qnet.utils package

Auxiliary utilities, mostly for internal use



__all__ Classes:

FockIndex Symbolic index labeling a basis state in a LocalSpace
FockLabel Symbolic label that evaluates to the label of a basis state
IdxSym Index symbol in an indexed sum or product
IndexOverFockSpace Index range over the integer indices of a LocalSpace basis
IndexOverList Index over a list of explicit values
IndexOverRange Index over the inclusive range between two integers
IntIndex A symbolic label that evaluates to an integer
Singleton Metaclass for singletons
SpinIndex Symbolic label for a spin degree of freedom
StrLabel Symbolic label that evaluates to a string

__all__ Functions:

singleton_object Class decorator that transforms (and replaces) a class definition (which must have a Singleton metaclass) with the actual singleton object.

__all__ Data:

SingletonType A dummy type that may be used to check whether an object is a Singleton: