{X}^+\) of an operator \(\Op{X}\)
QuantumAdjoint Base class for adjoints of quantum expressions
QuantumDerivative Symbolic partial derivative
QuantumExpression Base class for expressions associated with a Hilbert space
QuantumIndexedSum Base class for indexed sums
QuantumOperation Base class for operations on quantum expression
QuantumPlus General implementation of addition of quantum expressions
QuantumSymbol Symbolic element of an algebra
QuantumTimes General implementation of product of quantum expressions
SLH Element of the SLH algebra
SPost Linear post-multiplication operator
SPre Linear pre-multiplication operator
Scalar Base class for Scalars
ScalarDerivative Symbolic partial derivative of a scalar
ScalarExpression Base class for scalars with non-scalar arguments
ScalarIndexedSum Indexed sum over scalars
ScalarPlus Sum of scalars
ScalarPower A scalar raised to a power
ScalarTimes Product of scalars
ScalarTimesKet Product of a Scalar coefficient and a ket
ScalarTimesOperator Product of a Scalar coefficient and an Operator
ScalarTimesQuantumExpression Product of a Scalar and a QuantumExpression
ScalarTimesSuperOperator Product of a Scalar coefficient and a SuperOperator
ScalarValue Wrapper around a numeric or symbolic value
SeriesInverse Symbolic series product inversion operation
SeriesProduct The series product circuit operation.
SingleQuantumOperation Base class for operations on a single quantum expression
State Base class for states in a Hilbert space
StateDerivative Symbolic partial derivative of a state
SuperAdjoint Adjoint of a super-operator
SuperOperator Base class for super-operators
SuperOperatorDerivative Symbolic partial derivative of a super-operator
SuperOperatorPlus A sum of super-operators
SuperOperatorSymbol Symbolic super-operator
SuperOperatorTimes Product of super-operators
SuperOperatorTimesOperator Application of a super-operator to an operator
TensorKet A tensor product of kets

__all__ Functions:

FB Wrapper for Feedback, defaulting to last channel
KroneckerDelta Kronecker delta symbol
LocalProjector A projector onto a specific level of a LocalSpace
Sum Instantiator for an arbitrary indexed sum.
adjoint Return the adjoint of an obj.
anti_commutator If B != None, return the anti-commutator \(\{A,B\}\), otherwise return the super-operator \(\{A,\cdot\}\).
block_matrix Generate the operator matrix with quadrants
circuit_identity Return the circuit identity for n channels
commutator Commutator of A and B
decompose_space Simplifies OperatorTrace expressions over tensor-product spaces by turning it into iterated partial traces.
diagm Generalizes the diagonal matrix creation capabilities of numpy.diag to Matrix objects.
eval_adiabatic_limit Compute the limiting SLH model for the adiabatic approximation
extract_channel Create a CPermutation that extracts channel k
factor_coeff Factor out coefficients of all factors.
factor_for_trace Given a LocalSpace ls to take the partial trace over and an operator op, factor the trace such that operators acting on disjoint degrees of freedom are pulled out of the trace.If the operator acts trivially on ls the trace yields only a pre-factor equal to the dimension of ls.If there are LocalSigma operators among a product, the trace’s cyclical property is used to move to sandwich the full product by LocalSigma operators:.
getABCD Calculate the ABCD-linearization of an SLH model
get_coeffs Create a dictionary with all Operator terms of the expression (understood as a sum) as keys and their coefficients as values.
hstackm Generalizes numpy.hstack to Matrix objects.
identity_matrix Generate the N-dimensional identity matrix.
lindblad Return the super-operator Lindblad term of the Lindblad operator C
liouvillian Return the Liouvillian super-operator associated with H and Ls
liouvillian_normal_form Return a Hamilton operator H and a minimal list of collapse operators Ls that generate the liouvillian L.
map_channels Create a CPermuation based on a dict of channel mappings
move_drive_to_H Move coherent drives from the Lindblad operators to the Hamiltonian.
pad_with_identity Pad a circuit by adding a n-channel identity circuit at index k
prepare_adiabatic_limit Prepare the adiabatic elimination on an SLH object
rewrite_with_operator_pm_cc Try to rewrite expr using OperatorPlusMinusCC
sqrt Square root of a Scalar or scalar value
substitute Substitute symbols or (sub-)expressions with the given replacements and re-evalute the result
try_adiabatic_elimination Attempt to automatically do adiabatic elimination on an SLH object
vstackm Generalizes numpy.vstack to Matrix objects.
zerosm Generalizes numpy.zeros to Matrix objects.

__all__ Data:

CIdentity Single pass-through channel; neutral element of SeriesProduct
CircuitZero Zero circuit, the neutral element of Concatenation
FullSpace The ‘full space’, i.e.
II IdentityOperator constant (singleton) object.
IdentityOperator IdentityOperator constant (singleton) object.
IdentitySuperOperator Neutral element for product of super-operators
One The neutral element with respect to scalar multiplication
TrivialKet TrivialKet constant (singleton) object.
TrivialSpace The ‘nullspace’, i.e.
Zero The neutral element with respect to scalar addition
ZeroKet ZeroKet constant (singleton) object for the null-state.
ZeroOperator ZeroOperator constant (singleton) object.
ZeroSuperOperator Neutral element for sum of super-operators
tr Instantiate while applying automatic simplifications