qnet.utils.indices module



FockIndex Symbolic index labeling a basis state in a LocalSpace
FockLabel Symbolic label that evaluates to the label of a basis state
IdxSym Index symbol in an indexed sum or product
IndexOverFockSpace Index range over the integer indices of a LocalSpace basis
IndexOverList Index over a list of explicit values
IndexOverRange Index over the inclusive range between two integers
IndexRangeBase Base class for index ranges
IntIndex A symbolic label that evaluates to an integer
SpinIndex Symbolic label for a spin degree of freedom
StrLabel Symbolic label that evaluates to a string
SymbolicLabelBase Base class for symbolic labels


product Cartesian product akin to itertools.product(), but accepting generator functions

__all__: FockIndex, FockLabel, IdxSym, IndexOverFockSpace, IndexOverList, IndexOverRange, IntIndex, SpinIndex, StrLabel


qnet.utils.indices.product(*generators, repeat=1)[source]

Cartesian product akin to itertools.product(), but accepting generator functions

Unlike itertools.product() this function does not convert the input iterables into tuples. Thus, it can handle large or infinite inputs. As a drawback, however, it only works with “restartable” iterables (something that iter() can repeatably turn into an iterator, or a generator function (but not the generator iterator that is returned by that generator function)

  • generators – list of restartable iterators or generator functions
  • repeat – number of times generators should be repeated

Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/q/12093364/

class qnet.utils.indices.IdxSym[source]

Bases: sympy.core.symbol.Symbol

Index symbol in an indexed sum or product

  • name (str) – The label for the symbol. It must be a simple Latin or Greek letter, possibly with a subscript, e.g. 'i', 'mu', 'gamma_A'
  • primed (int) – Number of prime marks (‘) associated with the symbol


The symbol can be used in arbitrary algebraic (sympy) expressions:

>>> sympy.sqrt(IdxSym('n') + 1)
sqrt(n + 1)

By default, the symbol is assumed to represent an integer. If this is not the case, you can instantiate explicitly as a non-integer:

>>> IdxSym('i').is_integer
>>> IdxSym('i', integer=False).is_integer

You may also declare the symbol as positive:

>>> IdxSym('i').is_positive
>>> IdxSym('i', positive=True).is_positive

The primed parameter is used to automatically create distinguishable indices in products of sums, or more generally if the same index occurs in an expression with potentially differnt values:

>>> ascii(IdxSym('i', primed=2))
>>> IdxSym('i') == IdxSym('i', primed=1)

It should not be used when creating indices “by hand”

  • ValueError – if name is not a simple symbol label, or if primed < 0
  • TypeError – if name is not a string
is_finite = True
is_Symbol = True
is_symbol = True
is_Atom = True

Return a copy of the index with an incremented primed


equivalent to inc_primed() with incr=1

default_assumptions = {'finite': True, 'infinite': False}
is_infinite = False
class qnet.utils.indices.SymbolicLabelBase(expr)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for symbolic labels

A symbolic label is a SymPy expression that contains one or more IdxSym, and can be rendered into an integer or string label by substituting integer values for each IdxSym.

See IntIndex for an example.


Substitute in the expression describing the label.

If the result of the substitution no longer contains any IdxSym, this returns a “rendered” label.


Free symbols in the expression describing the label

class qnet.utils.indices.IntIndex(expr)[source]

Bases: qnet.utils.indices.SymbolicLabelBase

A symbolic label that evaluates to an integer

The label can be rendered via substitute():

>>> i, j = symbols('i, j', cls=IdxSym)
>>> idx = IntIndex(i+j)
>>> idx.substitute({i: 1, j:1})

An “incomplete” substitution (anything that still leaves a IdxSym in the label expression) will result in another IntIndex instance:

>>> idx.substitute({i: 1})
IntIndex(Add(IdxSym('j', integer=True), Integer(1)))
class qnet.utils.indices.FockIndex(expr)[source]

Bases: qnet.utils.indices.IntIndex

Symbolic index labeling a basis state in a LocalSpace

class qnet.utils.indices.StrLabel(expr)[source]

Bases: qnet.utils.indices.SymbolicLabelBase

Symbolic label that evaluates to a string


>>> i = symbols('i', cls=IdxSym)
>>> A = symbols('A', cls=sympy.IndexedBase)
>>> lbl = StrLabel(A[i])
>>> lbl.substitute({i: 1})
class qnet.utils.indices.FockLabel(expr, hs)[source]

Bases: qnet.utils.indices.StrLabel

Symbolic label that evaluates to the label of a basis state

This evaluates first to an index, and then to the label for the basis state of the Hilbert space for that index:

>>> hs = LocalSpace('tls', basis=('g', 'e'))
>>> i = symbols('i', cls=IdxSym)
>>> lbl = FockLabel(i, hs=hs)
>>> lbl.substitute({i: 0})

Substitute in the expression describing the label.

If the result of the substitution no longer contains any IdxSym, this returns a “rendered” label.

class qnet.utils.indices.SpinIndex(expr, hs)[source]

Bases: qnet.utils.indices.StrLabel

Symbolic label for a spin degree of freedom

This evaluates to a string representation of an integer or half-integer. For values of e.g. 1, -1, 1/2, -1/2, the rendered resulting string is “+1”, “-1”, “+1/2”, “-1/2”, respectively (in agreement with the convention for the basis labels in a spin degree of freedom)

>>> i = symbols('i', cls=IdxSym)
>>> hs = SpinSpace('s', spin='1/2')
>>> lbl = SpinIndex(i/2, hs)
>>> lbl.substitute({i: 1})

Rendering an expression that is not integer or half-integer valued results in a ValueError.


Substitute in the expression describing the label.

If the result of the substitution no longer contains any IdxSym, this returns a “rendered” label.

class qnet.utils.indices.IndexRangeBase(index_symbol)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for index ranges

Index ranges occur in indexed sums or products.


Value of 1 for all index values in the range, 0 otherwise

A Piecewise object that is 1 for any value of expr in the range of possible index values, and 0 otherwise.

class qnet.utils.indices.IndexOverList(index_symbol, values)[source]

Bases: qnet.utils.indices.IndexRangeBase

Index over a list of explicit values

  • index_symbol (IdxSym) – The symbol iterating over the value
  • values (list) – List of values for the index

Value of 1 for all index values in the range, 0 otherwise

A Piecewise object that is 1 for any value of expr in the range of possible index values, and 0 otherwise.

class qnet.utils.indices.IndexOverRange(index_symbol, start_from, to, step=1)[source]

Bases: qnet.utils.indices.IndexRangeBase

Index over the inclusive range between two integers

  • index_symbol (IdxSym) – The symbol iterating over the range
  • start_from (int) – Starting value for the index
  • to (int) – End value of the index
  • step (int) – Step width by which index increases

Value of 1 for all index values in the range, 0 otherwise

A Piecewise object that is 1 for any value of expr in the range of possible index values, and 0 otherwise.

class qnet.utils.indices.IndexOverFockSpace(index_symbol, hs)[source]

Bases: qnet.utils.indices.IndexRangeBase

Index range over the integer indices of a LocalSpace basis

  • index_symbol (IdxSym) – The symbol iterating over the range
  • hs (LocalSpace) – Hilbert space over whose basis to iterate

Value of 1 for all index values in the range, 0 otherwise

A Piecewise object that is 1 for any value of expr in the range of possible index values, and 0 otherwise.