Source code for

"""`DOT`_ printer for Expressions.

This module provides the :func:`dotprint` function that generates a `DOT`_
diagram for a given expression. For example::

    >>> A = OperatorSymbol("A", hs=1)
    >>> B = OperatorSymbol("B", hs=1)
    >>> expr = 2 * (A + B)
    >>> with configure_printing(str_format='unicode'):
    ...     dot = dotprint(expr)
    >>> dot.strip() == r'''
    ... digraph{
    ... # Graph style
    ... "ordering"="out"
    ... "rankdir"="TD"
    ... #########
    ... # Nodes #
    ... #########
    ... "node_(0, 0)" ["label"="ScalarTimesOperator"];
    ... "node_(1, 0)" ["label"="2"];
    ... "node_(1, 1)" ["label"="OperatorPlus"];
    ... "node_(2, 0)" ["label"="Â⁽¹⁾"];
    ... "node_(2, 1)" ["label"="B̂⁽¹⁾"];
    ... #########
    ... # Edges #
    ... #########
    ... "node_(0, 0)" -> "node_(1, 0)"
    ... "node_(0, 0)" -> "node_(1, 1)"
    ... "node_(1, 1)" -> "node_(2, 0)"
    ... "node_(1, 1)" -> "node_(2, 1)"
    ... }'''.strip()

The ``dot`` commandline program renders the code into an image:

.. figure:: ../_static/dotprint.svg

The various options of :func:`dotprint` allow for arbitrary customization of
the graph's structural and visual properties.

.. _DOT:

from qnet.algebra.core.abstract_algebra import Expression, Operation
from collections import defaultdict

__all__ = []
__private__ = ['dotprint', 'expr_labelfunc']

template = r'''

# Graph style

# Nodes #


# Edges #


def _attrprint(d, delimiter=', '):
    """Print a dictionary of attributes in the DOT format"""
    return delimiter.join(('"%s"="%s"' % item) for item in sorted(d.items()))

def _styleof(expr, styles):
    """Merge style dictionaries in order"""
    style = dict()
    for expr_filter, sty in styles:
        if expr_filter(expr):
    return style

def _node_id(expr, location, idfunc, repeat=True):
    res = str(idfunc(expr))
    if repeat:
        res += '_%s' % str(location)
    return res

[docs]def expr_labelfunc(leaf_renderer=str, fallback=str): """Factory for function ``labelfunc(expr, is_leaf)`` It has the following behavior: * If ``is_leaf`` is True, return ``leaf_renderer(expr)``. * Otherwise, - if `expr` is an Expression, return a custom string similar to :func:`~qnet.printing.srepr`, but with an ellipsis for ``args`` - otherwise, return ``fallback(expr)`` """ def _labelfunc(expr, is_leaf): if is_leaf: label = leaf_renderer(expr) elif isinstance(expr, Expression): if len(expr.kwargs) == 0: label = expr.__class__.__name__ else: label = "%s(..., %s)" % ( expr.__class__.__name__, ", ".join([ "%s=%s" % (key, val) for (key, val) in expr.kwargs.items()])) else: label = fallback(expr) return label return _labelfunc
def _op_children(expr): if isinstance(expr, Operation): return expr.operands else: return []
[docs]def dotprint( expr, styles=None, maxdepth=None, repeat=True, labelfunc=expr_labelfunc(str, str), idfunc=None, get_children=_op_children, **kwargs): """Return the `DOT`_ (graph) description of an Expression tree as a string Args: expr (object): The expression to render into a graph. Typically an instance of :class:`~qnet.algebra.abstract_algebra.Expression`, but with appropriate `get_children`, `labelfunc`, and `id_func`, this could be any tree-like object styles (list or None): A list of tuples ``(expr_filter, style_dict)`` where ``expr_filter`` is a callable and ``style_dict`` is a list of `DOT`_ node properties that should be used when rendering a node for which ``expr_filter(expr)`` return True. maxdepth (int or None): The maximum depth of the resulting tree (any node at `maxdepth` will be drawn as a leaf) repeat (bool): By default, if identical sub-expressions occur in multiple locations (as identified by `idfunc`, they will be repeated in the graph. If ``repeat=False`` is given, each unique (sub-)expression is only drawn once. The resulting graph may no longer be a proper tree, as recurring expressions will have multiple parents. labelfunc (callable): A function that receives `expr` and a boolean ``is_leaf`` and returns the label of the corresponding node in the graph. Defaults to ``expr_labelfunc(str, str)``. idfunc (callable or None): A function that returns the ID of the node representing a given expression. Expressions for which `idfunc` returns identical results are considered identical if `repeat` is False. The default value None uses a function that is appropriate to a single standalone DOT file. If this is insufficient, something like ``hash`` or ``str`` would make a good `idfunc`. get_children (callable): A function that return a list of sub-expressions (the children of `expr`). Defaults to the operands of an :class:`~qnet.algebra.abstract_algebra.Operation` (thus, anything that is not an Operation is a leaf) kwargs: All further keyword arguments set custom `DOT`_ graph attributes Returns: str: a multiline str representing a graph in the `DOT`_ language Notes: The node `styles` are additive. For example, consider the following custom styles:: styles = [ (lambda expr: isinstance(expr, SCALAR_TYPES), {'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'box', 'fontsize': 12}), (lambda expr: isinstance(expr, Expression), {'color': 'red', 'shape': 'box', 'fontsize': 12}), (lambda expr: isinstance(expr, Operation), {'color': 'black', 'shape': 'ellipse'})] For Operations (which are a subclass of Expression) the color and shape are overwritten, while the fontsize 12 is inherited. Keyword arguments are directly translated into graph styles. For example, in order to produce a horizontal instead of vertical graph, use ``dotprint(..., rankdir='LR')``. See also: :func:`` provides an equivalent function for SymPy expressions. """ # the routine is called 'dotprint' to match sympy (even though most of the # similar routines for the other printers are called e.g. 'latex', not # 'latexprint' if idfunc is None: if repeat: idfunc = lambda expr: 'node' else: idfunc = hash graphstyle = {'rankdir': 'TD', 'ordering': 'out'} graphstyle.update(kwargs) nodes = [] edges = [] level = 0 pos = 0 pos_counter = defaultdict(int) # level => current pos stack = [(level, pos, expr)] if styles is None: styles = [] while len(stack) > 0: level, pos, expr = stack.pop(0) node_id = _node_id(expr, (level, pos), idfunc, repeat) children = get_children(expr) is_leaf = len(children) == 0 if maxdepth is not None and level >= maxdepth: is_leaf = True style = _styleof(expr, styles) style['label'] = labelfunc(expr, is_leaf) nodes.append('"%s" [%s];' % (node_id, _attrprint(style))) if not is_leaf: try: for expr_sub in children: i_sub = pos_counter[level+1] id_sub = _node_id( expr_sub, (level+1, i_sub), idfunc, repeat) edges.append('"%s" -> "%s"' % (node_id, id_sub)) stack.append((level+1, i_sub, expr_sub)) pos_counter[level+1] += 1 except AttributeError: pass return template % { 'graphstyle': _attrprint(graphstyle, delimiter='\n'), 'nodes': '\n'.join(nodes), 'edges': '\n'.join(edges)}